Forrest Gump Goes To Heaven

The day finally arrives when Forrest Gump dies and he meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gate. The gate closes as Forrest approaches. St. Peter says; Forrest it’s certainly good to see you, we have heard so much about you. Forrest said; St. Peter sir; What does that mean, when the gates close in your face like that?

St. Peter said; Well Forrest there is a test you must pass to get in. Forrest said: Nobody never told me about a test, I sure hope it ain’t hard. St. Peter said; The test is short, it’s only three questions. The first one is; What days of the week start with “T”? The Second question is; How many seconds are there in a year? The final question is; What is Gods first name?

Forrest went over and sat down on a bench for a while to think the questions over. He thought and thought and thought so more, it was late the next day before Forrest return to the gate where St. Peter was still waiting. St. Peter said; Well Forrest, now that you have had time to think about it- How many days of the week start with the letter “T”? Forrest said: That would be “Today and Tomorrow.”

St. Peter said; You have a point there and I guess I didn’t specify it very clear so I’ll give you that one. Now how many seconds are there in a year? Forrest said; I thunk and thunk on that one. But the answer is Twelve. St. Peter said; Twelve? Forrest said; Yeah January second, February second........ St. Peter said; OK Forrest I see what you mean, that wasn’t what I had in mind, but again I didn’t specify so I’ll give you that one too. Now what is the first name of God?

Forrest said; Shucks, that was the easiest one of all- Gods first name is Andy! St. Peter said; Forrest where did you come up with that? Forrest said; Its in that song, you know the one everybody always sings in church- “ Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, Andy tells me I am his own.” St. Peter opened the gate and said; “Run- Forrest- Run.”
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