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Feedback: ClaireBear

(disclaimer) I do not own any of the chracters in this story, they are manly the priority of the inferno "plainly known as Joss"...and he can be the inferno..if he sues...also the lyrics in the song are property of the
band NIN so like sueing me please :)

(spoilers) None really..unless you haven't seen any of the 2nd season shows..then it would be spoilage to an extent.


(author's notes)

This is basically a "What if" in Inca Mummy Girl. Ya, know, like "what if" Oz actually got to talk to Willow at the dance...think of it as an alternative ending to the scene.(also the words in brackets are the lyrics to the song playing in the background.)


An eskimo Dance

Oz made his way through the crowd towards 'her.' A million thoughts raced through his heart, pouring out all reactions that shaped his very soul. He was just looking around the crowd like usual. A mere glance really. Then he saw 'her.' How though? She was just standing there looking stiff and sorta out of place among the crowd, yeah, but deep down's like...he knew her.

He came up behind her. It was strange, standing there behind her. He cleared his throat and spoke the first thing on his mind.

"hey, I noticed you from the stage, and I was wondering..." She turned around and looked at him questionly. Oz almost choked, yet he somehow didn't. "Would you like to dance?"

She seemed surprised by this. It seemed she didn't know how to answer. She looked out at the crowd at someone dancing on the floor for a moment. Then she looked back at Oz and said,"Sure."

Dancing fast would of been a problem since she was so stiff in that eskimo costume, but the pace was simple. The music started. Oz, if he wasn't so 'in the moment', he would of recognized the first chords to NIN's 'Something I can never have.'

They came together. It was arkward. Not just because her costume prevented them from really dancing. Really Oz didn't mind that. It was just they were so close, he could hear her breathe.

"So, come here alot?"

Her voice was like what he expected it to sound like...

(I still recall the taste of your tears.)

"Yeah, we play here everynow and then."

(echoing your voice just...)

"Oh, you're in a band."

She looked out at the crowd for a moment. She had a sad look on her face for the moment, but it vanished just as it came.

(like the ringing in my ears.)

"That's an elaborate way of saying it."

She smiles at this.

(My favortie dreams of you still wash ashore.)

Oz was entranced by her smile, but he tried not to get distracted by it and continued to follow what she was saying.

"what do you play? Like drums?"

(scrapeing through my head, till I don't want to sleep anymore.)

"I play guitar."

He smiles.


She smiles. He caught a glint of red hair under her hood.

(Come on and tell me.)

What was her name?!

(Make this all go away.)

Just then a blonde haired girl, very athleticly toned for a girl her size, came out of nowhere. She whispered something low to 'her.'

(You make this all go away.)

She looked at Oz. Something in her face wanted to reflect its image, but she prevented it very well.

(I'm down to just one thing.)

"I'm sorry, I have to go.."

(And I'm starting to scare myself.)

"...It was nice, danc-meeting you."

She stammers. Oz liked it. It's cute. He wanted to know her name though.

"Yeah, likewise...oh, um-"

He is cut off as the blonde haired girl pulls 'her' away from him.

(You make this all go away.)

He watches them both vanish in the crowd. A smile forms over his lips.

(I just want something.)

Oz utters to himself, a spell-bound tone warms his expression as he speaks.

"Who is that girl?"

(I just want something, I can never have.)

He stands there then turns and slowly walks away through the crowd.

The whole place darkens. The music and sound of life become deaf. The crowd still dances though...but really slower then normal. Willow's voice shatters the drowning silence in its empty cassacde.

"Oz...don't you love me?"

The place fades out in darkness till...nothing.

"My whole life, I've never loved anyone else."


(Click here for more stories my ClairBear)
