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This is Michelle, the first person to find my resting place. Michelle was added to the Hall of Infamy on 10/03/01.

This brave warrior's name is Matt. He was added to the Hall of Infamy on 10/09/01.

I would like to introduce you to Maggie. She was added to the Hall of Infamy on 10/09/01.

This is Tim Mullins. Tim is the first person who I know personally who was able to find my lair. Tim was added to the Hall of Infamy on 10/20/01.

This is Thorn. Thorn was added to the Hall of Infamy on 8/14/02.

This lovely creature's name is Cat. She was added to the Hall of Infamy on 10/14/02.

This is my good friend Norby. The Dane of Death was added to the Hall of Infamy on 09/01/03.

This lovely young Vamp's name is Jeanie. She was added to the Hall of Infamy on 10/30/04, just in time for Halloween!

Meet Marina. She and her little dog were added to the Hall of Infamy on 11/27/05.

Meet Renee, the newest addition to my Hall of Infamy. Renee was transformed on 10/5/08.

Images and Content copyright by Legault the Vampire 1999-2009

and should not be copied or duplicated without permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Legault's Castle of Horror. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.