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January 22nd, 2002

Tribe Spirit Amazon:

It is with some sadness that your council comes before you today to
announce the closing of Spirit Amazon as a discussion list. This closure
will take place January 31st, 2001. Spirit Amazon as it exists today
will be no more, though the Spirit Amazon web site will remain open.

We do have some options to offer so that the list may go on as a new
tribe. First we'd like to see if anyone on the Spirit Amazon list would
like to take over this list as a moderator and if more then one is
interested that is fine too. We would love to hear from you, before the
31st of January deadline. There is a condition though for assuming this
list, you will need a new list name under which to operate as a totally
new discussion list, in other words Spirit Amazon becomes a new tribe in
the nation without its present council. The new list can elect it's own
council or operate with a moderator as you choose. Also Oversoul has set
up an intermediate list called Amazon Hearts that we will move this list
to on the 31st to give everyone a little more time for the decision
making process. If by Valentine's day there is still no one to assume
list ownership we will unsub everyone and close completely. Once the
list is up and running though we can and will transfer list ownership to
the new moderator.

The reason behind our need for the name change is that Oversoul and
Lyssa own the domain name of Spirit Amazon outright and they will be
keeping it for those reasons.

We are sorry, everyone, to bring you this news but the council feels the
time has come for changes. Spirit Amazon has had a great run in the
three years it has been in existence. It experienced growth and vigor
during the early years, but this third year has taken it's toll on
everyone and the list is no longer functioning as it was intended to. We
seem to have lost the vision of Spirit Amazon along the way, somehow.
What we all aspired to in the beginning just isn't happening anymore. We
feel a new spark needs to be found, a changing of the guard so to speak,
and so your council is stepping down to allow for new growth, and a new
vision in the tribe and the nation.

WE feel that perhaps the Amazon vision maybe best served by letting the
tribe find its way again under new leadership and a new name, perhaps
this is the way to help the Nation grow, by letting our sisters move on
to new beginnings. It seems to us to be the right thing to do.

A note about the guilds, Path of Silver bow will become an independent
list, as will the Warriors Guild, and Amazon Dawn, who has come of age
and may carry on as it's own tribe now. If other guilds would like to
launch out on their own please let us know.

The Gathering Committee will also still be active for this summer's
gathering, and people who are going there or have made commitments to
go, should join the Gathering list to stay in touch with goings on

The web ring will stay intact through Path of Silver Bow, the Spirit
Amazon web site, and through Amazon Dawn (again if they wish to carry

Please feel free to ask question and let us know if you are interested
in taking over the list during the next couple of weeks. Keep in mind
that the list will close some time on January 31st, with Oversoul
subbing everyone to Amazon Hearts, which a name we have chosen for the
interim, after that we will delete the Spirit Amazon list. We don't want
there to be any misunderstandings when this occurs.

We know this decision may come as a big surprise and then again maybe
not only time will tell. Please let's discuss this and get some new
leadership going and breathe new life into our Amazon hearts again.

Your Council,


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