
.::About the Founder of ACL::.

Ali YILDIRIM esq., LLB (Hons) (Nott'm), Barrister, Lincoln's Inn (Called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1999), GAÜ Law lecturer

.::Friends of ACL::.

Dervişe Günay Çerkez, LLB (Hons) (Warwick), PGDip in Law, TRNC advocate, Mediator

Harun Güryel, LLB (GAÜ), Trainee Lawyer

..:ACL Webmaster:..

Janet L. Hall (post-graduate student, LSE, UK)



‹‹‹5sec Studios

.::Other Contributors and Acknowledgements::.

We also gratefully acknowledge the other contributors who aided in the making of this site,

with our thanks:

  •  M. Carrington-Smythe QC, (Foreword for ACL)
  •  Delia Venables, (Computer Consultant for Lawyers and Writer on Legal Internet Topics)
  •  Nicholas Nicol, (Barrister, UK)
  •  David Swarbrick, (Consultant, Wrigley Claydon: UK)
  •  Derek French, BSc (Legal Publishing: UK)
  •  Catherine Cope, LLB, LLM, (Solicitor: UK)
  •  Paul Braithwaite, LLB (Oxon), Barrister, Middle Temple (UK)
  •  D.C.M Yardley, BA, LLM, PhD (Solicitor and Retired Lecturer: Ireland)
  •  Sylvia Greene-Chevalier, LLB, LLM, LLD (Works in conjunction with the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)
  •  Martin Blansjaar (Commercial Lawyer: Den Haag, Holland)
  •  Eva Jongpier (Attorney: Holland)
  •  Steeje Daan (Translator and Paralegal working in Den Haag)
  •  Henry C. Enajamo (Law Lecturer at the Free Univeristy of Mexico: Mexico City)
also special thanks goes to:
  •  Dr Shel Hulac (Dean of Law, GAÜ)
  •  Özlem Bicen
  •  Parastou Sarshar
  •  Zerin Gürler
  •  Muazzez Toros
without whom this website would not be here.

A final thank you:


  •  Carly Schabowski
  •  İsmail Şahinoğlu
  •  Meliz Bindayı
  •  Müfide İleri
  •  Muhammet Aygün
  •  Mustafa Rızaoğlulları
  •  Nazlı Akmanlar
  •  Nezhan Kayasal
  •  Sabri Boyra
  •  Gülnür Tanık

This website was devised due to all of you. Thank you.


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Last modified: 12/14/02