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After seeing so many graphic sites, and becoming very involved in making graphics myself, I decided to make my own graphic site.

The backgrounds here will be all memorial graphics.

They are for personal use only, no commercial sites. Unless you have permission from me.

Keep in mind you must download all the graphics to YOUR hard-drive, and upload them to your own server.

Also a little point about the headers and logos on these backgrounds, I made them transparent, so they look better with the background.

If for some reason some of the backgrounds or parts of the set aren't showing up for you, go back to my main homepage, and e-mail me exactly which ones aren't showing up, and I'll have a look at them, and try and fix them. Thanks.

Children Memorial Backgrounds

Men & Women's Memorial Backgrounds

General Memorial Backgrounds

Triple Backgrounds

J. Ann Masiker's Watercolor Angels Backgrounds

More to come soon!
