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AS we make plans to return to Durham for the BIG MGB PICNIC, It's almost been a year now...We prayed Weight Loss Surgery would change our lives. With faith in God and a surgeon named Robert Rutledge we see that it is now a reality...At the present I have lost near one hundred pounds and my wife has lost more than a hundred...making us very close to our idea body weight...I remember when I first started thinking about WLS over ten years ago...I abandoned the ideal because of the amount of fear I felt when I thought about it...After, marriage three children and 9 years later I found myself at almost 300 pounds. Being plagued with several medical problems and yes even some mental issues, I knew it was time to do something...something drastic. .After trying more diets than I care to remember.. and over a truck load of diet pills ...I also knew that what I had tried in the past did not work or did not work for long...One part of the pre-op package is to recall all the things you have tried to lose weight.. I had to account for all the diet and drugs I had used before WLS. .I was shocked and saddened when I had discovered I had used over 20 different prescription drugs and 47 so called weight loss plans...and Lord knows how much money...For me WLS was the answer I needed to a much asked question...If you ask me would you do it again, the answer would and has always been yes...and my wife will concur...Now I’m not saying it was easy...I had some issues I had to work thru...I had to relearn to eat...I remember always thinking I was going to starve to death...not because I was hungry but the fact that I was only eating 20% or less of what I ate before WLS...but I'm here to tell you will not starve to death...I stayed healthy thru the journey of WLS by drinking lots of water and other liquids and some exercise...In conclusions I must say I’m happier and healthier today because of my WLS I meet and have made several of friends who have also had WLS...I now call these people my MGB brothers and sisters, I guess that truly does make Dr. R. the papa (LOL)

David Pemberton
MGB 10/12/2000
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