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Mandi's homepage..HEY to all my friends old and new

hello,,my name is Amanda, I am 26 years old and this is a collection of my pics and my life,according to me. I love nature, reading, school,and spending time with my family, and if you ask anyone that really knows me they will tell you that I love my job. I opened my own child care center in Brandenburg KY in January of 2001. The link to my center is as follows, just highlight, copy then paste to the address bar, .I was born a December baby, on the 17th to be exact.I want to say hi to all my old friends and all of my new ones on here, there is one who especially touched my life and I would like to wish him joy and happiness in everything he does, congradulations on the baby,FLYBOY(thanks for the pic, and you just keep dreaming, and youll get all you ever wanted.) , I hope life treats you well, you will always be a big part of my life, and i will always remember you taking my jacket and holding it ransom for a single kiss. Good luck in life and look me up when you are in Brandenburg next time. Now on to bigger things, for those of you who have no idea what the previous is, or means, LOL here is my life, the life of Amanda Rose, enjoy all! Here is a poem that I wrote awhile ago for someone that I loved deeply. It meant alot to me.

ME from 2000 the most recent pic of me,

This is my heart attack picture for my dad. We played a joke on him,(you just have to know my father) the nose ring isn't real. I did have my senior pic on here, but it wouldn't up load right. ( me back in high school,) God I miss those days. When everything was so easy, all I had to do was go to school and sleep in class and never do any homework, and still somehow manange all those a's and b's. Hey Carrie with out you I would have never survived ANY of my math classes, Congradulations on you and your romeo getting married and your new baby girl!!! Patti, thanks for all the long talks and all the advice,,I should have listened. If I had listened I wouldn't be where I am now, and it's still ALL your fault LOL!!!!

Tim, my husband of 6 years

To the guy whom used to be my best friend in the whole world, and then we got married. It's been 6 long hard years, but I think we may just make it, with a little help from the good LORD up above and alot of prayer. I love you but we lost the friendship that we once had. I want my best friend back. The kids love you and think you are great. And I love you dearly. I have known Timmy since 2nd grade, when he moved here. Then my junior year in high school we started dating, We were married on November 17, 1995 we've been through alot, but you know what they say,,,People whom have only wonderful things happen to them, don't know how to be brave... for those of you whom want a recent pic of us,,, that is me and Tim,,that pic was taken on January 10, 2000...Aren't we happy? I will always remember the good times. for those of you who know me and tim, im going to put our addy's on here and our icq #'s and for those of you who want to know us,,those are for you also. email email drop us a line if you want to message me, you may add me to your list, spiceeee1 that is with yahoo messenger.I prefer msn messenger, that is with hotmail addy. Also you can check out the kentucky page at

Our Children

This is a picture of my little "angels", I will try to update this picture, as it is a few years old now. the oldest is our daughter, and then we have the twins. One was supposed to be a girl, but you all know how the modern technology stuff works right? 99.9% sure it's a girl, and then they say "Two big boys, Amanda, but didn't we see a girl all 5 times on the ultrasound", if they would have been tripletts, they would have had to have me committed. But they are good kids. Emily and the twins started school this year. Wheew, somewhat of a break. LOL