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Lisa & Cleo’s Page

Hi my name is Lisa. I am happily married for 11 years to a wonderful man his name is Scott. We have 2 children Justin-11 and Courtney-8. I love to garden and read. I also love to travel.


Hi, my name is Cleo. I am happily unmarried and live with my youngest daughter in Manchester. I also have two older children, Kim, 26 and Misty 22. They are both married and live in Indianapolis.

Our class


We began our classes January 24th 2000. We took classes on Excel, Powerpoint, Keyboarding I&II, Access, Microsoft Word, Windows 98, Microsoft Works, Communications, Advanced Windows, Internet. Cleo learned a lot of skills to help her on the internet. Lisa has learned skills in Excel that she thinks will help her in the job that she wants to do. We both have improved our skills in keyboarding that will also help us in our quest to get a good job now that everything is becoming so computerized. We gained skills in preparing a resume which we hope will be very helpful in making our skills look better to those that are looking for someone to fill a position.

Our Instructor

We live in Manchester, Ky. Our school is located on the Shamrock Coal tipple hill. It is very pretty up here. Some people call it the Smokey Mts. of Kentucky.

From the hill

If you would like to get in touch with us you can e-mail us at


If you would like to get in touch with our instructor


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This site was made by Lisa’s father-in-law.