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My opinions on...
MischeifsRose:My favorite!!! Thsi girl is AWESOME! For holidays I ALWAYS go 2 her site, she is the most talented and kinda underrated personally I think she has more talent than yankeecowgirl what the hell or sweetiedarling! Well I still think they are net geniuses..there opinions contuniue la8er on my opinions...
The show Friends:I like this show a lot BUT it was SO much funnier in '96 and '97...
Kids.And.I.<3.U?:This couldnt be more pathetic, oh c'mon!!!!! I love you in 3rd grade??? Kids.teen DO NOT know what love is k?

Conceited.People:I always find that the not-so-pretty ppl are the most conceited, it's kinda weird but it's true. I think true beauty is the abilty to unleash your flaws...

Britney:I dont like her, she dosnt write her own songs and I think she is spoiled, she lies i mean come on she tries to tell people that she is still a virgin yet she lives in her own house with justin timberlake who is older than 21 so he allowed to buy beer and all that stuff i think that is total b.s. she is such a role model for little kids, all my little cousins like her, all my friends cousins like her and she gets busted for underaged drinking, she goes to strip clubs, you NEVER see her with out slutty clothing on, She gets a tattoo and LIES about it. I know if i was a mother i would not let my kids listin to her...

Christina:this girl is DULL!!!!!! And she is majorly fading...I havent heard of her in a year...but she is very very talented

Bad Boys:They try to hard to be "cool" I think there stupid...

Yankee I like this girl a lot and her site is one of the best BUT she puts her name on everything from the scrollbars to the backgrounds, it's getting REALLY old and makes her site annoying... This girl is a net genuis...she's awesome...she does have a rep for going in and dissing ppl in the g-book but she has a great site, the only thing I dont like is her layouts, there kinda ugly

On ppl who dont update there "right now" sub?:Ugh! Ok, I update mine once a day because it takes a split second to do it, I read these sites and these girl are like "Jan. 4th 1998" itz like...update it! It dosnt take long at all!!!! Sooo sooo annoying!

Teen pregnancy:Perosnally I think I think NO teen should have sex until they are 18 and older and in love...I think it is disgusting 2 have a baby when ur 14 or 13...I would love 2 portray a teen mom in a movie even though I am saving my virginity until I am an adult with my is a beautiful thing but it is for adults only...and remeber they're are more teens saving there virginty then not...only the $luts have sex, I'm sorry just the thought of a 13 yr old having sex makes me wanna hurl.

Abortion:Hey, you got knocked up so you should pay for gettin pregnant you shouldnt take it the easy way it IS all ur falut that a baby might come into this world with a mom who could be her sister, just think about.

Hollywood: I wanna be famous but hollywood is one messed up place filled with drugs and psychos but if ur careful and wise you can easily make can't be stupid and wanna be in hollywood celbrities might sound like the BIGGEST airheads but they're not because they're in hollywood and boy, oh boy is hollywood a place where a future housewife would wanna be? I think not...

Fitness:I love working out...I used 2 be chubby but I loost a lot of weight and now I am 114 which is very good because I am very tall...but I did it because I am a actress...

Boyfriends:I don't think girls should date until they are old enough and mature enough, I almost think it is embarrising 2 have a b/f at 6 years old, I mean c'mon!

Food:I eat normally, 3 meals 2 snacks...and I keep my weight down because I excercise A LOT! 2-3 power walks a day which are 2 miles each...and per week I get in about 500-1000 situps a day...because I'm gonna eat what I want and that is final!
MORE---> (mostly about celebrities)


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Tv Shows I Watch
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Gilmore Girls
General Hospital
Crossing Jordan
Malcolm in the Middle
3rd Watch
Boston Public
Whose Line is is Anyway
Dawsons Creek
Dark Angel
Tonight Show
Saturday Night live
In My Bag
Milan black eyeliner
Face gear lose glitter
Clinique Natural glossy mascera
Roxy Quicksilver Hula Scent
Makeup sponge
Smakers Cosmic cheeks Galitic Grape
Clinique waterproof mascrea
Sally Hansen Double Duty clear strengthening nailpolish
Maybelline golden hues eye shadow
Milan blush brush and eyeshadow applicator
Bobby Pins
Hair Ties
Hair Clips
Mint orthodontist wax(for my braces)
Travel toothbrush
Clinique happy Parfume
Bonnie Bell Lipshades in Valilla Viel
Milan white eyeliner
Maybelline smooth result foundation Golden/Dore
Ear plugs
Pencil Sharpener
Travel toothpaste
Clinique New Clover Blush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Hey peoples! Iluv Dream! I think they are so coolio! I wanna get their cd! ya like the layout? If ya do...get the code! Duh! lol Well, make sure you link me and enjoy the layout! Also, come back and you can see what's new! Have fun!!! Buh-bye! Luv Kimbalina