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Saturday, August 5th, Y2k (Second update)

Man, this thing looks stupid but it sure is fun! We have a chat room! And not a normal chatroom, a Chatroom you can draw in! Check it out for yourself and maybe someone will be in there. Or probally not... Or something.

Saturday, August 5th, Y2k

Okay, I FINALLY have a real update!

~ South Park Trigger parts 6-10 are finally online. Check em out in the fanfics section.
~ Fan Art updated with a pic called "Telletubbie Bye Bye".
~ Cool Stuff Updated with a cool chart inspired by our poll of the month. Answer a few questions and find out what South Park charicter you are.
~ Downloads section updated with a New screensaver made by me.
~ I tried to fix the front page so it dosent look so messy, but It still looks bad.

Okay, now I'll beg you for help. I have only 0.55MB empty space left on my webshell. That means in like a few weeks or a few months or whenever, I'll run out of webspace and this site will never be updated again. Yup.

BUT, there is something you can do to stop that. See that dimeclicks thingie over on -> that side of the screen? Every time you click on it I get 17 cents (and 3 bucks if you sign up) If I can get enough money (That would be about 25 bucks a Month) my mom just might let me buy a domain name. Soooooo... Please click on that banner at least once! Please?

Tuesday, August 1st, Y2K

Nothing new besides the font, and I'm on one of thoes topsite thingies now. Yeah I'll get some real stuff on soon, I promise!

Saturday, July 29th, Y2K

Hey Everyone. Today I got my first complaint e-mail. Some dude (Who I'm not saying... And I can't say anyway cause I deleted the mail) Yelled at me for not updating for a long time. Well I got one thing to say.


I would update more often, but not only do I have a offline life, I also got a shitload of other things to be doing right now. I do have 5 more parts to the South Park trigger fanfic, A new thing for cool stuff, and another screensaver to put up and I'll try to get it online some time this week.

Thursday, July 20th, Y2K

Finally, something new on the downloads page! I made my first screensaver (and it's not one of thoes lame slideshow ones ether...). It's in a Zip file so make sure you have something like Winzip to download it.

Wednsday, July 19th, Y2K (second update)

More stuff! Keven sent me a pic to go with his Crono Trigger fanfic. It's up at the top of Part 1. We also got a new thing up in cool stuff, even though you probally already seen it on Beef-Cake. It's Blossom from the Powerpuff girls dressed like Cartman!

Wednsday, July 19th, Y2K

Sorry for not updating. Super busy on other stuff. Anyway...

- Massive fanfic update! Keven sent in a huge 5+ part fanfic, A parody of the SNES game, Crono Trigger.
- New Staff member! Fanfic writter Kyle B. is now helping me with the site. Staff Page comming soon.
~ Look for these updates comming soon: Re-done Episode guide, Re-done SP64 review, New cool thing in the cool stuff section, Fanfic Ratings back up, More fanfics, the staff page, and More!

Monday, July 10th, Y2K

Okay, Okay. I had plenty of time to update before. But I couldn't be arsed.

Fanfic section is updated with 2 new fics by Keven. I also temporarly took down the fanfic rating part. I'll put them back up as soon as freepoles starts working right.

It's that time of the month! (no, not THAT time of the month...) The Monthly poll has been changed. I stuck the old one in the polls section, so if you didn't vote yet go check it out.

And last, Links has been updated and the old updates moved to the old update section.

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