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Survival Check list
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Personal Survival Check List
Now Playing: Checking in on what you need to Survive on your own
Topic: Personal Check Lists
Personal Survival Kit Check List
  1. Bandanna -
  • The bandanna is a multi useful item, you can work this as a bandage/sling or you can use this to help protect your head in heat or in a cool climate are. I have to say this is on my head just about every time I go out.

    2. Compass -

  • This item goes without saying why this is an important item, direction, direction, DIRECTION
  • Take time out before you get out in the woods to learn how to use  it. Take a class or find someone with great knowledge on the compass. (ROTC instructors are a valuable asset on this - it's where I learned how to use the compass.)

     3.Flash light (small LED) -

  • LED, lasts long on one set of batteries than does a traditional bulb and light set.


    4. Garbage Bags (2, preferably orange, large) -

  • ORANGE is big help that stands out if you need to use this as a multi purpose item as well...
  • one being that it can help you signal help the other being it can help you personally be detected as you are using this item to be another important part of this multi purpose item and that's cover you as a makeshift poncho.

     5. Lighter (preference is a butane lighter that works like  a little blowtorch) -

  • reason being this is a better (for  me personally) lighter is that it's harder for it to be blown out by the wind and that it gives you a little more working room from the item you trying to start a fire with.

    6. Matches (strike- anywhere type) in a waterproof metal case (with a striker - just in case) -

  • metal container versus plastic, plastic sweats metal container is dryable and stays dryer without the sweating, as long as you have a good seal.
  • Strike anywhere matches are more stable of a match and have a better strike potential - I guess that's all in the name right?
  • The reason behind the just in case add on with the striker is hay one can never be overly prepaired, never hurts to keep this in mind even if it does say strike anywhere, right?

    7. Magnesium flint striker (you can never have enough for just in the need for getting a fire started - one of the most important survival needs is to have a fire)

  • Here in the hills of Kentucky depending on the weather/season you may find yourself laying out under the stars with no tent or no lean-to, however the nights then may be nice but you know you still when out for a lengthy time your going to have to build a fire, prepairing food, water cleansing, personal hygiene warmth an so on - therefor saying all that to say you could never have to many chances or tools to help out in starting a fire.

   8. Multi-tool or Swiss Army - style knife (make sure it has a small saw blade)

  •  Compact tool with many varieties of tools that can better you in the event you are working on in order to be able to get the job at hand done.
  • Sawblade - without saying here is the chance to working more ways with wood meats and it's harder to dull this tool, it holds mant different opportunities to finish what you couldn't do with a regular blade.

   9. Painkillers -

  • first and foremost you should have these handy, pain is amplified out in the woods or anywhere else when you haven't the chance to fix whats hurting, for instance tooth ache, small injury, of course arthritis just to name a few things.

   10. Parachute cord or simular rope (about 25 feet of 1/4 inch cord)-

  • another multi-purpose item here, so many things you could use this item for, such as; tent lashings, making traps for game , helping tote things about or hoysting things out of reach of game at your campsite, makeshift tourniquets. Again this only covers a few of the things this  item is good to have with you.

  11. Protein bar  -

  • Protein bar is something is easy to store in your pocket or pack and doesn't really take up a lot of room. And when you haven't had any luck or little luck it's nice to know when you look inside that pocket you still have some back up that's good for keeping you some energy.

  12. Sharp belt knife -

  • many things can be used and in junction with this item, a sharp knife can be used for skinnig game for your food, whittling out a good sharp spear to help hunt for food, tent poles, or if it came down to it help fight off an attacker. There are so many reason for this item, so many applications can be handled through a good sharp knife, making items from one thing into another such as a poncho into a make shift cover to your lean to or shelter to help keep you dry.

  13. Solar space blanket (small) -

  • here is a warming gift if needed and when needed it can help cover you from rain, sleet snow and or wind. This too can be made into something to help cover your shelter. Even the most experianced outdoorsman may not make a waterproof shelter so these items really come in handy.

  14. Whistle -

  • Chief reason for a whistle, you probably already guessed it - a locator for you or your teammates when you get seperated or for you when you need others to find you. This if not fitted into your pocket or pack it can be hung from around your neck or belt loop or belt.

  15. Ziploc bag -

  • Ziploc bag helps you to waterproof what you already have whether it's a sandwhich or matches for a start or clothing or other items that you have in your pack, such as; first aid kit or items in your first aid kit. - remember plastic does sweat, so keep an eye out for this, the best you can.

  16. coffee can or simular recepticale ( in which to place all items.) -

  • this is the item in which it would be good to store all the above items in, remeber this items is better to store items in and not to mention if you have it with you you can make it into other items as well... such as cookware, you can boil your water, just to mention a few things.

I'm going to be adding other things to this blog so stay tuned to have more knowledge. 

Sam Richmond

Posted by ky2/fcsda2000 at 2:29 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 15 January 2010 3:32 PM EST
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