Other Countries and Regions

This page contains some miscellaneous links to national law sites, for a definitive guide go to the library of congress site below and also some of the major legal portals such as Heiros Gamos and FINDLAW

Library of Congress: Nations of the World
An alphabetical list of legal links for countries around the world.

World Law Index
From the Australian Legal Information Institute.

Washlaw Web: Foreign and International Law
From Washburn University, School of Law, Law Library.

East Law
Contains Ukrainian. Georgian, Latvian, Belarussian and Kazakhstan resources.

Web portal for Chinese law.

Law Links from K.G.Druker & Associates
South African law links.

Law SA 
South African law links page

Lovdata Foundation
Norweigan law links

Malaysian Judiciary
Website for the judiciary in Malaysia

Pakistan (from JURIST: WORLD LAW)

Pakistan Legal information and Links (from Law Library of Congress)

Constitution Finder
This index offers constitutions, charters, amendments, and other related documents. Nations of the world are listed alphabetically, and each is linked to its constitutional text posted somewhere on the Internet.

Constitutions of the Americas
Links to the Constitutions of countries in North and South America and the Caribbean.

International Constitutional Law
Constitutional links from Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg.

Constitution Finder (University of Lyon)
French website of constitutions from around the world.

Supreme Court of India
Provides information on the Supreme Court of India.

Foreign and International Law 
At Washlaw web from Washington University  School of Law.

United Nations News
Information about the UN                                            

ACL is not in any way responsible for the content matter of external sites.


FLAG (Foreign Law Guide)  

The GAU Law Faculty                                     

ACL 21 (partners with ACL)

Bilgelik (ACL's on-line magazine)


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Copyright © 2003 All Cyprus Laws
Last modified: 01/14/03