Law Sites: United Kingdom and Ireland top
Enquiries     Scotland    Wales    Ireland and Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Full text Public General Acts from 1988 onwards and Local Acts from 1991 onwards. See also: Magna Carta; 1689 Bill of Rights and a Basic Introduction to UK Statutes

UK Court Service
Judgements and practice directions plus information about the UK court system. See also Magistrates' Courts homepage; An Introduction to Magistrates Courts a guide to Magistrates Courts from the Trafford Metropolitans Magistrates' Court; Magistrates Association

Statutory Instruments
Full text draft Statutory Instruments from 1997 onwards and Statutory Instruments from 1987 onwards.

Official Documents
Includes links to: Statutes and Statutory Instruments (as above); Bills; command papers; consultative documents; green papers; House of Commons and Lords papers; Parliamentary Debates; Law Commission reports; press release etc

British Legal History
Provides links to English legal history sources such as, national archives, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval links, early common law, feudalism and the manor (land and lordship), later medieval common law, 17th, 18th and 19 century links.

Lord Chancellor's Department
The Lord Chancellor's main role is to secure the efficient administration of justice in England and Wales and is responsible for, the effective management of the courts; the appointment of judges, magistrates and other judicial office holders; the administration of legal aid; and the oversight of a varied programme of Government civil legislation and reform in such fields as family law, property law, defamation and legal aid.

Law Commission
Includes full text of consultation papers, reports and progress of the law under review.

Parliament Website
A searchable site including Hansard (Parliamentary Debates), Select Committee reports etc and the database POLIS (Parliamentary Online Indexing Service) - provides an index to the proceedings and publications of both Houses of Parliament and includes the full text of Early Day Motions since May 1997.

Solicitors Online (The Law Society)
Information is taken direct from Law Society records, and updated daily. All firms and branches are listed, with each solicitor's name, their specialisms, languages spoken, location maps and web site links. Users can look for a named firm or individual, or do a search for a firm in their area with the specialism they need.
See also: Solicitors and Barristers in the UK an extensive list of solicitors and Barristers on the web maintained by Cambridge University, Faculty of Law

Just Ask!
From the Governments Community Legal Service. Includes a directory of lawyers and a 'advice search' service providing legal information on various topics.

Incorporated Council of Law Reporting
Includes 'Daily law notes' (free case summaries)

UK Law Online
Provided by the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Leeds. Provided by the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Leeds.

UK Law Schools
An A-Z list of UK Law Schools/Faculty's/Departments.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Includes cases and legislation from the UK and Ireland.

Law Links: Legal Information on the Internet
University of Kent website maintained by Sarah Carter. University of Kent website maintained by Sarah Carter.

Infolaw: Information for Lawyers Limited
Gateway to the U.K. Legal Internet.

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: Eagle I Service

Jurist UK: Legal Education Network
An authoritative non-commercial forum in which law professors, students, lawyers, judges, journalists and citizens can share a wide range of legal information.

Portal to Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland
Maintained by Delia Venables.

The SOSIG Law Gateway provides guidance and access to global legal information resources on the Internet. The service aims to identify and evaluate legal resource sites offering primary and secondary materials and other items of legal interest.

BUBL Law Links


Scottish Legislation
Includes Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments (1999 onwards)

Law Society of Scotland
Includes guides to the Scottish Legal System, famous cases, information on the Lockerbie trial, 'Dial-a-law' (information on 40 legal topics), directory of lawyers, etc.

Scottish Parliament
Website of the Scottish Parliament providing information on parliamentary business.

Scottish legal aid board
The Scottish Legal Aid Board is responsible for managing legal aid in Scotland. They are a non-departmental public body set up under the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986.

Oracle law: Law of Scotland
A 'Yahoo' look information portal for Scottish Law.

Scottish Executive
Includes online publications such as consultative documents, news and press releases and information on the executive and its history.

Scottish Courts
Includes information leaflets, full text court opinions from 1998 onwards, the Lockerbie verdict etc

Scots law online resource centre
Provides links to Scottish Law websites.

Sources of Scots law
From the University of Glasgow, this site provides information on the evolution of Scots law, Scottish Legal system, various topics and guides to legal terms etc.


National Assembly for Wales
Includes links to public information and key documents (such as legislation), it also provides a subject index and organisational index, statistics etc.

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Ireland and Northern Ireland

Information on the Irish State
Official portal to Irish government information including links to the president, house of parliament and prime ministers websites government departments; press releases; publications of major interest; a topic index; and Acts of Oireachtas and Statutory instruments (rules) from 1922-1998

Ireland Constitution
Full text of the Irish Constitution adopted on 1 July 1937.

Office of the Attorney-General
The Attorney General is described in Article 30 of the Constitution makes as "the adviser of the Government in matters of law and legal opinion". This site provides information on the office, publications and press releases, information on the public prosecution system etc.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Full text website including: Irish case-law (Irish Supreme Court and Irish High Court Decisions 1999 onwards; Irish Competition Authority Cases from 1991 onwards; and Irish Information Commissioners decisions from 1998 onwards); Irish Statutes 1922 onwards; Irish Statutory Instruments 1922-1998, and 2000 onwards; Northern Ireland Court of Appeal decisions and Northern Ireland High Court decisions from 1999 onwards; and Northern Ireland statutes from 1495 onwards.

Irish Law Site
Large portal to Irish and Northern Irish legal information.

Legal Island
Portal to legal information and resources on Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Law Library of Ireland
Law Library of the Irish Bar Association, includes links to Irish legal sites, legal associations, information on the Irish Bar etc.

Law Society of Ireland
The Law Society is the educational, representative and regulatory body of the solicitors' profession in Ireland

Northern Ireland Legislation
Acts from the Northern Ireland Assembly from 2000 onwards and Statutory Rules from 1991 onwards, etc.

Northern Ireland Assembly
Web page of the Northern Ireland Assembly established as part of the Good Friday Agreement.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ireland)
Information and documents relating to Anglo-Irish policy, including the Framework document and the Joint Declaration of December 1993.

The Mitchell Report
Report of the International body Senator George J. Mitchell (Chairman)
General John de Chastelain -  Mr. Harri Holkeri, 22nd January 1996

Northern Ireland Office
Includes the text of the agreement, press releases, information on the political background etc.

Northern Ireland and Government Server
Website for the government of Northern Ireland, including links to various departments, information on North-South co-operation and British/Irish co-operation etc.

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Last modified: 12/14/02