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In the short period of time since the necessary formation of Help The Noizeless we have received an overwhelming amount of support and kind donations. May we take the opportunity here to say a big thank you to V/Vm, Speedranch^Janskynoise, Chicks On Speed, Murder Legendre, Audio/Spastic, Botanophobia, Anaphylaxis, Tystiolaeth and Spillers Records, as well as the many members of the general public who have shown much generosity.

Many children's lives have been greatly improved with the introduction of noize into their otherwise mundane existences. Whilst some are content to just get on with their lives, knowing they have noize in their hearts, others wish to share their new found sense of noiziness with the world.

Here are just a few of the heart warming tales we have to tell...

This is 8 year old Sadie.With just 4 simple slowed down Speedranch^janskynoise loops she discovered, all by herself, that by looping them simultaneously at different durations she could create a wall of noize that was continuously altering. She added a xylophone solo to give it her own personal touch. She's called her first recording ' Sadie's Pajama Party '.

listen to a section of Sadie's Pajama Party

Luke (9) and Johnny (7) were given a children's manual to simple DIY instrument modification, they then went on to create synthetic representations of the coming together of instruments and food.

listen to Xylophone + Jam Sandwich

Sousaphone + Bubblegum

Even older kids, who were once denial about the lack of noize in their lives, have benefited. Alan (16) Martin (15) and Gareth (16) were in a pop-punk rock band. They found themselves impatiently waiting for the parts in their songs where they got to improvise noize and break their equipment. With the support of Help the Noizeless, the 3 boys managed to realise their dream of cutting out the melodic in-between bits and creating solid impatiently destructive noize

Listen to a section of their Vomit on Toast

Help The Noizeless Recordings

In the future Help the Noizeless is hoping to put out a compilation record featuring some of the children who have been aided by our organisation. Which, when released, will be made free to those who have kindly made donations.

As well as this, we're trying to organise the recording of a charity record called 'We Are The Noize' preformed by celebrity noizeniks. Ideally we would like to release it as a 3-track cd-singe so that it is eligible for the British pop charts.

The kids would like to express their deepest gratitude to all those who have made kind donations, and we hope that these tales of what can only be considered true miracles of the human spirit will encourage others to donate.

thanx - Casey Raymond and James Kolmar (Chairpersons - Help The Noizeless)

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