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Vet Order Form

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Horse's Name

All check-ups include Eye Exams, Ear Exams, hoof, etc., and general health.
Check-ups (Pre-purchase)
Check-ups (For all others)
Pregnancy Verification
Terminate a Pregnancy

These shots are needed to prevent diseases, they do not cure them once the horse has a disease. These shots are needed every 3 months in a horses life. If you age your horse, it will still need it's shots. For example: Your 5 year old black stallion just had his shots. If you age him 5 more years, the SPCA may take him away for not giving him shots for 5 whole years. So try to age your horses only a little at a time, so they can get their shots. The Rabies shot is needed every 3 months in a horse's life. EEE/WEE Shot, Equine Influenza Shot, Botulism Shot, Rhinopneumonitis Shot, Strangles Shot, Rhino Shot, Tetanus Toxoid Shot, Tetanus Shot, Anthrax Shot, VEE Shot, Equine Viral Arteritis Shot, Bute Shot, Coggins Shot $500.00 If you want your horse to get all of these shots, click this:
Yes I Want The Shots

Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) is a muscle disease which has been reported in certain lines of registered Quarter Horses, Appaloosas and Paints. Affected horses often display well-developed muscles and are often very successful when shown in halter classes. The condition may be seen in stallions, mares or geldings, can cross breeds and, therefore, is not limited to stock-type horses. The disease also closely resembles a heritable disease in man. Studies at the University of California at Davis Equine Research Laboratory have produced much needed information about the genetics, cause and control of HYPP in horses. An accurate blood test has been designed for diagnostic purposes as well as to identify carriers of the disease. HYPP Testing $500.00 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis is characterized by sporadic attacks of muscle tremors (shaking or trembling), weakness and/or collapse. Attacks can also be accompanied by loud breathing noises resulting from paralysis of the muscles of the upper airway. Occasionally, sudden death can occur following a severe paralytic attack, presumably from heart failure or respiratory muscle paralysis. If you want this testing click here:
Test My Horse For HYPP

If a horse ever gets Rabies, it can not be cured. Most horses with Rabies must be put down. So, make sure they get their Rabies shots every 3 months in their lives. If you age the horse 3 months, it needs to get it's Rabies Shot again.
Rabies Shot
Flu Shot

CID is a disease that effects the immune system (IN ARABIANS ONLY). The only thing you can do for a foal with CID (Other than put it down) is a bone transplant. 62% of the time, the foal still dies. Some adult horses have defects, that passes to the foal. Some stallions have this defect, but do not produce CID foals, and the foals are normal. But, even if the stallion has the defect, but does not produce CID foals, if he is bred to a mare who has the same defect, they will produce a CID foal. There is not a cure or vaccine for CID at this time. There is a test to see if your Arabian will produce a CID foal. A stallion who has a CID producing enzyme, will always sire foals with CID. Stallions who are known to produce CID foals, can not be used for breeding, and must be gelded. If all Arabians are tested before being bred, there will be an end to CID in the Arabian breed. All Arabian mare owners should check to see that the stallion of choice (Only if he is an Arabian) is CID free. There is nothing as devastating to find out, after the long wait, that your new foal has CID.
CID Test (Arabians Only)

Male horses can be gelded as young as 9 month old. Mares can have tubes tied at 3 years old
Follicle Removed

All horses will be boarded at Thunder Ridge in their veterinary facilities. Boarding does not include buying the feed (we will assume when you bring in your horse you will be bringing their feed as well). Horses can only stay when they are in surgery, stitches, artificial insemination, aportion etc. The price listed is for one day.
Yes I will Be Boarding My Horse

If you have a hurt horse, than you might want to have a vet monitor the horse. Also if your mare is in foal you may want her monitored. The vet will be there in case there is something that goes wrong. Any problems are extra, such as shots, tranquilizers, etc. WE ALSO ARE AVAILIABLE TO ATTEND SHOWS TO ENSURE THAT DISASTERS ARE LESS FREQUENT.
Vet Monitoring