The Fig Tree

The Surgeon backed away from the operating table and told one of the student Doctors to close for him. The Surgeon had a dinner date to keep, tonight was the big night, he was going to ask his girl to marry him and be his wife. He felt like he was on top of the world because he had just made a lot of money doing that surgery.

The Surgeon went to his private office in the hospital and dressed in his finest clothes. He was so proud of what he was wearing. He said, Expensive and hand made, I had it all hand made in Sweden last week and I flew there especially to have it done, It cost me 20 K, but I’m worth it, I make that doing a small surgery before noon on any given day.

He left his office and got on the elevator, a man was on the elevator with him, it was just the two of them there alone. The man was holding an Empty jar in his hand with a picture of a young girl taped to the jar. A little note was taped on the jar also, it said, I’m Beth 5 years old, Give if you can, its OK if you can’t, I understand, I need an operation real soon or I will die.

The Surgeon quickly said, I don’t carry any money on me. That was anything but the truth. The man holding the jar didn’t say a word. When the elevator doors opened, the Surgeon stepped out. Another man standing there, waiting for the elevator, noticed the nice suit the Surgeon was wearing. He said, Wow! what a suite, I wish I could look that good.

The Surgeon walked on down the hallway feeling real proud of himself. The other man stepped into the elevator that he had been waiting on. When the elevator doors closed, the second man said, to the man holding the jar - That fig tree does not bear fruit, let me cut it down and cast it into the fire? The man holding the jar said - I will cultivate around him, I will water him and fertilize him, if then he does not bear fruit, cast him into the fire.

The Surgeon got into a taxi in front of the hospital. The driver also had a picture of Beth taped up where the passenger could see it. The Surgeon said, That little girl is quite popular it seems, how come, do you know? The driver said, She goes to my church, everyone loves her. Her mother works at a place that doesn’t offer health insurance that is affordable. The insurance would cost more than she clears in a week. The mother is a single parent.

The Surgeon said I went to church when I was a child, but I grew out of it. If she is hoping for a miracle, good luck. The driver said, You don’t believe in miracles? The Surgeon said, The only miracles around here are my two hands, I do miracles with them all the time. The driver said, What Miracles? The surgeon said, I am a heart Surgeon, I can give life from the dead, when a man dies I can take his heart out and put it in another man and make it start beating again.

The driver said, That is what kind of surgery little Beth has to have, a new heart, hers is defective some how. You could do the surgery for her OK? The Surgeon said, Sure, as soon as she comes up with about a million dollars in cash, then look me up. I don’t do charity work. The drivers said A reward in heaven is better than a million in cash. The Surgeon said Not to me.

He arrived at the fancy restaurant and found his lady setting at the table he had reserved. On the table was another jar with Beth’s picture on it. His lady said, Look Honey, this little girl needs surgery, why don’t you see if you can help her out. The Surgeon pushed the jar around behind the flowers out of site. The lady pulled the jar right back out.

He didn’t get to ask her the big question, the jar soon lead into a fight and a splitting up of the couple. The Surgeon had to go into the men’s room to get a grip on what had just happened, being dumped in front of every one there.

The Surgeon returned to his home to find two police officers waiting on him. They said, We have a warrant for your arrest. The Surgeon said, What are the charges? They said Tax Evasion. He was hauled down town and put into a holding cell with a lot of other criminals.

The fancy clothes that he was wearing drew attention from the others right away. This was not the kind of place where that was a good thing to do. The other prisoners decided to cast lots for his clothes, winner takes all. He said, You can’t do that. He watched as they gambled in front of him for his clothes.

The winner was a large man, he was like a leader of a motorcycle gang. The biker said, Off with the clothes little man! The Surgeon said, Now hold on just a minute. The biker started to slap him around, he struck which ever side of his face that was turned to him, first one then the other.

They took everything he had except for his boxer shorts and they would have taken them too, had they been a little cleaner. The Surgeon sat alone in the corner on the cold floor, while the others mocked him and spit on him as they walked by. Later another man came over and sat down beside of him on the floor.

This prisoner had not taken part in the taking of the Surgeons clothes. The man said, Are you a Christian? The Surgeon answered, No, I’m a Surgeon. The man said, I’m a Christian. The Surgeon said, I didn’t think a Christian would be in jail, not a real Christian anyway. The man said, I didn’t think a Surgeon would be in jail , not a real Surgeon anyway.

The Surgeon said, Where are all of the guards? Don’t they ever come around to check up on their prisoners? The man said, Yeah, about as often as Doctors come around in the hospital to check on their patients. About once every couple days or so, then only for a minute. The Surgeon said, I could be dead by then. The man said, See, thats how your patients feel too.

The man said, Who did you use your one phone call on, Your lawyer? The Surgeon said Yes, I got his answering machine. The man said, Doctors, Lawyers, and people you elected are always the hardest to get a hold of when you need one. They tell you they will always be there for you if you need them, but they never are.

The Surgeon said, Who did you call, your preacher? He said, I haven’t called anyone, they will let me out in the morning anyway, what does it matter where I sleep. The Surgeon said, I’ve got a real nice bed at home waiting on me. The man said, I just sleep on a park bench or under a bridge if it’s raining. I don’t have a home of my own.

The Surgeon said, Your a homeless bum and you claim to be a Christian, The man said, It doesn’t cost anything to believe, you can go to heaven for free, Jesus paid the bill already. The Surgeon said, I spent a fortune to get where I’m at. The man said, It didn’t cost me anything to get here, I just went to sleep on the wrong park bench, and nobody beat me up as soon as I got here to take my clothes away from me either.

The man said, Do you want my shirt to keep you warm? The Surgeon said, NO, I’d rather be cold then to wear a shirt like that. The man said, The shirt is clean. The Surgeon said My clothes cost more than any of you men make in a year, I wouldn’t use your shirt to wipe my nose with. The man said, It’s better to be a poor Christian than a rich man, Jesus said, It would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to get into heaven.

The man and the Surgeon talked all night, the Surgeon talked about his money and the man talked about Christ’s teachings. The two men were released the next day. The Surgeon had to put up a cash bond. Jesus was well pleased with the words spoken by the poor man. Satan was pleased with what the Surgeon had said. Satan asked if the Surgeon could be cast into the fire now, sense he had been cultivated, watered and fertilized several times already, and shows no sign of bearing fruit or even to bud? Jesus said, I know him not.

The Surgeon found himself in Hell. Satan came up to the man and said: Physician, I’m glad your here! Then Satan grabbed him up and tossed the Surgeon into the lake of fire, for him to burn for ever and ever.

Then Jimmy said: I have to go now, I’ll see you guys tomorrow in school. Another little boy that had been listening to Jimmy’s story said: I’m going home and tell this story to my mom. She is always telling people that I want to be a Doctor and make a lot of money when I grow up, I’m telling her that I changed my mind, Now I want to be a preacher and save people instead.

Written By : Johnny lee Hall
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