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~BlaKeSleY's HoMe~

She screams to every sacred soul,
Through electric hazel orbs,
The ecstasy of this moment,
And how damned good it is,
To be alive.

To breath and beat and pulse and see,
Flow with fire blood,
Crimson and scorching,
Burning with,
The scars of life.

Can you fathom what I mean,
When I say that I’m happy.
Happy happy happy god damn you!!
Can you explain it to,
A lost heart searching.

Can you touch it with your lips?
Like you can his skin.
Liquid moonwater rippling with the tides,
Of burning blinding passion.

Can you taste it on your tongue?
Does it taste like her tears?
When she bleed for herself,
In the season of silent shadows,

Maybe you can see it with your eyes,
Does it glow in my smile?
And stealthily manifests itself
In the folds and crevasses
Of your sweet dream time subconscious

Well, let me bleed this blissful infection out of my veins,
And let it drip drop drip drop,
Into your seraphim kissed wounds.
And let you realize,
How damn good it is,
To be alive.

My StuFf


Poetry and such...

~SoMe Pic'S~


My liNkS

Versyte!! :) love you sha!

If you are lost, find yourself here!

Music, handed down by god and given to Trent Reznor.

Oh ..and by the way..This is Bob. Everyone say Hi Bob!! He's just my ramdom jumping egg.

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