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My Best Friend Sunni.......Love you girl!!!

This page is dedicated to a very special person in my life! Her name is Sunni, and we've known eachother since the 7th grade. Our friendship has been tested many times by some hard times here and there, but through it all we've managed to stay best of friends. Girl, I will never forget the crazy times we've had, the boyfriends we've shared(haha inside joke)don't think I need to go into details on that one. You were the first friend I've really ever gotten into trouble w/ and the first one to help me other words we expierenced alot of firsts together when it comes to growing up. Now we're 21, it's so hard to believe we are finally out world here we come. LOL.I look back and see all the memories and kno there are many more to make. Hey I still think we sould make our own sitcom!!! Heck yeah we'd make billions.....our lives is the harsh reality of what it's like living in this crazy world....I just wanna say thanks for being the true friend you are to me, thank you for being there to pick me up when I was ready to almost give up, thank you for being by my side in the hospital and not just being by my side thru the hard times but thank you for sharing all the good times w/ me also.I could go on and on but I wouldn't know where to start or end. We've got so much more to see and learn about this life, but I am so blessed that God, has put you in this life to walk it with me. Without friends this place would be a lonley dark world.As I sit here trying to think of what to say, a million words race through my head, there is no perfect thing to say, just like there is no perfection to anything in this world....maybe I look too deep into things, but then again thats one of the many wonders. Well I'm rambling on and I'm probablly not making much sense to anyone that is reading this, the only one it prolly' makes sense to is Sunni, haha, I gotta say aside from God & my parents you prolly kno me best. People are prolly' thinking.......Gosh, this girl really needes a boyfriend, but I've always told myself, until the day I meet the one I will marry, boyfriends and girlfreinds come and go, but true friends last a lifetime. So hey girl....this page is all for you, I'll be adding onto it as our lives move on because I kno I'll have plenty more crazy things to say about it that we can look back and smile on. Hey we're still gonna take that road trip to cali one of these days, and as far as stealing your dad's broncho....haha, we might jus' have to invset in a better car that doesn't get flat tires and leak those random trips to wolly world tryin' to make use of the fix a flat just didn't work to well. But hey the guy that helped us was a cutie(he kno's who he is ;)....) but hey I guess this is all I'll write for now. You take care of yourself and remeber no more running away w/o telling me first :P LOL ... LOVE YA BABE!!!!
Some new pics of me n my girl....Dec. 2002
Hey out for those random guys :P
This is something Sunni wrote for me January 2003.............
Do you remember how many people whom you have once called a friend but no longer have any type of relationship with anymore? The number its self is unreachable in my life!! Now, do you remember how many people whom you have always called a close friend--no buts about it? I sure do and always will!! I can count them all on one hand....and hold them closest to my heart and soul. This short writing is a tribute to one who stand out above the rest ....and always will..."I love you Girl.......better skies are ahead in our life's..."---Love Always, Sunni. Our Path Together Her voice is teeming with excitement and breaks from high to low in a girlish attempt to restrain the beams of hope that radiates from her every word. I recall days of low hanging haze,deathly appearances,zombie conversations, and the internal emptiness that was given birth by our innocent and adventurous life's full of sex,drugs, and attention starving souls. Death once seemed like our only escape route from such a tight grip of sin. After long nights and morning of hard partying, I used to lay silently, bundled in covers on the floor and gaze endlessly across the room at my sleeping friend. Restlessly she would twitch and moan and even occasionally scream out as she fought her demons for sleep. The deepest of pain, sorrow, loneliness, and denial had embedded their selves into her fragile soul. Like a virus they slowly broke down all that once gave her strength, beauty, and grace,but most importantly faith. Faith in the future, love, and even in life its self. I knew of her every thought, fears, and tears that longed to fall. For I also was another Living Dead Girl upon this earth. So with every restless twitch and moan, I understood. Those same demons are what had prevented my sleep. I could no longer twist and turn in battle for that which my body so dearly needed.Nor did I have the strength to half-heartedly attempt to be productive in the new day that grew outside of our shaded apartment. My only remaining strength was in my mind and that also was slowly diminishing. Thoughts of our younger and extremely innocent days upon this earth would flood my mind. Days when holding hands with the prize boy of our seventh grade class would seem frightening and some what embarrassing. Those days when sex was suppose to be shared with someone you had dated for years and whom you were in love with--and even then you "should" be married. All of those endless hours of laughter and giggles........... Gazing upon my friend I would ponder for hours of how we had lost and ventured so far from those innocent days that we once shared. I would have done anything during those restless hours to bring back that internal happiness and freedom that we once felt deep within our souls. But we were trapped and I was not sure for how long or if we would even survive. Now, I listen happily to her voice that radiates that internal happiness and freedom that I once wished endlessly for during those restless hours in silence. Slowly but surly we are now escaping the grasp of those death causing demons that once reigned in our life's. A smile that is now the ambassador of my soul stretched from ear to ear as I hear laughter,not tears, as the interrupter of my friends sentences. Yes, laughter, happiness and most importantly faith , are in reign of our life's again. Those once very innocent days can no longer is a path that no soul can travel twice. Only cherish forever we do. My friend and I walk together,as we have for so many years, down a new path...a path with bricks of knowledge, strength, happiness, and guessed it ...Faith. Dedicated to my closest friend for life and beyond.....Kristen A.Parker.

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