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Adsum Domine

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Adsum, Domine: gratiam mihi concessisti ut corpora hominum sanem.
Adsum, Domine: visum mihi donasti ut animas hominum videam.
Adsum, Domine: potentiam mihi dedisti ut voluntates aliorum convertam.
Da, Domine, vires et sapientiam ut haec omnia dona tantum ad ministerium dirigam, secundum voluntatem tuam.

Dominus lucis dixit: Ecce, tu puer delectus meus es et hominibus donum meum.
Antequam lucifer splenduit, antequam tu fuisti in ventre matris tuae,
iam consecrata est mihi anima tua ad omnia saecula. Tu es hunc super mundum manus sanationis meae,
tu es vitae instrumentum meum et potentia sanationis meae.

Tibi spiritum potentem ad sanandum dono; tibi omnia mirifica quae abscondunt silvae et luci et terrae dono;
tibi haec omnia dono, ut caritatem meam cognoscas. His omnibus bene utere, ut dolores hominum et animantium levas:
ignis esto purgationis ad corruptionem purgandam, solatium esto somnii ad dolorem leniendum.

Omnia secreta tibi commissa tene in pectore tuo tam sacrosancta quam in confessione dicta:
noli petere aliquid perspicere ad patificiendum nisi mens alia sua sponte offertur.
Manibus consecratis fractum fac sanum, anima consecrata pacem meam extende.
Adsum, Domine: me totumque ingenium meum pedibus tuis proicio.
Adsum, Domine: tu Creator solus rerum omnium,
tu Omnipotens lucem et obscuritatem regnans,
tu ipse vitae Donator et Donum vitae.
Adsum, Domine: totus voluntati tuae dedicatus. Adsum, Domine: ministerio tuo consecratus, potentia sanandi aut sauciandi cinctus.
Dirige, Domone, servum tuum et ab omni malo illum protege,
ut honor intactus et donum purum maneat.


I present myself, God: You have granted me the grace to heal men's bodies.
I present myself, God: You have blessed me with the Sight to See men's souls.
I present myself, God:You hast given me the might to bend the will of others.
O God, grant strength and wisdom to wield all these gifts only as Thy will wouldst have me serve.

The Creator said unto me: Behold!
You art my chosen child, My gift to humankind.
Before the daystar, long before you were in mother-womb,
your soul was sealed to Me for all time out of mind.
You are my Healing hand upon the world,
Mine instrument of life and Healing might.
To you I give the gift of Healing power,
the awesome, darkling secrets of wood and vale and earth.
I give you all these gifts that you may know My love.
Use all in service of the ease of human and beast.
Be a cleansing fire to purify corruption,
a pool of sleep to bring surcease from pain.

Keep close within your heart all secrets given,
as safe as said in shriving and as sacred.
Nor shall your gift of Sight be used for revelation, unless the other's mind be freely offered.
With consecrated hands, make whole the broken,
with consecrated soul, reach out and give My peace.
I present myself, God: All my talents at Your feet I lay.
I present myself, God: You are the One Creator of all things.
You art the Omnipartite One who rules Light and Shade, Giver of Life and Gift of Life Yourself.
I present myself, God: all my being sealed unto your will.
I present myself, God: sealed unto Your service, filled with strength to save or slay.
Guide and guard Your servant, God, from all temptation,
that honor may be spotless and my gift unstained.