Guest Speaker

Little Bobby was in his room sitting on the bed. He was trying to get his shoe on. He was getting ready to go to church tonight with his mother. He finished getting ready, he had his cute little three piece suit on. He walked out of the room and down the hallway to the living room, where his mom was. She was talking on the phone, she stopped and said, Bobby honey, why are you wearing your suite?

He said, Mom it’s Sunday, we have to go to church again tonight. She said, Bobby I don’t know if we are even going tonight or not, mommy is awful tired. Bobby said, Tonight they said they were having a guest speaker, we have to go. She said, When they have guest speakers that means it’s OK not to come, thats why they have them, to give mommies a break.

Bobby was only six, he liked church and especially his Sunday school teacher. He made her cards all the time, and she brought cookies and games, and was really nice. Bobby’s mom didn’t like her because she is a police woman, and she gave his mommy a parking ticket for parking in a handicap parking place at the mall.

Bobby convinced his mother to take him to church that night. They went in and sat in the back row. Bobby wanted to sit up front, but his mother wanted to sit in the back close to the door so they could get out faster. She told Bobby You never know when a fire may break out, and you have to get out quick.

The regular preacher got up and introduced the man sitting on the front row as the Guest Speaker. He said, The man had just been called to preach and this would be his first Sermon.

The Guest Speaker started off like most everyone else did, by going to the Lord in Prayer, Afterwards he said, I’m new at your church, I’m a Christian, could I see the hands of you that are Christians also. Most of the church raised their hands. Bobby’s mother and a few others didn’t. Bobby did, he was baptized a few weeks ago. The guest speaker looked at the raised hands and said, Good, now lower your hands. He said, There was a few that didn’t, but they must be in someway interested or they wouldn’t be here. God Bless the visitors of this church. He said, Now everyone that wants to go to hell stand up! Nobody did. He said, Good, I don’t want to see anybody go either. I plan to help keep you out, bring you to Christ if that be the will. Hell is not any kind of a place a person would want to go. You will hear people say Well I won’t be the only one there. Thats right it will be full. These same people don’t want to go to prison, where there are murders and rapiers and worse. Well what kind of people do you think Hell will be full of.

The people you won’t dare go around here on earth, will be the kind with you in hell. Do you think they will be any nicer there? Do you think the Devil is going to care what these people do to you in hell. No, he will probably be helping them, the rapiers, the torturers of children, the wife beaters, the one’s who knock down little old ladies in the street and take the little money they have to eat on for the next month, until they get another Social Security Check, then they will come back and try to take it too.

Everyone locks their door at night to keep these kind of people out of their home so the can sleep at night. Well there is no locks in hell to keep them out, you won’t be sleeping either, there is no rest in hell.

When you come home tired after work, your looking forward to the weekend, when your off. Hell doesn’t have a time clock, you punch in, but you never punch out, there is no weekend there, no holidays, you can’t retire after 20 years. It is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for ever. After a million years you don’t even get a coffee break.

Bobby looked over at his mother, she is usually messing around in her purse or day dreaming about something else and not paying attention . She was paying attention tonight, she wasn’t chewing the gun she had put in her mouth when he first got up there to speak.

The Speaker said, You don’t have to go there. Jesus, by going up on that cross and staying. And he didn’t have to stay there either, he could have brought himself down at anytime. He paid the price to keep you and me out of hell. You can go to Heaven, he has already bought the ticket with your name on it and is holding it out for you to take, It’s already arranged for you.

The ticket is paid in full, travel arrangements made, a confirmed seat on the flight, accommodations when you get there, you don’t have to worry about a place to stay. Jesus has already went and prepared a place for you . It says so right here. The speaker help up the Bible. He said, Read it for yourself in John Chapter 14 the second and third verse, it says: "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also".

With that, my time is up for speaking with you here tonight, I’ll turn it back over to your pastor so he can give the invitation. The regular preacher got up and gave the invitation. Bobby’s mother was in tears as she walked up and took the preacher’s hand. She told him she would take the ticket and give her life to Christ as her young son had already done. Then they knelt, both on their knee’s and prayed. Then they stood and faced the church members. He told the church members to come shake her hand and he would talk more with her after the services was dismissed. When Bobby came up in line to shake his mother’s hand too. He said, Now we both will be in heaven and I can see you everyday. She picked Bobby up, hugged him and stood there a while weeping. One of the things she was thankful for was Bobby, she would not have went to church that night if he hadn’t insisted on it so. He was the one that got his mommy to go.

Before he got dressed in his room that afternoon, he had asked for Jesus to find a way to help his mommy to be saved, because he wanted her to go to heaven, like he was someday.

Written by: Johnny lee Hall
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