The Padded Cell


A Perfect Circle



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"Usually in my spare time I think about assasinating religious figures such as the Pope and, should she still be alive, Mother Theresa." - Dani Filth

Heavy Metal
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Holy sh*t, Batman!
Jesus it's been a long time since I've done any updates on this site. If i get the motivation, I'll revamp it a bit. You'll notice the EQ link to the side is dead. Shot it down like a dog with cancer. Man I'm glad I pulled out of that gd game. All it took was fresh air and an annoying ex-gf. I'm back into MTG again, I'd make a page for it, but wtf is the point when you have sites like nutburst. Adios me peņas.

The Padded Cell © 1997-2002. All rights reserved.