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Items these two Digidestined use on their journies.

~The Crest of Friendship~ Matt was troubled by his crest, because he didn't think he was a good enough friend to anyone. He ended up walking away from the others for a while to figure out the true meaning of the word "friendship". With the help of some encouraging words from Gabumon, he finally relized he had lots of friends, and re-joined the other Digidestined. The Crest of Friendship enables Garurumon to digivolve to WereGarurumon, and Gabumon to Warp digivolve into MetalGarurumon. His tag and crest were destroyed by Apocalymon, but the crest's meaning will always live in him. (Yuck, that was too poetic..)

~The Crest of Light~ This crest was a lot of troule for the Digidestined to find, but it was worth it. Wheh Myotismon got his hands on it, he was able to make copies of it. Gatomon was given one of the copies to locate the eighth child with, but Wizardmon later found the real Crest if Light in the water - 'cause it fell off of Myostismon's boat. On top of the TV station, Wizardmon gave the crest to Kari before he was killed by Myotismon's attack. In the episode "The Crest of Light", Kari's crest comes in use by reviving the weak Digimon and injured Numemon. With it, Gatomon can digivolve into Angewomon and Warp digivolve to Magnadramon. (Yes, it's Magnadramon. I saw the movie! She becomes her Mega form in it!) Like all the other crests, the Crest of Light was destroyed; But it was sorta reborn into the Digiegg of Light.

~Matt's harmonica~ Everyone's gotta love Matt's harmonica playing, but he doesn't play it just for fun. Matt believes it reflects what a person's feeling, and he likes to play it to match his mood, or cheer him up. (I like to think that it was his dad's, then his dad gave it to him. Who knows?) Anyway, it's the only thing (besides his clothes) that Matt brought to the Digiworld, and is definitely one of his trademarks.

~Kari's whistle~ Kari's had this thing since she was a baby. Through-out season 1 she has it on a chain, hanging around her neck. In the Digimon movie Kari wouldn't talk to Tai, but answer him in whistles; For example, a light blow into her whistle meant "maybe" and a loud blow into it for "no way!" The night Greymon fought Parrotmon, Greymon was hit unconcious by one of Parrotmon's attacks. Kari tried to blow her whistle as loud as possible to wake him, but she was crying so hard she couldn't find the strength to blow loud enough. (Luckily Tai took the whistle and woke Greymon up with it.) In the last episode of season 1, Kari gives her whistle to Gatomon to remember her by. (I now where a whistle on a chain everywhere I go - just like my second fav Digidestined ^^.)

~Digiegg of Light~ All the new kids have two Digieggs, but TK and Kari only get one. *crys* Well anyway, Kari finds her digiegg in a cave, right by TK's. She found the Digiegg of Light of course. With it, Gatomon can Armor digivolve like the others. She becomes Nefertimon: The Angel of Light.

~D3~ Izzy was the one who named this little thing. It stands for Digital, Discovery, and some other word.. ^^; I'll look into it later. Moving on - the new kids got a D3, and Kari and TK's digivices were turned into one when they found their digiegg. These things act just like a digivice. With these and a digiegg the Digimon can Armor digivolve. Hooray! (Kari's D3 is pink, not blue.)

~D-terminal~ Each of the new kids (and TK and Kari) got a D-terminal to help them communicate with the other kids. They also use this to help their Digimon Armor digivolve. It's a very handy little gadgit.

~Kari's camera~ Behold Kari's almighty camera!! *anime sweatdrop* Well, maybe it's not mighty, but it's pretty cool. Digital camera's rock! Kari wears this around her neck and takes pictures, which then get put on her computer. My dad has one of those things...

~Digivice~ Now how could I forget about the good ol' digivices? ^^ The original Digidestined had these instead of the stupid D3-things. These were made by the creatures who balance harmony in the world. *pause* (Don't ask.) Anyway, the Digimon don't really need these to digivolve; It's just a device to help the kids relize their true potential. But they sure do help the Digimon kick butt!!

