Gang Of Thieves

The leader of the gang is called Blade. Gang members often receive new names when they join the gang. All gangs need money. Convenient stores are not as convenient as they use to be. The clerks often have guns of their own, along with surveillance cameras, drop safes, silent alarms, ect. Little old ladies on Social Security now have direct deposit.

They decided to rob a local church, it was about a mile out of town. The youngest member of the gang was sent in to gather information so a plan could be made. The 14 year old put on regular clothes and fit right in.

After church the members patted him on the head and told him to come back and bring his friends. The following Sunday he did just that.

Five boys, all under the age of 18 entered the church and sat down, One remained outside letting the air out of tires. After the collection plate was passed, they made their move. The collection plate had $87, mostly in ones. There was no need to hurry or be in a rush. So they explained that the collection plate would be passed again and anyone holding out would get to Heaven a little sooner than planned. The plate returned full of 10’s, 20’s, 50’s, and 100 dollar bills totaling a sum of over $2000.00

The plate was passed again to collect watches, rings, cell phones and anything else of value. They especially wanted the keys to the brand new Cadillac, it was parked in the spot marked “Reserved for Pastor.” With hesitation he gave up the keys.

Before leaving, the leader placed $87 back in the collection plate, and said “Even we know better than to try and rob God.”

No arrest were made and Judgment is pending.
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