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To Illuminate

It has been my experience that at an institution of higher learning where the student population is predominantly caucasian, it is often times difficult to become acquainted with and exposed to the theories and practices proposed by African Americans past and present who have graced us with their efforts in academia.

As an undergraduate, I can recall few instances where if it had not been for my own drive, my own individual hunger for knowledge I would not have been exposed to much of the accomplishments and works of many African Americans. Sadly, many caucasian instructors, and even more sadly some Black ones, do not venture past DuBois, Washington, Douglass, King as exceptional figures worthy of exploration in the classroom because many of the instructors have not been exposed to much more than this themselves, which illustrates a cipher of limitation.

In light of this it has been decided that a portion of this sight be dedicated specifically to African American thought, African American consciousness, for the enhancement of the African American intellectual.

Selected African Americans in Literature:

James Baldwin, author of The Fire Next Time
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RalphEllison, author of Invisible Man
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Richard Wright, author of Native Son
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