Kyle's Kick Ass Site!

South Park 64 Weapons & Stuff

Note: This was written for SP64, but I'm sure this stuff is the same for the PC and PSX versons of the game.

Controlls (64)

Beginner configuration (Brown-eye)

Joystick - Move
A - Select next weapon
B - Select Previous Weapon
C up - Look down
C down - Look up
C left - Sidestep left
C right - Sidestep right
Z - Fire weapon
R - Jump
L - no use
D pad - Toggle weapon functions/Sniper chicken zoom

Advanced configuration (Tu-rok) Recomended!

Joystick - Look around
A - Select next weapon
B - Select previous weapon
C up - Move forward
C down - Move backwards
C left - Sidestep left
C right - Sidestep right
Z - Fire weapon
R - Jump
L - no use
D Pad - Toggle weapon functions/ sniper chicken zoom



You can never run out of these (that's cause there's snow everywhere. duh...). You go through most of the first level with these and they do very little damage. The Secondary function, Yellow snowballs, Are more powerful but take a long time to make. Don't use them unless you absoultly have to or you just want to be funny. (Question: How the hell does Wendy make these?)


These thing are just like powered up Snowballs except for one thing. If you miss, they bounce around the walls and can bounce back at the enemy (or you if your not carefull!). You can catch them too. The secondary function is twice as powerful but takes a little bit longer to throw. They bounce twice as much.

Toilet Plunger Launcher

Gah, poo germs. These things shoot plungers at your enemy. They do medium damage but once you shoot them, You can pick them up and use them again. The secondary function turns the launcher sideways and fires three plungers. This does three times the damage but oviously uses three times the ammo.

Terrance and Phillip Dolls

Gehe, It's like a stink bomb, except deadly. Toss a Phillip doll and it explodes on contact, Causing a big green fart cloud. This is great for big groups of enemys. The secondary function, the Terrance doll, Is like a proximity bomb. Toss it on the ground and it will only explode when someone walks by, or if it's out for a certain time. These things can be deadly if you place them right. They stick to things so put them behind stuff. In multiplayer, You can put them near the cow launcher or a good weapon, or put them ontop of ladders so your enemys wont know it's there till they climb up. They stick to the celing too. But for real fun, Keep throwing them into the same place, and back up, when someone walks by it creates a HUGE explosion (and if you use enough it freezes your game for a few seconds). The damage depends on how long The enemy, or you, spends in the fart cloud.

Foam Dart Launcher

A nerf machine gun. The ammo is weak but fired fast, so it works great against large numbers of enemys (Turkeys...) The secondary function uses one big foam dart, but you need to crank the handle 4 timess before you can fire. Be carefull when aiming this.

Alien Dancing Gizmo

You can only use this in Multiplayer mode (Unless you cheat, but it dosent work anyway) Fire this at a enemy and they start dancing for a few moments. This gives you 10 seconds to kick ass before the dancing wears off. If you fire derectly at the ground from high up, It causes a concussion wave. Anyone who touches it will dance too. The secondary function is like the Terrance doll. You drop it and whoever comes near starts dancing.

Sniper Chicken

OY! This is my favorite weapon in the game, and it's also one of the most powerful! Using this and only this, I managed to KO my cousin FOURTY TWO times in 5 minutes (and he didn't suck ether). This thing can KO a multiplayer opponent in 2 shots, and using the D pad, you can zoom in and hit people from far away. The only disadvantage is that The firing rate is slow, But with good aim it dosen't matter. Also, If you shoot a chicken, It turns into a Box of eggs and gives you more ammo.

Dr. Mephesto's Warpo Ray

This does alot of stuff! The first function is the Piranah launcher, That shoots the man eating fish at your opponent, doing Medium-Heavy damage. The next function is the Animal warper. In multiplayer, It turns your enemy into a cute, fuzzy animal. That person can't fire and all he can do is try to run away till the effect wears off. The third function, in multiplayer, Shrinks your enemys so you can step on em or kick em around. The 2nd and 3rd functions only do damage in Single player.

The Cow Launcher

The biggest, baddest, gun in the game. Fire it and it will explode like the Fart dolls, but if you aim at a enemy and the cursor turns red, the cow will land on the enemys head! In mulitplayer it's a garunteed KO, so watch out. But in Single player, Don't waste it on turkeys. Save this for the boss, cause you'll need it.


Cheesy Poofs and Snacky Cakes

They replentish your health. Poofs raise 10 health and Cakes give you 100. Cakes are very rare, so remember where you see them and come back for them when your almost dead.

Weight Gain 4000

Beefcake! Not only does this make you super strong, but your temporarly invincible!

Football pads

They give you 25 extra life. You can wear 4 of them at a time.

Lightning Bolts

Doubles your firing rate

Mr. Hankey

Find him and he'll dance around you, Protecting you for a short time.

Zipp! Cola

Makes you extra fast for a few moments.



Your first enemy in the game. It's weak and can be taken out with one snowball, But they travel in numbers.

Tank Turkeys

These big things not only have more life, but they crap out little turkeys!


They look like Jimbo, Officer Barbrady, and Big Gay Al, sept they got big heads. They throw snowballs.

Tank clones

These things are bigger and they got 2 heads. Every once in a while a new clone will grow from his extra head.


These things stampeed at you in numbers. If they hit you you go flying backwards.

Alien ship

They fly and drop cows, but there slow. Kill one of them and Cartman says "That's for stickin stuff up mah ass!"


Dude! Visitors! They shoot mind waves from their foreheads, so be carefull.

Blue Visitor

Just like the normal visitor except it's stonger and it can fly!


Some of them walk around, some of them stand up high and act like snipers. If they hit you with their arms you'll go flying.

Tank Robot

Unlike other tanks, you gotta hit them in the chute or you wont do damage. They make smaller robots too.

Toy Cars

These things hunt you down and ram into you

Toy planes

Hard to hit! Use the foam darts!


These things act like snipers and puke on you from a distance.

Toy Tanks

Like the cars except stronger. They shoot rubber sucker darts at you.


The strongest tank, It shoots ping pong balls, Rolls around, and shoots out smaller toys. You gotta hit em in the head to do damage.

