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noizeaid 2000 * public noize resource * updates

even the quietest noize counts.

We are an charity organisation dedicated to the provision of noise for the noizeless children of the world. Every year millions of children's ears are deprived of the rudimentary and manifold sounds that they so badly need. Help us to fulfil our mission in rectifying these terrible circumstances.

This is Michael before the intervention of Help The Noizeless, a deeply sad and quiet child. With the help of the kind donations to our organisation, Michael is no longer the introverted child you see here. With a little guidance and exposure to the essential basics of noize, he has since reinvented him self as King Shooshniatwitch, specialising in freeform machine dirge and abrasive cut ups with Dadaist undertones. Not all stories are however are as happy as this one...

This child, in protest towards the lack of noize he and his peers were receiving during the perceived noize shortage of 1995, pegged himself to a washing line. As a direct response to the action he received several recordings of drones and computer glitches, a couple of big sticks, a tin whistle and a industrial sander, from which he has now formed a solid base of noize. But does this mean that in order to get aid each child must resort to these shocking activities? we must make sure this never happen again.


Q: But how can I help ?

A: Read on...

Help The Noizeless Presents ...

Every day everyone of us carelessly wastes noize, noize that could be used to benefit those not fortunate to have any. Can you spare some noize?

We are all to aware that exposing the noizeless to noize is just the first step, our ultimate aim is to provide children with the means to make their own noise, and form successful careers in noize. We would be grateful for any donations of noize you could possibly spare. Recordings (put some noize on tape and send it to us!), noise sources, instruments, MP3, floppy disks, You could even telephone in your pledge.

Any thing just please help!

We'll even update you on how exactly your contribution has helped.


If every kid in every bedroom makes 'metal machine music' just once, all this effort will have been worthwhile.


email us at -


send noize donation by post to -

Help The Noizeless

3a Cardiff Rd


Nr Cardiff


CF15 7RA


Phone in your donations to -

Cardiff (01222) - 337 707

International - 44 01222 337 707



Don't Hesitate - Contact us today!

Even the quietest noizes count!


updates - how the kids are doing

If you know of a child with a noize deficiency, please take some of our emergency noize from our public noize resource...

This site is in conjunction with TRAUMA PRESS PRODUCTIONS


This Experimental Soundz site is owned by james raymond.
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