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Welcome to my homepage. Here you will find a wide variety of conversations and activities. Please visit as often as you like. Also, do not hesitate to email me.

You may find many of the topics on this site lacking the proper exposure in current public discourse. From the information on this site, I would like to promote two important outcomes: to facilitate more discussions on various scholarly (and some not-so-scholarly) works and to assist individuals by posting some of my experiences and thoughts in a useful format.

I have been influenced by many people, ideologies, my genetic make-up, and events (not just my own personal experiences). This site is in part a tribute to the people in my life. I have taken such great pleasure in conversing with you all. I have learned a little about the world and much about myself in these discussions. Many of these people have passed away, some a few years ago and others way before I was ever born. The great thinkers fit into the latter part. I am indebted to them, even if (if not especially since) I disagree with many things they propose. It is their drive for Truth that I admire of all things.

Biographical Information
European Dance Practice
Kentucky and McCreary County
Masked Ball '98 Photos
Michigan Trip Photos of '98 and '99
Movies and Quotes
Role Playing Games (emphasis on Star Wars)
Russia, Estonia, and the Rest of Europe

Key Words: Gabriel, Personal Webpage, Star Wars, Russia, Estonia, Anime, South Park, Kentucky, McCreary County, Politics, Dance, Sewing, SCA, SWSEEL, BALSSI, St. Petersburg, Movies, Books, Role-Playing Games, Religion.

Key Words: Gabriel, Personal Webpage, Star Wars, Russia, Estonia, Anime, South Park, Kentucky, McCreary County, Politics, Dance, Sewing, SCA, SWSEEL, BALSSI, St. Petersburg, Movies, Books, Role-Playing Games, Religion.

Key Words: Gabriel, Personal Webpage, Star Wars, Russia, Estonia, Anime, South Park, Kentucky, McCreary County, Politics, Dance, Sewing, SCA, SWSEEL, BALSSI, St. Petersburg, Movies, Books, Role-Playing Games, Religion.

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