3 1/2 year update

With almost 16 thousand hits on my weight loss web page. I'm pretty excited that I can help tht many people or at least know I have given them hope for a 'NORMAL" life. I just had my 44th birthday and I feel like I'm Kinda livin in the past. I now find myself doing most of the things I enjoyed before my marriage. I've been cycling more this year and plan on doing much more of it... I'm going to try and get off that 15 pounds I gained this winter.. It was not a smart move to quit the gym last May ..but money was short, because of the divorce... Oh and by the way it is all over now...just finished changing the names on all the property...now comes the damage control..and that... my friend... shall take a while... All three children live with me in our house and things are well...I don't have much of a social life but I think that's Gods way of protecting me... I'm just so excited about getting to ride my bike this year..I'm going for 2 or 3 thousand miles before the season is up..I remember the year before I married I got in over 2 thousand but that was 14 years ago.. before I go...
I need to take this time to say...
Thanks you GOd and thank you Doctor Rutledge..

""God is Good""