The Plan

God has a plan for everyone and everything. Often he has several plans for each. God is at work on the details of this plan long before we ever become aware of it. God plants a seed, and a tree sprouts. With a little rain and sunshine, it grows into a mature tree. God has little trouble with tree’s. If tree’s were like people, then the one’s on top of the hill would want to be down by the stream, the Maple would want to be an Oak. The Pine would laugh at all the other trees each Fall when their leaves fall off and the other tree’s are bare.

But lets say that tree’s are like people and you are a Mahogany. Lets say that the Lord is like a skilled craftsman. Who has the patience that is needed to change you, to make you into something unbelievable. But first you are cut down and fall to the ground. Then dragged away to a different place. You want to return to the forest and not go through all this. The craftsman cuts away the parts from you that are not wanted. With saws, chisels, and rubber straps he shapes you. At times, he has to even use the hammer.

Then comes the sand paper. For 2 years this goes on, then comes the stain and the sealer. You say “Enough is enough already, what more could there be for you to do to Me? Nine coats of Captain Varnish is your answer. You say “ Just let me be, I was so happy just being a tree.” Then he places a mirror where you can see what you have become. You can’t believe what you see, you say, “Is that really me?” He says “High Cotton” thats who you are, named after me. I made you, I shaped you, and you are mine all mine.

Here is me and my best friend Milford Cotton, he made me, he shaped me, and I am his all his! Some may want to buy me, but we don’t go for that kind of stuff around here. I’m not for sale at any price. Us Cotton’s will just keep cruising up and down the roads of our old Kentucky home in Carter Co.

I’M SO GLAD HE DIDN’T LET ME STAY A TREE. See ya in my rear view!

Written : 6-3-2000 JLH

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