JS: “Welcome everyone to the return of the most hardcore wrestling promotion in the history of planet earth!! Welcome everyone to the toughest city in the world! Welcome everyone as eHw is reborn and prepares to get Back to the Extreme! I’m Joey Styles here in the Allstate Arena here in Chicago, Illinois! And it gives me great pleasure to welcome my new pay per view broadcast partner, the legendary Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan!”

**Chants of “Weasel! Weasel! Weasel!” break out throughout the arena.**

BH: “Great to see eHw put it’s return show here in humanoid central. I tell you I haven’t seen this much trash since the last time I was in Paul E’s office.”

JS: “Glad to see you’re getting us off to such a positive start by already insulting our fans and our owner. Anyway folks we have a night jam packed of solid action including the main event that will see two of eHw’s biggest icons collide as Bret Hart takes on Sid Vicious in a Three Stages of Hell Match. These two men were supposed to have a match last year during the best of tournament, and now they will finally get to meet and decide once and for all who the better man is.”

BH: “I wouldn’t look for any shockers in that one Joey. My eyes are going to be focused on the Steel Henge Match between Al Snow and Mike Awesome, and the Three Way Dance between Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, and Scott Steiner, three of the biggest names in the history of this industry. But I have to catch an eleven o’clock flight so lets cut the misnames and get down to business. Get the first match out here, hey isn’t your brother in this match?”

JS: “You’re referring to AJ Styles taking on Kane in a Double Tables Match. No we aren’t related it’s just a coincidence. And the thing to remember about this match is that the only way to win is to put your opponent through two tables, not just one but two.”

BH: “In a row?”

JS: “No Weasel, total. The loser is the man that is put through two tables over the course of the match.”

** “Slow Chemical” by Finger Eleven plays as the lights in the arena all go red. Fire shoots up around the entryway as Kane makes his way through the curtain and begins slowly walking towards the ring. Kane stands in front of the ring before getting in, then slides into the ring under the ropes, walks to the center of the ring, slowly raises his arms up into the air, then quickly drops them as fire shoots out of all four corners of the ring causing the lights to come back on and his music to stop.**

** AJ Styles music is heard as the lights in the arena darken and strobe lights begin going off around the entryway. AJ Styles walks out to the head of the entryway and receives a large amount of cheers from the fans. A smirk comes across Styles’ face as he walks down to the ring. Styles walks up the ring steps, climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and back flips into the ring and poses for the crowd. The lights in the arena come back on and the music fades as the bell rings and the match is ready to begin.**

Styles and Kane both walk towards the middle of the ring to face off but Styles swings around in mid step, runs over to the far right corner, jumps to the middle turnbuckle, and poses for the crowd once again receiving a large pop. Kane looks enraged, he charges the corner and clotheslines Styles across his back bringing Styles down feet first to the mat. Kane spins him around and throws him back first back into the corner and begins choking him with his foot while leaning on the top rope to gain leverage. Kane lets go as the referee counts 1...2..3..4.…and Kane lets go right before the referee can get to five. Kane walks slowly over to the other corner, then looks back, and charges at the corner at full speed. Styles ducks out of the way as Kane crashes body first into the corner. Kane stumbles out of the corner and as he does Styles measures Kane up, jumps to the middle of the second rope on the right side of the ring, and hit’s the Asai Moonsault into a Reverse DDT!

JS: “Perfect execution by the Phenomenal AJ Styles!”

BH: “I haven’t seen someone hit that on cue since I watched your home movies and your wife made a comment about your glasses at your Christmas party.”

JS: “Hey, that was a family party, how did you see the tape.”

BH: “Well when you bring stuff like that on the road, you’re just screaming for help, or for a mistress whichever comes first in this city.”

JS: “I can see this partnership is already raising my blood pressure.”

BH: “I wonder if it’s rising as fast as you raised your hand after a couple of shots of egg nog.”

AJ immediately gets up to his feet with a big smile on his face as the crowd applauds his athleticism. Styles soaks in the applause of the fans but is quickly snapped back to reality as Kane sits up and looks right though Styles. Kane gets back up to his feet and is met with a serious of kicks to the stomach and back by Styles. Kane catches one of the kicks aimed towards his chest, then grabs Styles by the throat, he throws Styles leg aside and grabs him by the throat with both hands then picks and holds Styles up in the air. Kane holds Styles up in the air for a few seconds then tosses Styles up in the air further, catches Styles legs on his shoulders and gives him a Fall Forward Powerbomb! Kane gets up laughing in a very sick manner, then rolls out of the ring, then opens up a table, and sets it up horizontally about two feet from the ring. Kane then walks over and picks up another table, but slides this one into the ring, then jumps up to the ring apron, and enters the ring over the top rope. Kane starts to open up the table but as he does AJ gets up to his feet, Styles leaps and dropkicks Kane in the back of his left knee. Kane drops down to one knee, favoring the one that was hit. Styles gets back up to his feet and walks over to grab Kane by the hair but Kane elbows Styles in the stomach. Styles drops down onto his back, but before Kane can get up to his feet, Styles shoots up to his feet and gives Kane a standing hurricanrana. Styles then finishes opening up the table and puts it in the middle of the ring. Styles picks Kane up to his knees and rolls him onto the table. Styles goes out to the ring apron standing on the middle of it, evening himself out with where the table is in the ring.

JS: “Looks like Styles is going to hit with is trademark springboard four fifty.”

BH: “Boy you’d think that in your family, you would have gotten something. AJ has the looks, the moves, the talent. And you. . .well you have a microphone and a K Mart suit.”

Styles springs up to the top rope but right as he does Kane rolls off the table close to the ropes, grabs Styles by the throat, and . . Chokeslams Styles from the top rope through the table!! Kane wastes little time as while he again laughs in a very sick manner he points to the table that is set up on the outside. Kane picks up Styles out of the broken table and rolls him out of the ring and onto the ring apron. Kane calls for the end of the match and picks Styles up over his shoulder setting him up for a Tombstone. Kane moves Styles further into position but Styles moves up and over Kane and gets back over the ropes and into the ring. Kane turns around and Styles thrusts his shoulder through the ropes and into Kane’s stomach. Styles bolts off of the opposite ropes and hit’s a hard spinning wheel kick right to the head of Kane knocking Kane off the apron and onto the table but not with enough impact to crash through it. Styles points out to the crowd, grabs a hold of the top rope, and hit’s a Springboard 450 off the top rope through the table at ringside!!

JS: “Oh my god! What a series of moves that just saw each man go through a table in extreme fashion.”

BH: “Joey, is there any other way to go through a table? Think humanoid, think.”

Neither man is quick to get up to their feet as both men hit the concrete floor quite hard after going through the table. Styles is first up and he mildly limps towards another table, he slides it into the ring, then slides into the ring himself, and opens the table up. Kane sits up in the middle of the broken table on the outside and begins getting up to his feet. As Styles is getting the table upright, Kane steps on to the ring apron using the ropes, then walks over to the near left corner of the ring that Styles has his back turned to and climbs up to the top rope. Styles finally gets the table up and when he turns around Kane jumps and hits his trademark Kane Lariat off the top rope. Styles goes is knocked right down to the mat as Kane lands and stays on his feet, then moves the table closer to the corner. Kane picks Styles up not just to his feet, but lifts him up off the mat, carries him over, and places him crotched on the top turnbuckle of the near left corner. Kane signals for the end of the match as he climbs up to the middle rope backwards, looking to set up for a Tombstone off the middle rope. He gets Styles up, but as he lifts him up Styles continuously knees Kane in his back. Kane then sits back down on the top turnbuckle. Styles slowly turns Kane around and bangs his head on the top turnbuckle, then picks Kane up for what appears to be a piledriver, but instead hit’s a. .Styles Clash off the middle rope through the table!! Styles wins!

JS: “Wow! What a phenomenal start to the first show back for eHw! What an move executed by AJ Styles to put Kane through the second table to get the win.”

BH: “Yeah yeah yeah, I’m sure the Styles family connection didn’t have anything to do with that one. What did you slip that bum ref a five before he went out to the ring.”

JS: “How many times do I have to say it, we aren’t related. It’s just a coincidence!”

BH: “Yeah and Triple H holding a world title for a year has nothing to do with him being married to the bosses daughter, do you also have a bridge to sell me?”

** “Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck” by Prong plays and Justin Credible quickly makes his way down to the ring to the boos of the crowd. Justin Credible gets into the ring, walks over to the ropes facing the cameras, stands on the second rope, and spits into the crowd while holding up his right arm in trademark fashion. The crowd boos and throws trash in the ring at him as his music stops playing.**

** “Basic Thuganomics” by John Cena hits and John Cena comes out to the entryway receiving a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd. Cena looks around the arena and then makes his way down to the ring checking all of the fans making a W with their hands held up in the air. Cena gets into the ring and calls for a microphone as his music begins to fade.**

Cena: “Yo yo yo, kill the beat!
Tonight I get back to the Extreme
I’ll take care of Justin Asshole prison style
If ya know what I mean.
You think you can just show up now and take on this thug?
You’re more cursed than the Cubs
I’m gonna ugly stick beat your already ugly mug.
So get ready to pay the piper to the new king of this fed
I might as well get a gun and shoot your ass
cause when I’m done you’ll feel like you been pumped full of lead!

JS: “Well as Cena finishes his freestyle we are being joined here at the announce table by none other than eHw Hall of Famer Kevin Nash. Mr. Nash what brings you out here?”

**Kevin Nash quietly walks out to the ring, walks over to the announce table, sits down, and puts a headset on his head.**

Nash: “Well in case you didn’t see Hardcore TV or the promo we had together me and John Cena are running together here in eHw. I am giving him my years of experience and knowledge in the ring and more importantly in eHw to give him all the tools he’ll need to be the number one guy in this company as it starts up again.”

BH: “Now can I ask why you have decided to step into the role of manager and not take a stab at being the eHw World Champion yourself.”

Nash: “You know what I’ve been getting that question for the last week now and I am glad you asked me that so I can address. There are just way too many guys out there that stay past their prime and out live their welcome in professional wrestling. Hulk Hogan, Terry Funk, Ric Flair, and The Undertaker come to mind. So I decided that rather than take a spot from another young guy who can be great, that I would give him the psychological knowledge to go along with his physical gifts in that ring to make a complete wrestler that truly cannot be stopped and is going to rise up to the top of the mountain here in eHw.”

BH: “Well I have to say I wish more people would follow that philosophy. And if there were any announcers that could carry my jock I’d be doing the same thing you’re doing but unfortunately we live in a world filled with Michael Coles and Kevin Kellys.”

Cena tosses the mic out of the ring and immediately he and Credible exchange punches back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until Cena grabs Credible and gives him a knee to the mid section to end the exchange. Cena takes a few steps back, charges and clotheslines Credible to the mat. Cena gets up, does his signature brush off taunt, then drops a fist across the forehead of Justin Credible as he lays on the mat. Cena does a mini break dance to get back up to his feet as Credible still lays on the mat. Cena dares Justin Credible to get back up to his feet, as Credible reaches his knees Cena picks him up the rest of the way, whips him off the ropes, and gives Credible a tilt a whirl back breaker. Credible tries to roll out of the ring but Cena grabs Credible’s left boot and drags him back into the middle of the ring. Cena picks Credible up from behind, and gives him a Spinning Sit Out Powerbomb!

JS: “There’s the Throwback! John Cena’s trademark maneuver that he uses to weaken his opponents.”

Credible rolls around the mat favoring his back after hitting it hard. Cena gets up immediately with an aggressive look on his face. Cena picks Credible up and whips him hard into the far left turnbuckle. Credible hits so hard that he bounces out of the corner and stumbles out towards the center of the ring. Cena runs off of the ropes behind Credible and hits with a overhead flipping face buster, jamming Credible’s face into the mat. Cena gets up quickly and throws his arms up in the air making a W with his hands. Many fans in the arena follow suit causing Cena to call for the end of the match getting a loud cheer from the crowd. Cena crouches down and yells at Justin Credible to get back up to his feet. Credible is very slow to get up after the one sided beating he has taken in during the time he has been in the ring. Credible finally gets back up to his feet, Cena grabs him and goes to give up the FU but Credible spins out of it. Credible goes for a Superkick on Cena but Cena ducks it, gets behind Credible, spins him around, and gives him the F-U!! Cena stands up and covers Credible with his foot while holding his arms up in the air forming a W with his hands, 1...2..3 John Cena wins!

Nash: “Oh! And that about does it, I guess Justin Credible was Justa Jobber in that one. I’ll see you fellas later I have to go congratulate the doctor.”

**Nash stands up, takes his headset off, places it on the table, walks to the ring, and enters it over the top rope. Nash raises Cena’s arm in victory as Cena’s music plays and the fans in the arena cheer. Nash picks Credible up off the mat, puts his head between his legs, and gives him the Jacknife Powerbomb! Nash and Cena laugh, exit the ring, and walk to the back talking to each other and chuckling at Credible’s expense.**

**Backstage The Sandman is seen walking through a hallway towards the back of the entryway. He wraps the handle of his Singapore Cain with athletic tape and makes for the doors to access the arena. When he opens the doors and walks through them he comes face to face with Scott Steiner.**

Steiner: “Well look who it is! If it isn’t the King of eHw, cough cough. The one and only Sandman. Huh, I’m waiting to be impressed. Ya know while your ass only has to deal with a half assed Mick Foley in a match you invented, I have to go out and fight two top talents that are looking to make their name in this company by taking me out. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s not like you ever pulled your weight around this company as much as the rest of us anyway. So go out there, drink your beer, smoke your cigs, but remember when the night is all said and done, people are going to remember the Big Bad Booty Daddy coming out on top and showin’ the world how great he is. Not some drunk beating up some fat ass with a ladder and barbed wire.”

**Steiner then walks through the doors and towards the locker room. Sandman looks back at Steiner leaving, belches, spits, and continues walking toward the entryway.**

JS: “An uneasy confrontation in the back between two of eHw’s all time greatest. I guess it was inevitable with eHw reopening that those two would meet up at some point.”

BH: “Well I have seen Scott Steiner over his entire career, and if him and Sandman are going to get it on, Sandman is gonna need more than a six pack of Coors to compete with the six pack and huge muscles of Big Poppa Pump.”

** Mick Foley’s music hits and the hardcore legend comes out to the ring to a reasonable amount of cheers from the crowd. Foley makes does his famous “Bang! Bang!” Cactus Jack taunt along his way to ringside. Foley enters the ring under the ropes then spins into the middle of the ring and again does his Cactus Jack taunt as his music stops playing.**

** “Enter Sandman” by Metallica plays as the lights in the arena darken. Spotlights search all over the ring but then focus on the entryway as The Sandman comes out through the curtain carrying a ladder with him. Sandman walks halfway to the ring, then opens up the ladder in the aisle way, stands in front of it while looking down at the camera, then takes out a beer, pops it open, and chugs it down. Sandman smashes the can on his head, causing a trickle of blood to poor down his face as he tosses the can out into the crowd. Sandman enters the ring with his Singapore Cain hand and holds it up as the crowd pops huge for him. The bell rings the music fades and the match begins as both men look up at the barbed wire.**

JS: “Remember this is a Stairway to Hell Match. There are several laces of barbed wire tied together above the ring. The only way to reach it is to grab the ladder, climb up it, and the first man to get a hold of the barbed wire can use it. But this is still a match that can end at any time by pin fall, submission, or knockout.”

BH: “The way these two men fight, they won’t give up until when of them is sent back to their trailer home in an ambulance. Which for them would be as close as they ever got to a limousine.”

Sandman takes the extra beers he has in his pocket out and goes to put them in the corner. As he does Foley tries to jump Sandman from behind but Sandman spins around and smashes Foley across the side of his head with a beer splashing beer all over themselves. Foley goes down hard favoring the side of his head. Sandman takes a few steps back and whips the beer off his face with his t-shirt. Foley starts to get up and Sandman hits him across his back with his Singapore Cain several times until Foley roles out of the ring. Sandman holds up the Cain and again gets a pop from the crowd. Sandman steps through the ropes and stands on the ring apron waiting for Foley to get back up to his feet. Foley does get up to his feet and Sandman jumps off the ring apron and attempts to hit Foley with the Cain but Foley lunges and clotheslines Sandman down in mid air. Foley picks up the Singapore Cain and hits Sandman repeatedly with it all over his body and then throws it into the crowd. A near riot ensues in the crowd as someone finally gets a hold of the cain and darts out of the arena with it. Foley drags Sandman away from the ring, picks him up by the legs, and gives him a slingshot into the steel ring post and ring steps. Sandman hits hard and is busted open from the shot. Foley takes advantage of the situation and walks to the middle of the aisle way and grabs the ladder. He folds it up and brings it back to ringside, but doesn’t put the ladder into the ring. As Sandman uses the guardrail to get back up to his feet Foley takes the ladder and rams the end of it directly into the small of Sandman’s back. Sandman yells in pain and favors his back, but when he does Foley swings the ladder around and hits Sandman in his already bloody face with it almost knocking him out. Foley then slides the ladder into the ring, gets in the ring himself, opens the ladder up in the middle of the ring, climbs up, and pulls down the barbed wire. Foley gets back down and separates the laces of barbed wire. Sandman gets back up to his feet on the outside and looks for his Singapore Cain but can’t find it, while he does this Foley wraps his right arm in barbed wire. Sandman goes under the ring looking for his Singapore Cain as Foley exit’s the ring right next to The Sandman. Sandman starts to come back out from under the ring and as he does Foley pulls him out by the hair and rakes the barbed wire across Sandman’s face! Sandman yells in pain as Foley looks out to the crowd. But Foley doesn’t see Sandman has another Singapore Cain in his hand he got from under the ring and when he looks back he gets hit right between the eyes with it. Foley falls back a few steps, Sandman gets up to his feet, puts the Cain to Foley’s throat, and gives him the Singapore Legsweep on the concrete floor!! Sandman gets into the ring to catch is breath as Foley lays on the outside. Sandman takes a couple of the laces of barbed wire, unravels them, and then wraps them around his entire body! Foley slowly gets back into the ring, Sandman allows him to get in and up to his feet cause when he does, Sandman charges and gives Foley and belly to belly suplex wrapped in barbed wire! Sandman in almost no pain gets up a bloody mess, folds up the ladder, and lays it next to Foley. He rolls Foley onto the ladder, climbs up to the top rope of the nearest corner, dives, and hit’s a Swanton bomb off the top rope onto Foley on the ladder while wrapped in barbed wire!! Sandman makes the cover, 1..2.…3! Sandman wins.

JS: “Oh My God!! Sandman just one this Stairway to Hell match in a disgusting manner!”

BH: “He turned himself into a human barbed wire, battering ram Joey Styles! I have never seen anything like this in my life! How can he do that to himself?!”

JS: “Welcome to eHw Weasel! Welcome, to extreme HARDCORE wrestling and that is the man who helped make this company what it is and if you thought he wasn’t gonna make an impact in our first show back, then you just don’t know The Sandman.”

BH: “Well in addition to his usual brew skies, he’s gonna need a six pack of rubbing alcohol and gauze pads.”

JS: “Our next match is the much anticipated three way dance between eHw legend Scott Steiner, former eHw World Champion Shawn Michaels, and the determined newcomer in Goldberg. Many are wondering who is going to step up and shine in this match. Will it be the new comer who has made his presence well known over the past two weeks? Will it be a returning former champion looking to stand in the spotlight again? Or will it be the eHw champion of champions, the man who has shined in as many big time matches as anyone Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner? Well we are about to find out, so let’s go to the ring.”

** “Sexy Boy” comes on and the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels struts out through the curtain and out to the entryway to a sea of cheers from the crowd. Michaels dances around for a few seconds then goes into his trademark pose as pyros go off at the head of the entryway behind him. Michaels gets into the ring in a very cocky manner, he spins around the ring, and once again poses for the crowd. But his music is soon drowned out by the crowd chanting the name of one of his opponents.

** “Crush ‘Em” by MegaDeth plays and pyros go off at then entryway and Goldberg appears in the middle of them to nothing but cheers from the crowd. The pyros stop and Goldberg begins his determined walk towards ringside. With the facial expressions of a dragon Goldberg runs and slides into the ring as Michaels respectfully exits. Goldberg poses for the crowd receiving an equal amount of cheers as Michaels before him.**

** “The lights in the arena darken and sirens go off as “Holla if You Hear Me” comes on and Scott Steiner makes his way out to the ring to almost nothing but boos from the crowd. Steiner stops walking and looks at the crowd shocked by the reaction he is getting. Steiner in classic fashion flicks the crowd off, flexes, then makes his way down to the ring. Steiner walks up the ring steps and enters the ring through the ropes. Steiner climbs to the second rope of the near left side of the ring and flexes his huge muscles for the cameras. He gets down from the turnbuckle as the lights come back on and his music fades. The bell rings and all three men stand in the ring ready to fight.**

Goldberg starts to walk in Steiner’s direction but he quickly changes as HBK goes for a running Superkick but Goldberg quickly gets out of dodge. HBK and Goldberg stair each other down but HBK forgets that he has his back to Steiner, and Steiner takes full advantage. He grabs HBK from behind and gives him a half nelson suplex! HBK lands hard on his neck, but as soon as he executes the move Goldberg grabs Steiner and gives him a side slam sending Steiner crashing to the mat. Goldberg jumps up to his feet and pops for the crowd as his two opponents slowly get back up. Steiner and HBK look at each other for a second, then both attack Goldberg, each man hitting him with a verage of punches to the body and head. Goldberg drops down to one knee as HBK and Steiner whips him off the rope and give Goldberg a double clothesline. The crowd boos both men, Steiner again flicks off the crowd but while he does HBK sneaks up behind him and gives him a school boy for a quick pin attempt, 1..2..NO! Steiner kicks out and quickly gets up to his feet but when he does he is met with an HBK dropkick to the chest that knocks him back into near right corner of the ring. HBK gets back up and yells at Steiner to bring the fight to him. Steiner starts laughing at HBK in the corner, Michaels stands up wondering what Steiner is laughing at until Steiner points behind him. HBK slowly turns around and when he does he is met with a hand on his throat and is lifted up into a gorilla press. Goldberg holds HBK up in the air and the gives him a Gorilla Press into a Powerslam! Goldberg goes for the cover, 1..2...NO! HBK kicks out.

JS: “Remember this is an elimination match. This is a Three Way Dance, not a Triple Threat Match. None of that one fall crap here in eHw.”

BH: “A clean cut decisive winner every time? Maybe I took a job with the wrong fed.”

Goldberg begins picking HBK back up but as he does Steiner charges and punches him right in the face. Goldberg is knocked back a few steps and Steiner gives him a Butterfly Suplex into a Powerbomb! As HBK gets up to his feet Steiner grabs him again from behind and gives him a Release German Suplex. Steiner then gets up and begins doing push ups in the center of the ring drawing more heated boos from the crowd. Steiner gets up and shakes the boos off as he sees Goldberg starting to get up. Steiner picks him up all the way and whips Goldberg off the ropes. Steiner goes for a clotheslines but Goldberg ducks it, gets behind Steiner, and gives him a Full Nelson Slam. Goldberg quickly gets up to his feet but is met by HBK who had just gotten up himself. HBK punches Goldberg several times, bends him over and goes to give him a piledriver. But Goldberg stands up out of it holding onto HBK’s legs. Goldberg walks around for a few seconds and gives HBK and Alabamaslam. Goldberg then signals for the end of the match and crouches down in the near left corner of the ring as HBK lays in the center and Steiner using the ropes in the far right corner of the ring to slowly get back up to his feet. HBK starts to get up to his feet very wobbly. He gets up facing Steiner but then slowly turns around, as soon as he does Goldberg charges but HBK leapfrogs him and Goldberg instead nails Steiner with the Spear!! Goldberg gets up to his feet with an angry look on his face. He turns around to get HBK but instead hears nothing but Sweet Chin Music!! HBK sees that he didn’t get all of the kick and to beat Goldberg you have to hit everything. So HBK gets up to his feet and walks over both of the bodies of Goldberg and Steiner who are laying almost right next to each other and climbs up to the top rope. Michaels points up to the sky, leaps, and hit’s the Elbow Drop off the Top Rope! Michaels covers Goldberg, 1...2.…Steiner rolls over and lays on top of Goldberg’s legs. . .3!!

JS: “Goldberg is eliminated! It took a Superkick, a top rope elbow, and Steiner disabling his ability to kick out, but Goldberg has been eliminated. I don’t believe it!”

BH: “Goldberg seemed as determined as anyone to win this match, but it was Steiner rolling over and covering both his legs that enabled Michaels to get the pin. Shows what a great ring general Big Poppa Pump is.”

JS: “Well I know we haven’t heard the last of Goldberg and I know that Scott Steiner and Goldberg are far from finished, they will have a Plates of Glass Scaffold Match as the main event of our first return Turmoil.”

Goldberg is rolled out of the ring by the referee and slowly makes his way to the back as HBK and Steiner make their way back up to their feet. Steiner and HBK go at it in a quick fist fight that HBK comes out on top of, he whips Steiner off the ropes and hits him with a leaping forearm smash. Steiner falls back into the ropes but isn’t knocked down. HBK jumps up to his feet, pulls Steiner out of the ropes, and gives him a spike piledriver. HBK gets to his feet again, drags Steiner closer to the far left corner of the ring, then starts climbing up to the top. But as HBK reaches the top rope Steiner rolls over and jumps against the ropes causing HBK to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top rope. Steiner slowly climbs up to the top rope himself but is met with an uppercut to the chin from HBK. Steiner almost loses his balance but regains it by catching HBK’s next punch and holding onto him. Steiner grabs HBK, stands him up, and gives him a Flatliner off the tope rope!! HBK looks to be knocked out and is busted open on contact but Steiner isn’t quick to capitalize as he favors both his left arm and the back of his head which both hit the mat pretty hard. The referee begins the standing ten count: 1...2.…3.…4.….5.…..6.……7.……8.…….Steiner gets up to his feet using the ropes. HBK starts getting up on all fours but as he does Steiner cocks up his right arm in a bicep pose, kisses the peak of his bicep, then drops all his weight down across the back of Shawn Michaels driving him back down into the mat. Steiner pulls HBK by his left arm into the middle of the ring and yells for the end of the match. Steiner stands over the back of HBK, crouches down, and locks him in the Steiner Recliner!! Steiner cinches in the hold as HBK yells out in pain. HBK tries to fight off the hold but isn’t close to the ropes in any direction in finally is forced to submit. Scott Steiner wins!

JS: “Scott Steiner rises to the challenge and has won the three way dance! He was put to the test by both of his opponents.”

BH: “But in the end he came out on top as he has done so many times here in eHw. He came out on top by showing that he posses within him the difference between being good and being great. And now my so called colleague Joey Styles is making his way back to the dressing room for an interview with eHw mainstay Al Snow who tonight looks to take his step out of the shadows of the mid card, and into the spotlight of the main event level of the eHw mountain.”

Joey: We're moments away from the match between Mike Awesome and Al Snow, two men who have never held the world title, and the winner will get a spot in the championship tournament making this a must win situation for both men, however some very interesting comments yesterday from Al Snow, who I'm with at this time and Al we're moments away from what could be the biggest match of not just your EHW career, but your entire life.

Al: I couldn't have said it better, Joey. This IS the most important match of my life for many but one obvious reason, and we all know what that is. As I said the other day I said things are going to change around here, starting tonight with Mike Awesome. We both share the same two goals, to win, or if we can't to prevent the other from moving on. Awesome's made that very clear but you know me, Joey Styles. I want what's best for EHW, and there's an old saying, if I go I'm taking to you hell with me, referring to everyone in EHW, if I were to go down to Awesome tonight, I'd make sure that the bar would be placed so fucking high that no one could reach it, let alone clear it. I'll admit the competition so far looks impressive, we've got a couple rookies and it's great to see others accepting the challenge that is EHW, but those new here or planning on debuting soon better pay attention and take notes on what they're getting themselves into. They're here to become the best at what they do, but it won't be an easy task, cause we all know how tough the competition can get here in EHW, take my match with Mike Awesome, the stakes already high enough will a slot in the tournament, but I don't want just a title shot, I want to send a forever lasting message to everyone who dares to enter the ring tonight, either you're here to win the title or you go home. Last night I said I would give up chasing the world title if I were defeated for a reason. Let's face it, as I've said the competition is really impressive, and god knows I've had my chances, and if I can't get the job done, then I'll let one of the younger guys try their luck at it, cause my time is running out, not just mine, but everyone's time is running out. Not saying EHW will shut down again cause we'd all know that would suck yet again, but with the more guys that come here, the less management will want to put the miracle worker in the title hunt and give the younger guys a chance, because while we all know the title is something I badly want, I'm not one to stand in other people's way of achieving their goals, but as Awesome said if he goes down he'll probably find a way to take me down with him or not, but if it were to happen to be, the legacy I'd be leaving behind would make those rookies think twice before going for it. I've been around here far to long to still be considered the underdog, the underdog is someone who doesn't stand a chance in hell of survival yet I've been surviving, Joey Styles. Look at everything I've done, does it look like the work of an underdog? Maybe at first glance but after a while it's expected that the underdog status goes away. I'll admit I'm no Sandman or Steiner, but I can dance with the best of them. You know it and everybody else knows it.

Joey Styles: What abouts the comments made by Bob Holly?

Al Snow: I haven't heard from him since then but it really upsets me that someone who I've been around for many years has some doubts about someone who has not only proven themselves time and time again, but has more of a successful singles career than the other. If he wants to doubt me, fine, I'll accept him being one of the many clones in the world and one day when I can spare some time I will deal with him in the ring, but tonight it's Mike Awesome who I'm dealing with. Paul laid it on the line, a spot in the tournament. It's not a matter of if I'm getting in or not, it's a matter of who I'll face first. Because everybody knows, or at least they should know and don't want to or have the brain mass to admit it, but tonight is my night. I refuse to let someone like Awesome further delay what should have happened a long time ago, and that's me winning the world title. Tonight Mike Awesome will feel the pain and suffering that I've felt through out my career and he'll be the one who will become the example, because Joey Styles, the days of me laying down are long gone my friend, the days of be being defeated in long battles are over as well, and by process of elimination, that means we can only see one thing out me, and that's success. Mike's more than just another step for me to get to the title, he's a brick wall I have to run over, and if that's what I have to do get to the title, then so be it.

Joey: Best of luck to you, hold a second.

*Bob Holly enters the room.*

Bob Holly: Just incase you're wondering, you'll get your answer after your match. That's all I'll say for now.

Al Snow: I guess I won't have to wait much longer then, but I think I already know the answer. There is nobody closer in EHW than us, multiple tag team champions, but we're better than that. I've beaten bigger fish than Mike Awesome in the past.

He grabs the mic from Joey Styles and looks at the camera.

Al Snow: All week I've been hearing from you let's do it, well be careful what you wish for cause you're about to get it. See you in the ring.

*Al gives the mic to Holly who was just standing there and leaves the room.*

Bob Holly:................ back to ringside.

Joey Styles: That’s my line.

**Joey Styles quickly makes his way back out to the announce table with Bobby Heenan. While he does a camera positioned outside of Mike Awesome’s locker room show him exiting the locker room with a very determined look on his face. Awesome begins his walk toward the entrance area when he bumps into Glen Gillberti.**

Awesome: “Watch where you’re going, or I’ll hit you so hard you’ll start disco dancing again.”

Gillberti: “Yeah like you’re one to talk, That Seventies Guy.”

**Gillberti turns to walk away but Awesome grabs his arm, spins him around, picks him in the stomach, and gives him a Running Awesome Bomb through Awesome’s locker room door and into the locker room!!!**

Awesome: “Watch what you say, cause around here, saying something like that, to someone like me will result in. . .Awesome Consequences!”

**Awesome then continues his walk from the back towards the entrance area.**

** “What does everybody want?!” is heard as the arena lights spotlight the Steel Henge Cages on the left side of the entryway. Al Snow makes his way out to the entryway to a loud pop from the crowd. Al looks around the crowd with sort of a deranged smile on his face, then walks towards the Steel Henge. Al enters the cage an immediately grabs a garbage can of weapons and empties it all over the floor of the inner cage. He then does the same with another garbage can full of weapons around the floor of the outer cage. He then grabs a third garbage can of weapons and throws it on top of the inner cage and climbs up on top of the inner cage. Al empties the weapons all over the top of the inner cage and gives the hand gesture to bring it as his music fades.**

** “The Zoo” by Bruce Dickinson plays and Mike Awesome comes running through the curtain to the head of the entryway. Awesome makes a throat cutting gesture with his right hand. Awesome then looks over at the cage and sees Al standing on top of the inner cage. Awesome runs to the end of the left side of the entryway, jumps down to the floor, climbs up and over the outer cage, then climbs up to the top of the inner cage, the bell rings, and the match immediately begins.**

Awesome barely gets his footing when he is nailed on the top of his head with a garbage can lid. He falls down to all fours and his hit twice more until Al puts the lid on the back of his right leg and leg drops the lid onto the back of Awesome’s head! Al then tosses the lid aside and pulls Awesome by the hair towards the center of the cage’s top. Al grabs a large piece of sheet metal and goes to level Awesome in the face with it but Awesome ducks out of the way and low blows Snow. Al favors his head while Awesome grabs him from behind and gives him an Overhead Release German Suplex on a garbage can! Al flattens the garbage can and favors his ribs as that is what hit first. Awesome gets up to his feet and picks up a shovel that was is laying on top of the cage. He goes over to Snow and hits his six time with the shovel hitting on his head, shoulder, arm, thigh, ribs, and back. Awesome then uses the shovel to point to the floor outside of the cage.

JS: “Nooo. He wouldn’t! Not again!”

BH: “Not what again?”

JS: “He’s gonna Awesome Bomb him off the top of that cage to the concrete floor outside of the cages.”

BH: “Is he perverse?! He can’t possibly be thinking of doing that!”

Awesome picks up Al and sets up him for it, he lifts him up, starts running, but Al slides down Awesome’s back before he is launched. Al drops down, picks up a hockey stick and when Awesome turns around he jams the handle into his stomach, then after Awesome bends over in pain Al breaks the stick in half over Awesome’s back! Awesome yells in severe pain and rolls around the lid of the inner cage thriving in pain as anyone would. Al just tosses the broken stick off the roof of the cage and starts picking Awesome up by his hair. Al gets Awesome up to his feet, locks up his arms, and gives him a Series of Headbutts into an Overhead Arm Lock Suplex! Al gets up to his feet and makes a Hulk Hogan like gesture wanting to hear applause from the crowd and is greeted by a wave of cheers all over the arena. Al again gets Awesome up for his feet but this time signals for the end of the match. Al goes for a Snow Plow but as he sets him up for it Awesome elbows Al in the side of the head repeatedly until he releases him. Awesome grabs Al by the back of his hair, runs and Throws Al off of the Lid of the First Cage and onto the top of the Outer Cage stomach first!!! Awesome then leaps off the lid of the inner cage and splashes on top of Al and pulls him down to the floor of the outer cage! Both men lay on the floor of the outer cage as the fans erupt in cheers. Awesome is the first one up to his feet. He picks Al up and rams throws him face first into the outer cage then pulls him back first into the inner cage! Al drops down to one knee holding his ribs in pain, Awesome picks up a mailbox and throws it on top of Al Snow’s head as hard as he can. It bounces off and Al clutches the top of his head and begins crawling away from Awesome. Awesome grabs an empty garbage can and hits Al Snow in the small of his back with it as Al is crawling away. Al stops moving and favors his back and slowly starts to get up. Awesome picks the garbage can over his head to hit Al as hard as he can with it but before he can Al gets up and scissor kicks him in the stomach. Awesome drops the can and walks into the inner cage. Al picks up the garbage can, puts it over Awesome’s head and chest, puts his arm around it, and hit’s a running bulldog with Awesome’s head inside the garbage can! Al rolls away from Awesome who is still in the garbage can, picks up a broom, gets to his feet, and hit’s the garbage can with the broom several times until the can and Awesome’s head are dented. Al takes the can and tosses it aside, he picks Awesome up to his feet, and gives him a Snow Plow!! Al covers him, 1.…2...NO! Awesome kicks out and very slowly starts to get back up to his feet. Al Snow is shocked and immediately gets up and stomps away and Awesome as he tries to get back up to his feet. Snow picks Awesome up but Awesome rakes his eyes, kicks Al in the stomach, and gives him a Running Awesome Bomb into the Inner Cage!! Al Snow bounces off the cage and crashes to the floor and Awesome makes the pin, 1.…2.….NO! Al Snow kicks out! Awesome doesn’t react, just starts crawling to the outer cage and starts to climb back up top to the lid of the inner cage. Snow rolls out of the cage favoring ribs and quickly grabs an object and puts it in his boot. Awesome gets up top and starts catching his breath. Snow slowly climbs up to the top of the inner cage. He gets up top and Awesome picks up a stop sign and hits Al across the back with it. Al gets up on both knees and Awesome hits him between the eyes with the sign again busting Al open. Awesome drops the sign and taunts Al Snow as well as calling for the end of the match. But he does see Al take the object out of his boots and picking at the lid of the cage with it. Awesome comes back over and starts picking Al up but as he does Al pushes Awesome’s arm away and jabs him on the forehead with the object which is revealed to be wire cutters. Awesome falls back with blood flowing out of his forehead at a high rate as Al goes back and clipping away at the lid of the cage. Al finishes and tosses the clippers aside, he goes back over to Awesome who is on his knees but is elbowed in the stomach. Awesome sees what Al has done and positions him for an Awesome Bomb. Awesome lifts Al up, runs, and. . .Al spins out of the bomb, lands on his feet, and gives Awesome a CRADLE SITDOWN SNOW PLOW THROUGH THE LID OF THE CAGE TO THE FLOOR!!! The crowd erupts in a “HOLY SHIT!” chant as a limp Al Snow puts his foot over Awesome’s more limp body, 1.….2.…..3! Al Snow wins!

JS: “Al Snow wins! Al Snow wins! OH MY GOD!! Al Snow has won the most violent steel henge match of all time and has earned a spot in the world title tournament! What a way to end the match!”

BH: “I can’t believe my eyes. Those two men showed how much they want it, but Al Snow and his sick mind showed that he wanted it just a little bit more, my hats off to both of them.”

JS: “Well now it is time for the main event of the night. A two out of three falls match between two of eHw’s all time biggest icons in Bret Hart and Sid Vicious. Bret Hart is one of the greatest world champions of all time and Sid Vicious was the very first man to enter the Crown of Barbed Wire. They had a match that was supposed to take place last year, but it had to be delayed, and now the tension that has been bubbling between them over the last year, has finally bubbled over and will spill into the ring in a tables, submission, and clockwork orange house of fun match if a third fall is necessary.”

BH: “Well I’ve never been a real big Sid fan, he doesn’t seem like anything more than a tall drink of water. Although he has proven himself here in eHw so I guess I have to give him some credit, as a voice yelling at me in my headset is saying.”

JS: “Well I’m expecting that we’ll see the best out of both men here tonight, so let’s go to the ring for our main event.”

** Sid’s music hits and the crowd rises up to their feet and gives a standing ovation as the one and only Sid Vicious makes his way out to the entryway. Sid looks around the arena at all of the fans cheering for him and proceeds to make his way down towards ringside, giving fist love to all the fans that reach over the guardrail. Sid gets into the ring over the top rope, and throws his arms up in the air as pyros go off above the ring.**

** The lights in the arena dim and spotlights of neon pink and purple hearts illuminate the arena as “You Start the Fire” plays but is quickly drowned out by a sea of boos from the crowd. Bret Hart takes his time and after about fifteen seconds makes his way through the curtain and out to the entryway drawing even more boos out of the crowd. Bret Hart takes a long look around the arena with almost a disgusted look on his face as he walks down toward the ring as purple heart spotlights light up in front of him along the way. Bret walks up the ring steps and enters the ring through the ropes. Bret again looks around at the crowd in disgust then goes into his trademark arms out pose drawing in the loudest boos of the night. Bret smiles at the reaction from the crowd as the lights return to full brightness and his music fades into the background. The bell rings as Bret takes off his leather jacket and sunglasses and goes face to face in the ring with Sid.**

JS: “The first fall will be a tables match, one of Sid’s specialties. He has been in some of the most famous flaming tables matches this company ever had.”

Bret and Sid face off in the middle of the ring, both men start trash talking each other, and after a few seconds Bret slaps Sid across his face. Sid takes a few steps back then charges Bret but Bret side steps and leg sweeps Sid down to the mat. Sid lands hard on his back but quickly gets up, when he does he is greeted by a quick arm drag takedown by the Hitman. Bret lets go and Sid gets up and charges again and Bret gives him another one. Bret lets go Sid gets up again but this time Hart dropkicks Sid in the face. Sid rolls out of the ring in frustration. Bret gets up with a smirk on his face, then as Sid paces around on the outside Bret charges dives through the ropes and nails Sid with a suicide dive. Sid is knocked into the guardrail Bret hitting the move perfectly gets right up since he landed completely on Sid’s body and not on the concrete floor. Bret gets into it with a couple of fans at ringside who are wearing Sid Vicious t-shirts and have pro Sid signs. Bret grabs one of the signs away from the fan, rips it in half, and throws it back in the face of the fan.

BH: “Now that’s what I like to see in a wrestling match. Put the humanoids in their place Hitman!”

JS: “Will you please. . .”

Bret grabs Sid by the hair, picks him up, and gives him a Russian Legsweep into the steel guardrail. Bret gets right back up to his feet and taunts Sid while he is down, then taunts the fans at ringside once again. Bret Hart goes under the ring and pulls out a table getting some cheers from some of the fans. Bret immediately drops the table goes over to the fans and yells at them to shut their mouths! Bret giving a stern look goes back over and opens up the table, he sees Sid getting up to his feet, so he quickly goes around the table, runs, and clips the left leg of Sid bringing him back down to the floor. Bret stomps on Sid’s leg a few more times then goes back and picks the table up and sets it up horizontally facing the ring. Bret picks Sid up and throws him back first into the ring apron, then hops up on top of it, and pulls Sid up there as well. Bret yells out that he is going to put Sid through the table, but before he can do anything Sid grabs Bret by the throat and goes to give him a choke slam. He picks Bret up in the air but as he does Bret kicks him in the groin. Sid drops Bret and bends over in pain, Bret grabs Sid, turns his back towards the crowd, and gives him a Russian Legsweep off the ring apron through the table!

JS: “Bret Hart wins the first fall by putting Sid through a table, now we move onto the second fall which is a submission match.”

BH: “Well Sid is putting on an effort that is as memorable as a fart in the wind. Wake up big man, wake up!”

**Bret Hart quickly gets up, gets back into the ring, and poses for the cameras drawing even further heat from the crowd who now start to throw garbage in the ring. Bret looks around and gives the crowd a double middle finger salute circling all sides of the ring to make sure everyone in attendance sees him calling Chicago the number two city.**

JS: “Oh that’s just great!”

Bret gets out of the ring, pulls Sid out of the table’s rubble, and puts him back in the ring. Bret takes another look at the fans he had an altercation with earlier in the match, then gets back into the ring. Bret picks Sid up and gives him a knee breaker, but holds onto his left leg with one hand, and holds up a thumbs up into a thumbs down with the other.

JS: “Bret’s attacking that injured leg of Sid, he said he was going to target that leg and it’s obvious that Bret has excellently executed that injured leg of Sid.”

BH: “Well Sid has been launching an all out attack on my attention span in this match, wake up in their damnit!”

Bret grabs the other leg of Sid and hooks him in the Sharpshooter!! Bret sits down as far back as he can cinching in the hold as much as possible. It doesn’t take Sid long to tap out, the referee calls for the bell! Bret Hart wins! Bret keeps the hold locked on after the bell has rung and after his music has started playing. Sid yells in pain as Bret keeps the hold locked on despite the ref trying to pull him off, Bret finally lets go when he hears that Sid has stopped yelling and has passed out from the pain.

JS: “Bret Hart has won the match in just two falls! What a beating!”

BH: “He didn’t just win Styles, he just absolutely destroyed Sid Vicious. I have never seen a man make such short work of another man in a main event in all my years in the wrestling business. He truly showed all you humanoids that he’s the best there is, the best there was, and the best that there ever will be.”

JS: “What is this? Oh great, now he wants to say something. If any kids are still watching you might want to mute your television cause I don’t think he is going to thank this Chicago crowd for their hospitality.”

Bret Hart: "Is this it? Is this all you had to give me on my return show Paul E? I beat the living hell out of Sid, he's not even worthy of being in my presence. Get this piece of shit out of my ring. **BRET KICKS SID OUT OF THE RING** First Crown of Barbwire inductee huh?**BOOS** Well, this show has been too good to end like this! I want a real challenge. Hey, how about anyone who's in this World Title tournament. Come on out here so I can make another example of why I am the best this company has to offer. SO, who’s it gonna be? HBK? Steiner? Come on. **A few seconds go by and still no one comes out** That's what I thought, no one wants to mess with The Best there is, The Best there was, and The Best........."

**All of a sudden the lights in the arena go orange and “War Machine” by Kiss blasts on the PA system of the arena. Smoke comes through the curtain and swallows the entire entryway. The smoke takes a little while to clear but when it does there is a short, dark figure standing with a towel over his head. The fans immediately start cheering as the figure starts walking down the aisle way and as the lights in the arena come back on it is revealed that the figure walking to the ring is none other than former eHw World Heavyweight Champion. . . . TAZ!!!**

JS: “TAZ! TAZ! TAZ! That’s the mystery man! That’s the wrecking machine that said he would be at Back To the Extreme tonight and nobody could stop him if they wanted to. Taz is walking right into the ring where Bret Hart is standing!”

Taz slowly gets into the ring, stomping up the ring steps, and whiping his feet before going through the ropes and entering the ring. Taz gets into the ring, and stands in front of Bret Hart with his head down and his arms folded. Bret looks at Taz with a half scared half pissed off look. Taz takes the towel off his head and holds his arms up in the air and as soon as he does Bret hits him from behind. But Taz isn’t phased by the attack, he turns around as Bret continues to punch him. Bret stomps punching in shock that his high impact blows are having no effect on the Human Suplex Machine. Bret takes a step back, whips his mouth, then goes to hit Taz again but Taz catches Bret’s fist in mid swing, spins him around, and locks him in the TAZMISSION!! Taz pulls down to the mat and lays back in the hold. Bret thrives in pain desperately reaching for the ropes as Taz begins to choke him out, Bret looks as though he is going to tap out to the hold but as he does the screen fades to black as the show ends!

Back to the Extreme Desire Video: “Get Born Again” Alice in Chains