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Hi everybody!

Welcome to my homepage!!!
It's my pitiful, yet sincere, attempt to fill you in on my little life.

Well, most of you already know everything there is to know about the ol' duckster, but I'll try to fill ya in the best I can. Oh, please don't forget to sign my guestbook. I wanna be able to thank you all for stopping by!

My real name is Jenny and I am 30 years old. I live in a small town in Kentucky. I'm now working as a cashier at Wal-Mart on the night shift since I was laid off from my accounting job last year. I spend most of my time either working or sleeping. It's very difficult to adjust to working nights when you've worked during the day for the past 12 years. But I'm doing my best and think I'll make it! LOL I don't spend as much time on the computer chatting like I used to, but I'm still around more than most people. I still love chatting with my buds when I can catch them, but it's very rare that I see any of my old chat partners. I'm using Yahoo alot more these days and must admit I have been having some great chats there! And hope they continue for a long, long time. *wink* I'm still catering to my two babies, Hazey and Daisy. Those are my two cats for those of you who don't know me very well!

I'm always looking for new people to talk to and new friends to make. As I see it, you can never have too many friends. I'm not gonna make a big long list of all my friends here, cuz I know I'd forget to add somebody and I just couldn't bare to leave someone out, so you know who you all are! I love ya all!

There's not alot of stuff going on these days. Pretty much boring as heck, but I'm not complaining....boring is good. :o) Please feel free to say hello or strike up a conversation with me. My ICQ number is 53411151 and my Yahoo ID is retroducky. Would love to hear from anybody out there interested enough to say hello!

Anyway, I guess I've rambled too much here, but I'm pretty darn good at that. You guys be good and always look for me! Lord knows I'm here most of the time!


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I'd love to add photos of my friends, so please send a pic or two and I'll try to get them added soon!

Last Updated May 11, 2002

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