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KymberLiegh's Home Page

Welcome to my page!!!
I am a 23 year old waitress for a large restaurant. I have 3 children, which are 8, 5, and 4.
I play Barbies, PowerRangers, and make mudpies with the best of them.

I Like entertainment, reading, dancing and listening to music.
I like to meet different people,and to travel.

The reason for the webpage is simple. To Thine own self be true.
(major shoutouts to BadBoy, thank you for gettin me to believe
in me). SO if you don't like me or the page, tough ta-ta's.

How bout some pics?

This is me, maxin and relaxin, doing my thang...I am 5,6
my weight is none of ya business...But don't I have nice eyes??

Me modeling---haha
This is my best side. My breasts are one of my best physical
attributes. Those are real authentic 44dd's.

See my tattoo,
This is my tattoo. The yellow rose. It has sentimental value.
I plan on gettin at least two more...