Mustard Seeds

Lets talk about faith for a while. We all would like to think we have a huge mountain of faith, but as Jesus pointed out- we don’t. Not even faith the size of a mustard seed. Jesus told this to his disciples, they were with Jesus 24 hours a day for three years and seen stuff that we can’t even imagine. If their faith was smaller than a mustard seed under those conditions, then a microscope would certainly be needed to see our faith. We only go to church a few minutes now and then. What we do have a huge amount of is doubt, about the size of the largest mountain.

My wife, four children and I use to live in a small mobile home on top of a little hill- not far from her grandmother’s house. Everytime the wind started to blow the least little bit, my wife’s grandmother would call us up on the phone and say- “Come and bring those children out here to the cellar where you’ll be safe!” But we never went out there and got in the cellar, and I didn’t have to go to church to hear a sermon preached, cause granny would preach up storm at me for at least a week or more.

One day the wind started blowing hard and a tornado watch was announced over the radio. Sure enough granny called. When I answered the phone she was screaming- “Get out of that trailer right now and get over here in the cellar, there a tornado on the way. If you don’t want to stay- at least bring those children here so they don’t get blown away!”

I said; Now Granny, where can you run to- to hide from the Lord? She said; There is no place you can run to. I said; Granny, can a tornado harm you if the Lord doesn’t want it to? She said; No, your right. Now she calls after the storm is over and says; “That sure was a doozy of a storm wasn’t it?” Too bad my faith in all matters of life is not as strong as it is during wind storms.

We have faith in a lot of things- like we get on a jet plane getting ready to fly from Ohio to Arizona. You never see the pilot, there may not even be a pilot for all we know. The pilot and copilot could be up front finishing off a 12 pack of beer & a few illegal cigarettes before take off. But we place our lives in their hands anyway because we have faith that they know what they are doing. Even if all they put under your seat is a floatation device instead of a parachute.

Whats the chances of you even finding one of these floatation devices if you did happen to servive the crash from 37,000 feet? There is not very much water between Ohio and Arizona except maybe the Mississippi river, and it takes how long for a jet to fly across it- a millionth of a second? Anything less than a parachute and a floatation device for each passenger causes me to wonder if they really have any clue of whats going on in the first place.

Everybody doesn’t fly in airplanes. You won’t catch granny getting on any airplane, but you will see her going 70 mph in a 55 mph from time to time in her Chevy Caviler. She has faith that her new brakes will still stop the car just like it has the last 15,000 times since they were put on seven years ago. The tires might be slick but they still hold air.

It’s time we have as much faith in God as we do in the things on earth that we know- sooner or later will fail us.

God never fails.
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