The Angel

Sue works for a large law firm. She is on one of the firm’s private jet, returning from an overnight stay in Puerto Rico. Sue had to fly down and tie up some lose ends. The lawyers had a big golf game, so they sent Sue in their place. She does all the work anyway, they have to ask her what’s going on most of the time.

Sue is very pretty and doesn’t show her age, younger men are always asking her out because they think she is their age. Sue spends a lot of her time helping people find lost loved ones and reuniting them back together again. She recently found a woman’s lost brother, they had been separated when they were small children in an orphanage. The only thing the woman had was half of a picture. It was picture of the two of them together as children. They tore it in half, he kept the half with her on it, and she kept the half with him on it.

It was all they had. She kept the picture with her as she was switched from one foster home to another. It was a lot of hard work but Sue found the brother and was there when they met again for the first time in 31 years. He still had the other half of the picture. Sue has a picture of them together. A picture is all Sue charges for her hard work. Sue is a Christian.

Sue is in the back of the plane wearing a summer evening gown that she had bought in Puerto Rico. The dress looked really great on her. Sue gave the old dress she was wearing to a poor woman she seen on the street. The only luggage Sue had was the dress she was wearing, a purse and a brief case.

Thoughts were running threw her mind about her father. Her mother told her all about him, he was killed before her mother had a chance to tell him she was with child. He was a jet pilot in the Vietnam war and was shot down in 1968.

Sue was thinking of what her and her dad might have talked about over the years if they could have seen each other and spent some time together. She knows they would have got along great. Sue reclined the seat back to rest, it would be early in the morning before they would land and it had already been a long day for her.

The pilot unknown to Sue, had made a business transaction in Puerto Rico too. He had bought a bag of illegal drugs and had been trying them out since they had crossed the border into the United States. The higher he got, the lower he flew the plane. The plane was to fly back to New York, but they were in Canada now. The pilot was stoned out of his mind when the warning alarm went off. It repeated over and over- pull up, pull up! The pilot said, Shut up! and turned the warning alarm off. In just a few seconds, the plane was crashing threw pine trees on the side of a Canadian mountain.

When the plane came to a stop it was in pieces, scattered across the mountain side. It was July, but there was still snow up high on the mountain where the plane had crashed. The pilot was lost in the crash, Sue was shaken up a bit, she didn’t have any injuries. God protected her in the Palm of his hand during the crash.

Sue awakened in a pile of snow, it was soft and it was cold. The pretty dress did very little to help keep her warm. The plane was in pieces and burning. She got warm by the fire, but she knew it wouldn’t last long. She prayed - Thy will be done Lord, deliver me if it be your will.

Just before the last bit of fire went out, a mountain man came alone. He had seen the lights from the burning plane and decided to check it out. He brought some blankets along with him too. Sue said, I’m sure glad you come around. The man said, Your lucky I went outside to get some more wood for the fire, I usually don’t go out after I go to bed. Sue said, Thank God you needed more fire wood.

The man said, I don’t have anything to thank God for, so I never do. Sue said You should and I do. The man said, Did you thank him for the plane crash and you almost freezing to death. Sue said, I thank god I’m alive and that he sent you with the warm blankets.

The man said, You can stay up here all night, thanking God or you can come with me, I don’t care which. Sue said, I can go with you and thank him at the same time. The man said, I’m John, what do they call you Joan of Ark? she said My name is Sue and I’m a Christian. John said I wouldn’t’ have known it if you hadn’t told me, as if God wasn’t ever other word out of your mouth.

John started walking off, on his way back down to his cabin, Sue followed. She asked him if he liked to fly? He said, I never been off the ground and don’t plan too, you see what happened to you when you tried it. She told him how she helped find lost people and bring them back together. John told her she talked to much.

When they made their way to the cabin, she was surprised to find a road leading too it and a truck parked in front. John didn’t waste any time starting the truck to take her down the mountain. He didn’t let her go in the cabin, to get warm, he said, There is a heater in the truck, lets go.

She asked why he was in such a hurry for her to leave, she didn’t talk that much, did she? John said, I was married to a woman like you once. Women always pushing a man to change and shoving a Bible in your face. If a man is going to change it will be because of the love between them, not by force, men don’t like being forced into anything.

John said, My wife told me she wasn’t going to live with a sinner and left one day. I waited for her to come back for three days, when she didn’t return, I came to Canada. Sue said, Did you ever write her or call her? John said No, she made her choice, and I see the marriage vow’s - For better or worse and until death do us part - a little different than she did I guess.

Sue said, Let me help you find her, I owe you for saving my life anyway. He said, No, I don’t want hurt like that again, once a woman gets running off on the brain, she’ll keep doing it every time something doesn’t go her way. Sue said, Do you still love her? John said I do and did then, she was all I cared about and she knew it. She knew how bad it would hurt me if she left, but she done it anyway. She used my love against me. I haven’t got over that yet and maybe I never will.

He dropped Sue off in the small town below the mountain. Sue gave him her address on a business card. She said, Write me if I can ever do anything for you, any time at all. He said, Not likely and drove off. Sue went inside and called the authorities to report the plane crash.

A few years later Sue received a letter, it was from John. It said that he has cancer and only a short time to live, six months, or maybe less. He said, If you are as good at finding people as you say you are, and done it before with only a picture to go by, than here is a picture of my wife. It was taken in 1968, it is one of me and her together. If you find her I’m in the hospital in the town where I dropped you off. I doubt if she cares enough to come, even if you can find her, which I doubt.

The picture was wrapped in a white cloth, she unwrapped the cloth and looked at the picture. She knew that picture, it was one of her mom and dad. She has a copy of it in her family photo album. How could that be? Her father was shot down in 1968, her mother told her so. Sue called her mother on the phone and questioned her about it. Her mom confessed that it could be true, she said, Sue dear, I was thinking only of you. Sue was furious that her mother had deceived her all these years.

Sue had a father and had even met him, but never knew it. Sue said, Come on, your coming with me to Canada. They flew to Canada and then drove to the small town and found the hospital, that John was in. He was now in a Coma, the cancer was in his brain. The doctor said, There is nothing we can do for him. They stayed there that day and all night. They both prayed for him to wake up, it seemed it was not to be.

Sue asked if anyone around had a truck that could take them up to John’s cabin on the mountain. She hoped to find out something about her father there. A local preacher had a truck and he gladly volunteered to drive them to the cabin, he knew where it was and had visited John there before. They arrived at the cabin and went inside. They found many copies of the picture like he had sent to Sue. It seems to be the only one he had of them. Her mother had taken everything with her when she left, that was the thing he had left of their marriage.

Sue said, Mom how could you? Her mother said, I didn’t know what else to do. That’s what everyone said, I should do, I didn’t know all this would happen. Sue said, Why did you tell me that story all these years. The mother answered and said It started out as such a little lie, but then I had to tell you more to cover that one up, It finally got to be a great big mess, but what could I do. The preacher said, Take all things to God in prayer, even the little things. It’s the little things that we don’t’ take to God, and we try to handle it by ourselves. We can’t do anything without God’s help , we just make things worse. He said, Lets go back to the hospital and pray there with John.

They gathered around his beside and bowed their heads in prayer. Sue’s mother said, Please forgive me for what I’ve done, I wished I wouldn’t have left, then we could have had a happy life together, all of us.

An old woman walked into the room, she said, Those Marriage Vows are for a reason and it’s your promise to God, you have no right to ever break them. She took the white cloth form Sue’s hand, that had wrapped the picture, that John had sent to her. The old woman tied it around the bed rail and said, God is a forgiving God. Then she touched John on the head where the cancer was at. The old woman turned and walked out of the room. She was an angel sent from God to heal him.

John opened his eyes, he recognized his wife that he had loved so long. The first words he said was I forgive you, don’t ever leave me again. She said, I won’t, I’ll never leave you again. He turned to Sue and said I guess you are as good as you say you are. Sue’s mother said, That’s our daughter John. He looked at her and said, I knew you reminded me of your mother.

John made a full recovery, the cancer disappeared. They are now trying to pick up where they all left off. The first step was to get back in church, a family that prays together stays together. God sent an angel in answer to their prayers.

Written By : Johnny lee Hall
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