Rachel's Palace
In My heart this page will always belong to Tom. It was originally created for him, and to this day even thou we are no longer friends, I keep this page here for him, in hopes that one day I can put his name back on it. I will always care for you Tom...forever & always. ~ Rachel, July 15,2001
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Rachel's Links

Rachel's Runaway

Tequila Sunrise - (VPUtilities)

The Winners Circle

A Fancy Friend

Dark Heart's Camelot

Endless Love

It Will Never Be the Same

Where Are You Now?


It Was Just A Weekend Love

Moulin Rouge

Julia's Bedroom

A Twist of Fate.....
The feelings are there but are hard to describe, a war of emotions going on inside.
Love battling hate
Respect combats contempt
Betrayal rivaling trust
Its an endless vicious circle.
A flood of memories brings tears to ones eyes, as a once welcomed hug is replaced by vulgar spiteful words.
Our laughter is over shadowed by the power of anger.
Now, two lives continue on as if there was no prior knowledge of each other. Daily activities which were once filled with each others laughter, warm wishes and kinds words, proceed as we try to ignore the void.

Best friends have now become bitter enemies, in a cruel twist of fate......

Happiness lives for those who cry and hurt, and for those who have searched and tried.
For only those who have done so, will appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past...you can not go on in life until you have let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Another page made by
[That's Ma'am to you!]


I cry this tear for you, I miss you so much Tom....more than you will ever know, I need you in My life, please come back.....love Rachel
July 15,2001

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