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DISCLAIMER: I don't own them. Please don't sue. You really won't get your money's worth.
SPOILERS: Joss is a crackhead for what he did in the third season so lets just say that the stuff that happened in third season never happened.
AUTHORS NOTE: Love, maybe..ah yes did I forget smoochies. Oz is in total college mode.
Email the author By Cricket

All You Had to do Was Ask

"Willow......? Wake up sleepy head. You don't want to miss your very own graduation do you." Willow's mother called. Willow groaned silently. *Graduation...whoopie. All I need now is for mom to ask me what college I'm going to. Oh yes, and Xander telling me not to. He is such a whiz.* Willow thought. Willow walked down to the dining room and her mind went totally blank when she saw the huge pile of food on the table. *I'm dreaming...Mom knows I don't eat that much.*

"Mom? What is all this?" Willow asked furrowing her brow.

"Oh, I thought you could use a nice big breakfast before you give your big speech. My daughter. Validictorian. Who would have thought, well Ira of course....but who would have thought...da....da..da"

"Mom, your talking to yourself again." Willow reprimended.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry. Its just..your graduating."

"I know mom. They tend to tell us that everyday since march."

"Oh yes, of course. Is that nice young man Oz going to be there? Did I tell you how much I like him. Your not baseing your decision on college on him are you? He is a nice boy Willow, but you have prioritys. I won't allow it. Unless he asks you to marry him, I won't have it." Willow's mom took one look at Willow's flushed face and admediatley went into major protective mode. "Willow are you feeling Ok? Are you sick? Oh dear, maybe I should call the school and see if they will post pone the thing. But of course your just nervous. Will you please take some tylenol dear. Your getting offly red by the minute."
"Mom!!! I'm Ok. No effence, but your giving me a migraine. Please stop asking me questions. I'm going to see Oz."

"Are you sure? Maybe I could ask Oz to come over here. Honey he lives three blocks away. I don't want my baby to have to go all the way over there."

"I'm sure" willow hollered as she slammed the door to her totally new stakey hunter green jeep. *You'd think she would have shut up by now, but no, had to piss me off.* Willow was not in a good mood. Seeing Oz would make things better.

She walked up to Oz's new house that he had bought out of his first majorly vilor paycheck he recieved off his first rad CD. Rock'n'Roll was just so in this generation. She gently wrapped on the door. Oz opened the door in welcomeing arms and a hoho in his mouth. He attempted to smile but failed miserably and just showed vanilla iceing clenched in between his jaw. Willow couldn't help but giggle. It was a very humurous site at that. She gave him a huge bear hug and then gently ate the crums away from his mouth. When he finally was able to swallow and speak his first words were all too familiar.

"Hey baby. God I missed you. Hoho?" Oz offered.

"No thanks, I already got some off your mouth." Willow tritted graciously, much to Oz's suprise.

"I take it your not nervous about graduation. You don't have a speech impediment at the moment....which I love you either way of course...." Oz backed nervously. "Oh yeah.... I got you something." Oz said trailing back to a rather large room. He came out with a drop dead gorgeous gold rose with red tint at the edge. "Fer mi ladiee" Oz said in an unnatural accent of his. He only used that accent when he talked about monkeys.

"Well thankyou my kind sir. What tis the occasion?"

"Well pretty much you are, that and a later sort of question. But totally later mode you got that."

"Got it" Willow mumbled lightly kissing Oz on the mouth again.

"Good. Wouldn't want to persuaid you in french all day"


"It is nothing. Bad joke. Turning into Xander. Someone hit me please. Not you Willow. I love you to much. It would hurt my feelings."

"Don't worry I'm not going to hit ya. Right now. Maybe later...ya won't know whatz comeing to ya." Willow grinned devilishly. "You are comeing to graduation aren't you?" Willow cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, totally. My girlfriend. Not only the most beautiful girl in the entire senior class, probabley the entire United States, is going to give the speech of her life as validictorian. Whyz not to show."

"Ah you know. Formal graduation, have to wear a tux, must be civilized..not talk like a monkey. Not get mad at Xander when he makes werewolf jokes. He is graduating too you know?"

"Don't worry. I got it all checked. Monkey suit in my room, no wrinkles, and my sensibility mode is totally under control."

"Good. I must go. I'll see you there. Ok?"

"Quit asking me. Your scareing me. I'm almost afraid to use car trouble as an excuse if I can't make it. Don't worry I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Especially for what I've got planned for you later." with that he kissed Willow good bye and breathed a sigh of relief. He reached into his pocket and fingered an opal ring trimmed with blue diamonds. Very rare blue diamonds. *oh god..I'm going to do this. Not in front of her mom. Of course not appropriate. This is a private thing between me and Willow. My Willow. I can do this.*

*I love Oz. His inability to talk as much as Xander and my mother...makes me want to be with him forever.*


12 hours later. 8:00 p.m. Graduation time.

As the graduation director announced Willow Rosenburg as validictorian the crowd roared in applause. She was amazed at how popular she had become. She went from geek to sheek in just one year. She had gotten a hot boyfriend who didn't find groupies appealing, became friends with Devon and the rest of the band, the football team, Baskitball team, and all the other jawk like sport members at SunnyDale High, the cheerleading squad and managed to leave Harmoney and her laine back friends in the dusk. Willow could just bask in the afterglow. What a life.

Willow than went on stage and gave a very humorous graduation speech, (which I won't go into detail because I'm not that umorous.)and set the rest of SunnyDale graduates in high spirits. Willow Rosenburg, quite the intellegent. Once she had accidently discovered the formula for cold fusion in one of Giles old ancient books, SunnyDale went from meekly 10,000 people to 200,000 in three months. The whole town was there just to see the remarkable young woman who had discovered cold fusion but refused to take all the credit because she did have her dignity. The whole scooby gang made it happen. So she said. Funny how the book originated from some unknown planet from another galaxy called 12,erglalug*(89)- in alien language. It amazed her that human bodys naturally originated from another planet, but she loved keeping the secret.(I know, I unlikely these days, but it never hurts to wonder.)

After the graduation ceremony Willow and Oz managed to get away from the direing fans and make it to a safepoint near the beach where Oz had set up his endearing plan to capture Willow's heart. They stumbled towards the cold water that lapped towards there feet once they decided to berid their shoes and change into more comfortable clothes. Willow wore a short black mini-skirt that flared half way up her thigh, a white crop-top cut short at mid-rif above her navel and a green longsleeved fishnet sweater over it. She was stunning and the popularity spurt sure did its magic on her. She didn't even need to wear make-up and she would look like she was already wearing it, but in a gorgeous way of course. Oz wore tan colored khaki pants, a midnight blue t-shirt, brown sweid leather jacket that was big enough for two, and his hair was spiked just right and in its natural reddish color. He knew it would be a cold night but Willow sure didn't. They walked silently, his arm around her waist, content just to be together.

"I didn't know it would be so cold tonight." Willow said shivering slightly as the windy breeze blew against her moonlight skin. Oz quickly wrapped his jacket around her alowing her access to put one of her arms through the arm of the jacket. She gently kissed him at the sweet gesture and together they walked through the sand and water until they reached the docks.

"Thankyou" Willow said, her eyes glistening. Oz gave her a sweet grin showing all his love in his eyes when he looked at her. She knew he was up to something. "what are you up to? You've been so quiet. Yet happy as me." Oz just shook his head in reverie.

"I'm just going to ask you something and I want things to be really good between us before I ask you."

"No better time then now." Willow said sweetly, kissing the tip of his nose. She then joined her lips with his and wrapped her free hand around his neck to play with his short hair, and adjoin in a deep kiss. A perfect kiss.

Oz was somewhat dazed when she kissed him, but he totally went under control of his emotions and tightly wrapped his arms around her possesivly. *this is going to work.* He thought to himself. They eventually pulled away simultaneously breathing heavily.

"Now what were you going to ask me?" Willow pried. Smileing sweetly. Her entire face lit up as the moon cast over her adding a slight tint of silver waves onto her face as she looked up at him with glistening eyes. Oz had total confidence in himself.

"I'm going to ask you to marry me, and I'm kind of nervous about it." Oz said sweetly. closeing his eyes at how insincere he thought he said it. *oh shit, kill me. that didn't sound right.* He opened his eyes again to look at Willow's admireing expression. She looked at him expectantly.

"Well, I'm waiting." Willow said cocking an eyebrow. He leaned in very close to her face grinning like James Bond. He slowly pulled out the ring and bestowed it upon her shineing eyes. She gasped at how beautiful it was. "Oh's beautiful." Willow said smiling.

"Will you marry me?" Oz asked so gentlemently it took her breath away. She made eye contact with him, her eyes shineing with glistening tears. She nodded her head.

"All you had to do was ask." Willow said sweetly. She kissed him on the tip of his nose again and pulled him into another passionate embrace.

(click here for more stories by Cricket)
