...:::One Rich & Powerful Family:::...
The McMahon Family: Vince, Kimberly, & Lindsey


McMahon Family Mansion-1:24 p.m.


|-::-| 'The McMahon Family' Vince, Kimberly, & Lindsey|-::-|

The McMahon's have had time to settle into the new home Vince bought them. They have always lived in the area, just decided to buy a new home. Kimberly isn't quite sure if she likes it yet or not, but it's comfortable enough and Vince seems to like it. Currently, Vince is on the road. Kimberly herself just arrived home the day before. She's been touring the cities with her husband. Unlike him however, she needs a break a few days out of the week. She has a household to run and their youngest daughter, Lindsey to take care of. Even though Lindsey is nineteen and not technically Kimberly's, she has been adopted by Kimberly and likes to have at least one parent around. Kimberly has decided to be lazy and just stick to cleaning around on the house. She insists that she be allowed to clean the house when they are home. She doesn't want a maid. As Kimberly finishes up the dishes, the phone rings. She dries her hands and walks over picking it up. She hits speaker so she can finish up the dishes and doing odd jobs.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Hello?

...:::Vince McMahon:::... Hello sweetheart, it's me.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Hi honey, what are you doing?

...:::Vince McMahon:::... Nothing much. I just had a few minutes in between meetings and I thought I would call to check on you. Are you home alone?

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Yes, but I'm about to give Ellie a call and have her get Katie ready. I think she'll like a few days with Nana and if I have enough energy left in me, I think I'll take her to see Shane this weekend.

...:::Vince McMahon:::... Sounds good. I think Shane will enjoy that. I've been keeping him busy lately and he misses her. I miss her too. Tell her Grandpa loves her. Where's Lindsey?

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... I'm not sure actually. She knew I was coming home. I talked to her briefly yesterday, but she didn't mention what she's going to be doing. I suppose she's busy with college. I might give her a call later. How are the meetings going?

...:::Vince McMahon:::... The same. Boring. I'm beginning to wonder why I hired half of these people and to be honest, Linda is getting on my nerves. She's great at what she does, but she's such a bitch. Pardon my language.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Vince, you use worse language on t.v. I think it's fine to call Linda what she is over the phone. How is Stephanie? Tell her she needs to call me. I haven't talked to her in a day or two I just want to see how things are going. Is Paul doing okay?

...:::Vince McMahon:::... Both are just fine. I am taking Stephanie to lunch this afternoon actually. I'll tell her to give you a call. Listen, I hate to cut this short, but I have a meeting in like five minutes. Give you a call back this evening? Are you going to be home?

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Of course. You be careful. I love you and tell the kids I love them too.

...:::Vince McMahon:::... I will. Love you too. Tell Lindsey and Katie I love them. Bye.

Kimberly clicks the phone off and smiles a bit. She goes back to doing the dishes and finds herself alone yet again for another half hour. By this time, she has managed to seat herself at the breakfast bar and start going over paperwork. As she signs away, the front door opens and in walks Lindsey McMahon holding four shopping bags. She plops them on the counter and smiles. She gives Kimberly a hug and a kiss as she grabs herself a Pepsi and then a seat at the bar.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Someone went on a shopping spree. What do you have in there?

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Christmas presents for Katie. Toys that she can play with now. But I'm going to keep them at my apartment and then I bought her some clothes.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... That's nice of you. I'm about to give Ellie a call and have her get Katie ready. I'm home for the week and I'm wanting to watch her. I'm thinking of taking her to see Shane this weekend. Probably on Friday and then they can fly home together Saturday. He needs sometime at home. I worry about him and Stephanie on the road. Anything could happen.

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Mom, you worry entirely too much. Shane and Steph are just fine. So, we're getting Katie this week? Yay! She's staying with me one night. We have to go shopping. Do we know what she's going to be for Halloween? I could take her to get her costume. We'll make a nice day of it.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... All right. I can talk to her about what she wants to be today when I go pick her up. Are you coming too or are you busy?

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Of course I'm coming. I have to show Katie everything I bought for her. I haven't seen her since last week. I called her though. Have you talked to Shane lately?

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Not since I left. But your Dad called. He said to give you his love.

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Aww..I gotta call him now. I haven't seen him since last week. You guys get to see each other all the time. I never see anyone and especially not everyone all at once.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... We'll try and do something together soon sweetie. I'm going to call Ellie from upstairs. I have a few papers to grab while I'm up there anyway. You can hide some of her presents here if you want. Just put them high up in the closet. I'll be back in five.

Lindsey nods and starts digging through her bags as Kimberly heads for the upstairs. Lindsey has enough time to hide a few of the toys in the hallway closet. She then grabs the bag with Katie's clothes to take along with them as well as the few toys she bought her. She wants to leave the clothes at Shane's house. Kimberly emerges holding her purse. She drops a file off onto the counter. Lindsey grabs her bag and the two head out the door for Kimberly's car. The drive to Shane's isn't over twenty minutes and they soon arrive. Kimberly doesn't even knock. She just walks in. Shane isn't home and so there is little need to knock. Ellie heads for the door and Kimberly raises her index finger to her lips. She wants to know where Katie is. Ellie smiles and points to the living room. She nods and peeks in finding Katie sitting there, bored and lonesome watching t.v. Lindsey frowns a bit but them smiles. She nudges Kimberly.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Ellie, I thought you said that Katie was in here? I only see a little girl frowning. My Katie never frowns.

Katie hears her voice and her eyes widen. She snaps her head round and sees Kimberly at the doorway. She flings the remote carelessly behind her and runs straight to her. She wraps her arms tightly around Kimberly's legs and hugs her. She pulls back and looks up at Kimberly's smiling face, a huge excited grin now present.

...:::Katie McMahon:::... Nana! I missed you so much! I'm so glad you came to rescue me!

Kimberly smiles and picks Katie up. She hugs her tightly and gives her a kiss.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Rescue you? You aren't in prison pumpkin. ~smiles~ But yes, Nana has come to get you and take you home with me. I've missed you very much. How have you been doing sweetheart?

...:::Katie McMahon:::... Ellie's been really mean to me, Nana! She won't let me call Daddy until I've changed my clothes and tidied my room. But you'll let me call Daddy whenever I want, won't you Nana? ~smiles~

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... Of course I will. I think your Daddy would love to hear from you and if you are really good, and promise not to tell Daddy so we can surprise him, Nana will take you to see him on Friday. Would you like to surprise Daddy? I know he misses you very much and Grandpa wants to see you very badly. He says to tell you he loves you and thinks about you all the time.

...:::Katie McMahon:::... ~gasping~ Really? You really mean it? You'll take me to see Daddy and Grandpa? Really? You promise? You won't be bad like Ellie and promise me things then take them away?

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... No, of course not. You just have to promise to be the good little girl you always are. Come on. Your Auntie Lindsey is here and she has lots of surprises for you. You go see her while I make sure Ellie has your things.

Kimberly gives Katie one last kiss and sits her down. She pats her hind gentley and then heads off into the kitchen to find Ellie. Lindsey had gone back to the car to get Katie's things and has now returned. She walks in and holds out her arms. A huge smile on her face as she bends waiting for Katie to come running.

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... There's my favorite niece. Come see your Auntie Lindsey precious.

...:::Katie McMahon:::... Auntie Lindsey!

She runs across the room again and throws herself into Lindsey's arms.

...:::Katie McMahon:::... Auntie Lindsey, guess what? Nana's going to take me to see Daddy and Grandpa!

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... ~picking her up~ She is? Isn't that just exciting? I bet they'll be so surprised to see you. They miss you very much. How's school going sweetie?

...:::Katie McMahon:::... It's horrible, Auntie Lindsey. The teacher's always telling me off for talking too much and then she tried to tell me that Boo-ya wasn't a real word. I put her straight, Auntie Lindsey. I told her that my Daddy said it on tv and that MAKES it a word! ~grins~

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... ~laughing~ That most certainly does make it a word. I'm glad to see you told her that. So, do you have yourself a little boyfriend yet? Or are you still just Daddy's girl?

...:::Katie McMahon:::... Well all the boys are in love with me, Auntie Lindsey, but I'm still my Daddy's girl. I don't want him to get all jealous. Besides, when all the boys love you, you get more presents than if just one of them loved you.

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Oh, you are so smart. Auntie Lindsey has taught you well. You are such the little McMahon. Speaking of presents. I have a few for you. Now, the toys stay at Auntie Lindsey's house for when you come over to play. But your clothes stay here for you to wear to school. We'll keep a few at my house just in case you need them. Oh, have you decided on what you want to be for Halloween? We can get your costume. Halloween is just right around the corner you know.

...:::Katie McMahon:::... It is? Really? Yey! I can't wait! Will Daddy be coming home to take me trick or treating?

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Hmm..I don't know. I'm sure he will. You'll have to ask him on Friday when you go see him. You know if he can't though, me and your Uncle Irvine will. But I'm pretty sure Daddy wouldn't miss it for the world sweetie. I wonder what's taking Nana so long. We gotta get you away from the evil Ellie. ~smiles~ Gotta get you home with your toys and with some good food. If you are really good, I'll pick you up after school and we'll shop for your costume together. You can stay with me tomorrow night. I haven't seen you since last week and I've missed you.

...:::Katie McMahon:::... ~clapping her hands excitedly~ Yey! I'd love to come to your place Auntie Lindsey! I really hope Daddy can come home but if he can't can we all go with Grandpa? Coz he's a bit old and he might get lost trick or treating on his own.

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Oh my God! This is so cute. I gotta tell Dad. ~laughs~ Of course. We wouldn't want Grandpa getting lost. You are too cute, you know that? I don't see how Shane can stand a second away from you.

Kimberly and Ellie come walking through the door. Kimberly has a small suitcase in hand with Katie's belongings. She smiles and kisses her little cheek.

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Hey Mom. Katie said if Shane can't take her trick or treating, could Grandpa cause he's old and might get lost. ~laughs~ Isn't that hilarious?

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... She's so smart. She knows Grandpa gets lost walking into the next room. ~laughs~ Okay pumpkin, you ready to get out of here and be smothered with attention back home at Nana's?

...:::Katie McMahon:::... ~quietly to Kimberly~ Nana, shhh! Ellie might hear you and then she'll wanna come too. Let's just go really quick.

...:::Kimberly McMahon:::... ~quietly~ You are absolutely right. ~normal tone~ Let's get going. I dread it. My house is so boring and there is nothing to eat or to do. We just stare at a blank t.v. all day long and cry. Isn't that right Lindsey?

...:::Lindsey McMahon:::... Yes, absolutely. And Mom makes Katie clean the whole house by herself and it's just a bad place to be. I'd stay here where it's more fun if I could. Let's get going Katie so you can call..So you can get to cleaning. Yes, that's right. You know chores are very important. ~winks~

...:::Katie McMahon:::... ~giggling~ I can't wait to call ... clean your house, Nana. ~winks~

The girls laugh as Lindsey gives Katie another kiss. Kimberly points out the bag of clothes for Katie that Lindsey brought in so that Ellie can put them up. The three then get into Kimberly's car and head back home. Katie is quite the spoiled one. Each family member seems to have their own special room set up for Katie. Lindsey even bought an apartment with an extra room for her. Kimberly however, not only has a bedroom for Katie, but she has a playroom for her as well. She's the apple of every McMahon's eye and spoiling her is always so much fun. Kimberly likes to keep an eye on her. It helps Shane out and gives her something to do. Her little granddaughter is her buddy the two always have a blast. She can't wait to surprise Shane with a visit on Friday.