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Name: Annette Birkin \par \par Age: 32 \par \par Job: Scientist working for the Umbrella Corp. \par \par Height: 5'5" \par \par Weight: 122 lbs. \par \par Eye Color: Blue \par \par Hair Color: Blond \par \par Description: Annette often has a cold, icy expression on her face. She wears her blond hair straight, and likes simply pants and a shirt underneath a white lab coat. \par \par Weapons: (starting) None \par \par Weapons: (collects) 9mm Beretta \par \par Personal Item: The G-Virus sample \par \par Story/Bio: Annette is the wife of another Umbrella scientist, William Birkin, the man responsible for the development of the G-Virus. She spends most of her time helping him in Umbrella's labs in Raccoon City, rarely focusing on anything else. This includes their12-year-old daughter, Sherry. \par

This page will expand drastacaly with real time photos of other lab workers and lab rooms of umbrella.

Email me if you have any comments at all at.


It wasnt umcommon for umbrella workers to work from there homes because of there important deadline. It was very unsafe and later this home was burned by umbrella labs. The worker has a new home and is still employed by Umbrella.  
Pictures of the burned home above shows the power and influence Umbrella has on everyone and everything.

Roman;}{\f3\froman Times New Roman;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f3\fs36\cf1 Biosafety in Biomedical and Microbiological Laboratories\plain\f3\fs20 \par \par Section II Principles of Biosafety \par The term "containment" is used in describing safe methods for managing infectious materials in the laboratory environment where they are being handled or maintained. The purpose of containment is to reduce or eliminate exposure of laboratory workers, other persons, and the outside environment to potentially hazardous agents. \par Primary containment, the protection of personnel and the immediate laboratory environment from exposure to infectious agents, is provided by both good microbiological technique and the use of appropriate safety equipment. The use of vaccines may provide an increased level of personal protection. Secondary containment, the protection of the environment external to the laboratory from exposure to infectious materials, is provided by a combination of facility design and operational practices. Therefore, the three elements of containment include laboratory practice and technique, safety equipment, and facility design. The risk assessment of the work to be done with a specific agent will determine the appropriate combination of these elements. \par Laboratory Practice and Technique The most important element of containment is strict adherence to standard microbiological practices and techniques. Persons working with infectious agents or potentially infected materials must be aware of potential hazards, and must be trained and proficient in the practices and techniques required to handle such material safely. The director or person in charge of the laboratory is responsible for providing or arranging the appropriate training of personnel. \par Each laboratory should develop or adopt a biosafety or operations manual that identifies the hazards that will or may be encountered, and that specifies practices and procedures designed to minimize or eliminate exposures to these hazards. Personnel should be advised of special hazards and should be required to read and follow the required practices and procedures. A scientist trained and knowledgeable in appropriate laboratory techniques, safety procedures, and hazards associated with handling infectious agents must be responsible for the conduct of work with any infectious agents or material. This individual should consult with biosafety or other health and safety professionals with regard to risk assessment. \par When standard laboratory practices are not sufficient to control the hazards associated with a particular agent or laboratory procedure, additional measures may be needed. The laboratory director is responsible for selecting additional safety practices, which must be in keeping with the hazards associated with the agent or procedure. \par Laboratory personnel, safety practices, and techniques must be supplemented by appropriate facility design and engineering features, safety equipment, and management practices \par Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers) Safety equipment includes biological safety cabinets (BSCs), enclosed containers, and other engineering controls designed to remove or minimize exposures to hazardous biological materials. The biological safety cabinet (BSC) is the principal device used to provide containment of infectious splashes or aerosols generated by many microbiological procedures. Three types of biological safety cabinets (Class I, II, III) used in microbiological laboratories are described and illustrated in Appendix A. Open-fronted Class I and Class II biological safety cabinets are primary barriers which offer significant levels of protection to laboratory personnel and to the environment when used with good microbiological techniques. The Class II biological safety cabinet also provides protection from external contamination of the materials (e.g., cell cultures, microbiological stocks) being manipulated inside the cabinet. The gas-tight Class III biological safety cabinet provides the highest attainable level of protection to personnel and the environment. \par An example of another primary barrier is the safety centrifuge cup, an enclosed container designed to prevent aerosols from being released during centrifugation. To minimize this hazard, containment controls such as BSCs or centrifuge cups must be used when handling infectious agents that can be transmitted through the aerosol route of exposure. \par Safety equipment also may include items for personal protection, such as gloves, coats, gowns, shoe covers, boots, respirators, face shields, safety glasses, or goggles. Personal protective equipment is often used in combination with biological safety cabinets and other devices that contain the agents, animals, or materials being handled. In some situations in which it is impractical to work in biological safety cabinets, personal protective equipment may form the primary barrier between personnel and the infectious materials. Examples include certain animal studies, animal necropsy, agent production activities, and activities relating to maintenance, service, or support of the laboratory facility. \par Facility Design and Construction (Secondary Barriers) The design and construction of the facility contributes to the laboratory workers' protection, provides a barrier to protect persons outside the laboratory, and protects persons or animals in the community from infectious agents which may be accidentally released from the laboratory. Laboratory management is responsible for providing facilities commensurate with the laboratory's function and the recommended biosafety level for the agents being manipulated. \par The recommended secondary barrier(s) will depend on the risk of transmission of specific agents. For example, the exposure risks for most laboratory work in Biosafety Level 1 and 2 facilities will be direct contact with the agents, or inadvertent contact exposures through contaminated work environments. Secondary barriers in these laboratories may include separation of the laboratory work area from public access, availability of a decontamination facility (e.g., autoclave), and handwashing facilities. \par When the risk of infection by exposure to an infectious aerosol is present, higher levels of primary containment and multiple secondary barriers may become necessary to prevent infectious agents from escaping into the environment. Such design features include specialized ventilation systems to ensure directional air flow, air treatment systems to decontaminate or remove agents from exhaust air, controlled access zones, airlocks as laboratory entrances, or separate buildings or modules to isolate the laboratory. Design engineers for laboratories may refer to specific ventilation recommendations as found in the Applications Handbook for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).(1) \par Biosafety Levels Four biosafety levels (BSLs) are described in Section III, which consist of combinations of laboratory practices and techniques, safety equipment, and laboratory facilities. Each combination is specifically appropriate for the operations performed, the documented or suspected routes of transmission of the infectious agents, and the laboratory function or activity. \par The recommended biosafety level(s) for the organisms in Section VII (Agent Summary Statements) represent those conditions under which the agent ordinarily can be safely handled. The laboratory director is specifically and primarily responsible for assessing the risks and appropriately applying the recommended biosafety levels. Generally, work with known agents should be conducted at the biosafety level recommended in Section VII. When specific information is available to suggest that virulence, pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance patterns, vaccine and treatment availability, or other factors are significantly altered, more (or less) stringent practices may be specified. \par Biosafety Level 1 practices, safety equipment, and facility design and construction are appropriate for undergraduate and secondary educational training and teaching laboratories, and for other laboratories in which work is done with defined and characterized strains of viable microorganisms not known to consistently cause disease in healthy adult humans. Bacillus subtilis, Naegleria gruberi, infectious canine hepatitis virus, and exempt organisms under the NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines are representative of microorganisms meeting these criteria. Many agents not ordinarily associated with disease processes in humans are, however, opportunistic pathogens and may cause infection in the young, the aged, and immunodeficient or immunosuppressed individuals. Vaccine strains that have undergone multiple in vivo passages should not be considered avirulent simply because they are vaccine strains. \par Biosafety Level 1 represents a basic level of containment that relies on standard microbiological practices with no special primary or secondary barriers recommended, other than a sink for handwashing. \par Biosafety Level 2 practices, equipment, and facility design and construction are applicable to clinical, diagnostic, teaching, and other laboratories in which work is done with the broad spectrum of indigenous moderate-risk agents that are present in the community and associated with human disease of varying severity. With good microbiological techniques, these agents can be used safely in activities conducted on the open bench, provided the potential for producing splashes or aerosols is low. Hepatitis B virus, HIV, the salmonellae, and Toxoplasma spp. are representative of microorganisms assigned to this containment level. Biosafety Level 2 is appropriate when work is done with any human-derived blood, body fluids, tissues, or primary human cell lines where the presence of an infectious agent may be unknown. (Laboratory personnel working with human-derived materials should refer to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard(2)for specific required precautions.) \par Primary hazards to personnel working with these agents relate to accidental percutaneous or mucous membrane exposures, or ingestion of infectious materials. Extreme caution should be taken with contaminated needles or sharp instruments. Even though organisms routinely manipulated at Biosafety Level 2 are not known to be transmissible by the aerosol route, procedures with aerosol or high splash potential that may increase the risk of such personnel exposure must be conducted in primary containment equipment, or in devices such as a BSC or safety centrifuge cups. Other primary barriers should be used as appropriate, such as splash shields, face protection, gowns, and gloves. \par Secondary barriers such as handwashing sinks and waste decontamination facilities must be available to reduce potential environmental contamination. \par }


{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\froman Times New Roman;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs24 Notice to stars personel: Due to the emergency the key to the stars office has been moved to the evidence room. Todays password for the safe is 4011 \par \par \par \tab Some of the medecine in the storage room is unstable and their quality will deteriate under changing temperatures or humidity. Therefore, you must remember to keep the temperature the same in the storage room at all times. \par \par \tab If you forget the password to lock the door, try and remember that it is a word that everyone is familiar with. Don!t forget that once a new product is shipped, the password will be updated again. You can always enter the password from the terminal of the p c for administration. \par \par \tab Umbrella Security System first class medical storage room. Security operations current status: \plain\f2\fs24\b\ul LOCKED\plain\f2\fs24 , please enter password and press the return key. Enter password: \plain\f2\fs24\b\ul AQUACARE \plain\f2\fs24 \par \par \par \tab September 10th. These patients suffer from gangrene and congestion of their blood at first then their mind slowly deteriorates. In the end, there is nothing left of their mind. When that happens even mercy killing seems painless, after all they are already dead. \par \par \par \tab The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly incredible. Even when shot in a vital area they can sometimes survive for several days without taking care of the wound. However, after prolonged exposure to the virus the guinea pigs intelligence level decreases to that of an insect. \par \par \par \tab In certain areas, the virus seems to have caused the mutation of animals and plants. It may be difficult but it will make a good sample for the bioweapons developement I've heard that there is a giant alligator but I have only encountered a giant creature moving underground. \par \par \par \tab May 14'th. The disposal system has been completed using a special kind of gas. It can decompose the cells of guinea pigs. We have to try it out before beginning practical usage of the system since it is not 100%. \par \par \par \tab July 16'th. We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid medications is not good enough either... \par \par \par \tab July 29'th. Though the function of the system decreases, the number of the bodies we have to dispose dosen't. The infection level has increased and the antibodies we are using is no match for the new mutation of the virus. Some of the workers have been infected by the disease. I have continued to work. \par \par \par \par \pard\qc\plain\f2\fs24\b FILES AND DIARIES \par \pard\plain\f2\fs24 \par \par As per your request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: \par Regarding the G-virus currently under development by umbrella Inc. \par \par So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. \par \par Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. \par \par About your friend Don. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really does come as much of a surprise given how long he has been working at the lab. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. I asked if he was hot but he just looked at me funny. \par He complained about severe agitation of the epidermis in addition to feelings of nausea. \par This happened up to the moment he lost consciousness. \par \par Development code: T-103 \par Due to accelerated metabolism relative to the earlier 00 series, the subjects possesses more strength but seem to be in a sick state. \par \par PH-X016 file data \par \par User registration for the culture room is \par User name: GUEST \par Password: NONE \par \par Security measures in case of an emergency \par In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. \par \par In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. At which point materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. \par \par In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. \par \par Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. \par Since it is top priority to keep all redsearch classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. \par \par Code G Human Body Experiment \par \par INSTURCTIONS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF THE G-VIRUS ANTIGEN; G-VACCINE, CODE NAMED `DEVIL` \par Any beings infected by the G-virus will reproduce through the impregnation of an embryo within another living being. \par Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. \par \par The duration of time for the process to run it's course will vary from subject to subject. \par It is possible to stop the process if caught early enough by using the G-virus antigen. \par The following procedure details its synthesis. \par \par The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. \par First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After several moments the process will be complete and the white-colored base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. \par Then comfirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge, and proceed to the next step. \par \par Once the vase vaccine has been prepared, set in in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experiment room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 seconds. \par The quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. \par \par Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. \par \plain\f2\fs20 \par \par }