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***A Cowboy and His Cowgirl's Dream***

We woke up this morning and looked
out the door,
Saw the colors of the sunrise as
we never seen before.

Heard the horses in the pasture,
a bobwhite's call somewhere,
Smelled the breeze as you can only
smell out in the country air.

We once moved to the city and that's
not the place for us
For, We belong in the country and
that's where we'll always be.

No hustle and bustle of traffic,
no neighbors there next door,
Just open land with no buildings
around, just as it was before.

Tending the horses, mending the fence
and all the ranching toil,
Feedin the stock, plantin the crops
and workin up the soil.

Helpin' a horse to have a colt, puttin
a brand upon her side,
Spendin the day workin side by side, as
the way it should be of pride.

Sharing our lives together in
most everything we do,
Saying grace at the end of the day when
our long work day is through.

There is no life that's better than
this, if you were to look near or far
And when it's night the sky is clear,
where I sing to her under the stars.

We live in our piece of heaven,
where we do share our life,
A cowboy's and cowgirls dream, to us it
seems,for we will never have a gripe.

Hmmmm like to see this Cowboy
turn me into his Cowgirl.

Made By:Silent and Cowboy