Legal Information Portals/Gateways

Information gateways or portals provide a structured means of navigating legal materials on the web, although some may have a local basis the site will also give access to world-wide information.

Australian Legal Information Institute
Includes: Australian cases and legislation as well as world-wide information at the World Law Index

British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Includes cases and legislation from the UK and Ireland.

BUBL Law Links

A catalogue of UK case law and legal information maintained by David Swarbrick, a consultant at Wrigley Croydon, Solicitors. This is a subscription service. However, a good amount of free information can be found at their home page, too.

A catalogue of world-wide legal information on the internet. Catalaw is a searchable database arranging information by topic, region, and "extras", which includes: directories; publishers; law schools etc.

Cornell Legal Information Institute
See also: Cornell Legal Research Encyclopedia

Legal website with a 'yahoo' search engine look.

GLIN: Global Legal Information Network (Guide to Law Online)
The law section of the Library of Congress Legal Information Network

Heiros Gamos
Extensive legal and government information portal.

Infolaw:  Information for Lawyers Limited
Gateway to the U.K. Legal Internet.

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: Eagle I Service



Includes free US case law and legal internet guide.

Jurist UK: Legal Education Network
An authoritative non-commercial forum in which law professors, students, lawyers, judges, journalists and citizens can share a wide range of legal information.

Law and Politics Internet Guide

Legal writing 1

Legal Writing 2



Law Links: Legal Information on the Internet
University of Kent website maintained by Sarah Carter. University of Kent website maintained by Sarah Carter.

Law Lounge
Large independent website of legal information resources by mi2g a knowledge management applications company.

New England School of Law Library
Research links on the www arranged alphabetically by subject.

Portal to Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland
Maintained by Delia Venables.

The SOSIG Law Gateway provides guidance and access to global legal information resources on the Internet. The service aims to identify and evaluate legal resource sites offering primary and secondary materials and other items of legal interest.

WWW Virtual Law Library
Extensive links to various internet law sites with a search engine and the capacity to browse by organisation or subject.


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Last modified: 12/14/02