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Now and forever

It was a long and a stormy night. Brian tried to sleep, but he couldn’t. He just thought his girlfriend, who had just left him. Tears rolled out of his eyes, but he didn’t care.


-What’s wrong with you Bri? You have been so quiet tonight. -What’s wrong with me?!? You are the one who has problems!! YOU have been quiet this whole evening, and I have just been thinking what’s wrong with you!! So what’s wrong Sue? -Brian honey... I think I need to tell you something. -What’s wrong? Has something happened? -I wouldn’t say that... Brian, I have to leave you. -WHAT?? -Brian calm down. -I can’t!!!!! Why do you have to leave me?? I love you, and I thought that you loved me too... Brian muttered. -No it’s not that... I really like you, but... Brian, I have a husband. -WHAT??? Brian asked again, but this time he almost screamed. -You have to calm down and listen to me. Where can I start... Me and my husband, Jack, have been married for three years. One evening- -I don’t care!! Brian shouted. -Please listen. One evening we had a terrible fight. I don’t remember why, but when we had fighted about an hour, I decided to go away, away from Jack and our home. I drove to the bar, where I met you, and well, you know the rest. -Why didn’t you say anything to me about... that stupid Jack and that he’s.... your husband?? -I really don’t know. I think that I just thought that I could revenge the whole fight to Jack, but it really got too far. -Why didn’t you say anything, when that night was over? -I don’t know. I really liked you, and I still do, but... -But you have a husband!!!!!!! Now I have heard the whole story, and now I can say that... GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian screamed.

^^^^End of Flashback^^^^

Brian’s pillow were all wet. ”How could you do that to me Sue? I really love you.” He thought. Brian cried and cried, until he fell asleep.

*The next day*

Brian woke up, when his phone rang. -Fuck you, he muttered and throwed the phone against the wall. It rang and rang, until Brian answered. -Yea? -Excuse me? Who is there? A man asked. -This is Brian’s phone, so who do ya think that who’s in here?!? A Santa Claus or what?!?!? Brian shouted. -Sorry. I think I have a wrong number. -Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Who’s there? Brian asked. -My name is Jack. I was Sue’s husband. -WHAT did you say?? You WERE Sue’s husband?? –Well yes. Sue... Sue’s... Sue’s dead, Jack almost cried. -Oh my God... I’m so sorry!! What did happen? -She... she died in a car accident. -Oh my God.... Sue... But where did you get my number? -It was in Sue’s table, she had written it at a piece of paper. I know about you and Sue, Jack said but he didn’t heard like he was angry. -Sorry... I really loved her. -It’s alright. Sue has always been like that. When she is angry, she wants to revenge that to someone. Jack and Brian talked a little while, and then they cut the call. ”Oh my Gosh... Sue is dead...” Brian thought. -Sue, I will love you now and forever, he whispered and smiled.