
You have found what may be the largest collection of photographs, yearbooks and documents of Middlesboro, Kentucky on the internet.

Alexander Arthur's vision of his "Magic City" turned the wilderness of the Yellow Creek Valley into a raging new housing, commercial, mining, timber and industrial enterprise. With help from British investors and their millions of pounds, Middlesborough, if only for a while became the Pittsburgh of the South.

Those older folks who call Middlesboro home are aware of the boom and bust of our town. Yet we share a love for its remarkable history and our memories of growing up in a very unique place. It doesn't matter if you have moved away; Middlesboro is still home.

Middlesboro's history is traced from the beginning through its enormous growth during the 1950's and early 1960's. Please let us know what you think about what you see here. It is not a fancy website with a lot of web extras. It is just a place where older people can look back on what we once had, and kids can look and say, "I wish I could have seen it back then."

Download whatever you wish! If you copy large numbers of these photographs onto another web site, PLEASE provide a link back to this site: www.middlesboroughhistory.com. That is all we ask. THANKS!

DISCLAIMER: All materials on this website may, or may not be copyrighted. A great deal of material is in the public domain. Materials are posted here based on an understanding of the Fair Use provisions of United States law. They are not used for profit. No funds will be, or have ever been accepted for any image shown; however, some users contribute for the website costs. These historic photographs and other materials are often used as educational material at the public high school where I teach and are placed here for education and research only. The Lige Yeary photographs are copyrighted, Middlesboro, Kentucky 2015.


Written by Chuck Owens

Copyright 2019 Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965

Over 3.4 million page views for Cumberland Gap Broadcasting & Middlesborough History

Since 10 January 2010
Email: ceowens3@outlook.com