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The members of Spirit Amazon and its younger tribe Amazon Dawn felt the need to create a Code echoing the qualities they thought should be honored by an Amazon. The members of both tribes offered a wide range of suggestions on their respective lists and where later sorted out by Lyssa of Spirit Amazon. Lyssa looked for common threads and put together a list of approximately 20 points to be voted on by both tribes. The members of each tribe put their voices together and the Spirit Amazon Code of Honor was born. When Spirit Amazn announced its disbanding and relocation under new leadership, Amazon Dawn was proclaimed a separate tribe. Since Amazon Dawn was originally created out of Spirit Amazon and its members helped create the Code, the Spirit Amazon Code of Honor will remain mazon Dawn' code of honor.

Tribe Amazon Dawn's Code of Honor

Please make note that for the sake of clarity within this writing I will use the feminine pronoun gender of her or she in this code. This does not diminish or dishonor our brothers in any way, for he is implied in every thought and word said here. He is Amazon.

1 Honor - An Amazon will honor the ways of her tribe. She honors the tribe's Goddess of choice, without relinquishing any of her personal belief values.
2 Respect - An Amazon respects their own integrity and that of others at all times including respect for the tribal and community laws.
3 Tolerance - An Amazon is tolerant of all races and beliefs. An Amazon acknowledges, accepts, and is tolerant of both sexes living within the tribe without question.
4 Responsibility - An Amazon's first and foremost responsibility is to the survival of the tribe, and secondly for her own actions which the tribe holds her accountable. An Amazon respect the fact she is an Amazon, whether she be Warrior class or cook, she is always an Amazon in thought, word and deed.
5 Honesty - An Amazon lives and dies by her word.
6 Loyalty - An Amazon is loyal to the tribe and takes part in decisions concerning the tribe as a whole.
7 Truth - An Amazon is true to their inner spirit. An Amazon knows her strengths and weaknesses and will not hide from them.
8 Compassion - An Amazon is compassionate. If a member of our tribe is attacked we will consider it an attack against us all. Amazons of the past would not have walked by a wounded sister, claiming it did not affect them. We will not ignore them no matter what weapon was used against them (words, persecution, injustice) we will protect them.
9 Courage - An Amazon is renowned for her courage when facing overwhelming adversity and sees her tribe as a source of strength. Thus an Amazon will in turn nurture the development of courage shown by other members of the tribe, and help to instill in them the will to fight injustices.
10 Wisdom - An Amazon is able to make choices and knows how to act and behave when faced with conflict. She always considers the overall well being of her tribe before taking action.
11 Dutiful - An Amazon follows the decisions of her Council Elders: understanding full well that a council exists to discuss and decide upon issues of extreme importance or issues upon which the tribe is divided.
12 Action - An Amazon reclaims her own Warrior power by taking action when called upon to act on behalf the tribe. She is a protector not a destroyer in all instances where her conduct is a reflection on the tribe as a whole.
13 Commitment - An Amazon is committed to her tribe as well as to her self. She will stand up for her beliefs and those of her tribe. She is honest, strong, and proud of who she is in the world.
14 Survival - An Amazon knows when to retreat from a battle that can not be won and chooses her battles carefully.
15 Leadership - An Amazon accepts life's challenges and meets them head on. An Amazon is self confident, and will foster this belief in her sisters and brothers, through education, training, and mentoring of younger and/or newer members of the tribe.
16 Flexibility - An Amazon is flexible and willing to see different points of view.
17 Cohesion - An Amazon understands that tribal cohesion is the most important thing in her life and will work hard to maintain stability within the tribe.
18 Diversity - An Amazon acknowledges and appreciates the diversity of our membership, knowing that our diverse backgrounds and beliefs can be a source of great pride and unity for her/him.
19 Humility - An Amazon is humble and will accept the support of her sisters and brothers when it is offered or needed.
20 Leadership - An Amazon acts as an ambassador for Amazon Dawn, knowing full well she is an inspiration to others in her community.

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(c) Antianara. Page set featured on this page created by Antianara for Amazon Dawn.