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Art Ideas

Clay Zoo Babies
You will need:
- 1 cup cornstarch
- a 1-pound box baking soda
- 1 1/2 cups water
In a large saucepan, mix cornstarch and baking soda together. Gradually add water. Cook over low heat, stirring the mixture occasionally. Stir constantly as the mixture gets bubbly, thickens, and forms a ball.
Remove from heat. Turn clay out onto plastic wrap or foil. It will thicken more after removing from heat, and will be cool enough to handle within a few minutes.
1. Tape waxed paper to the work surface. To make a turtle, break off 5 small pieces of clay about the size of a grape and 1 big piece the size of your fist. Roll each piece into a ball. For turtle shell, flatten the biggest ball with the palm of your hand.
2. For the legs, place 2 small balls on one side of the turtle's shell. Place the other 2 balls on the other side of the shell. Use the other small ball of clay for the head. Use a tiny piece of clay for the tail. Press the pieces onto the turtle's shell. To make a pattern on the shell, press the tines of a fork on the dough.
3. Use the remaining clay to make bears, snakes, or other animals. The creations you mold with homemade clay may take a few hours to a day to air-dry. To speed drying, place items on baking sheet in a 300 degree oven for 30 minutes. Shut off oven and let cool for 1 hour. Continue to air-dry until the items harden. Decorate clay zoo babies using paint or markers.
Monkeys in a tree
Hey, look! Do you see what's in the tree? Little monkeys, 1, 2, 3.
You will need:
1. Turn the piece of construction paper so the longest side is closest to you. Glue the tree trunk on the paper. Glue the grass to cover the bottom of the tree trunk. To make branches, fold a green paper strip in half. Glue the folded end on top of the tree trunk. Glue about 10 branches on your tree.
2. For monkey's body, put glue on the paper and place peanut on it. Use crayons to draw a face, legs and arms on peanut shell.
3. To make a monkey's tail, put glue in the shape of a tail on the paper. Lay a piece of yarn on the glue and let dry.
Big Cat Mask
Do you or someone you know have a pet cat or a kitten? Zoos have some really big cats, such as lions, tigers, and leopards. Make a cat mask, and pretend you're a big cat.
You will need:
1. Cut the paper plate in half. Have an adult hold one of the paper-plate halves up to the child's face to mark where to cut holes for eyes and nose. Cut out two triangles or circles for eyes, and a triangle-shaped piece for the nose.
2. Wrap one of the paper strips around a pencil to make it curl. Repeat until all of the strips have been curled. Glue the paper strips around the edge of the front side of the plate. Add more decorations to the mask with crayons and paper to make the type of cat you want.
3. For whiskers, take 2 pipe cleaners and fold them in half. Tape the folded pipe cleaners on one side of the nose. Do the same with the other 2 pipe cleaners. Have adults use a pencil to poke holes in both sides of the mask next to where the ears will be. Push a piece of yarn through each hole, and tie a knot to hold.

Circle Time Activities

Guess The Zoo Animal
I have baggy skin
I am very big
I pick up peanuts with my long nose.
(I'm a elephant)
I am big
I have a load roar
I am the king of the jungle.
(I'm a lion)
I am small
I am funny
I like to copy
I have a long, curly tail.
(I'm a monkey)
I have feathers
I have a beak
I put my head into a hole in the ground.
<P(I'm a ostrich)
Let's Talk
While showing the children pictures of some zoo animals, ask questions:
Different animals need different shelters for reasons of climate, habits, size, etc. Discuss these things using pictures.

Music and Movement

The Yellow Giraffe
The yellow giraffe is tall as can be.
(put hands up high)
His lunch is a bunch of leaves off a tree.
(put arm up for tree branches)
He has a very long neck and his legs are long too.
(point to neck and legs)
And he can run faster than his friends in the zoo.
(run in place)
Trip To the Zoo
(Sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques")
See the lion, see the lion, in his cage, in his cage.
Listen to him roaring, listen to him roaring...I can too, I can too!
(children roar)
See the monkeys, see the monkeys, in their cage, in their cage.
Hear them as they chatter, chitter, chitter, chatter...I can too, I can too!
(children chatter)
See the big bear, see the big bear, in his cage, in his cage.
He can stand on one leg, he can stand on one leg...I can too, I can too!
(children stand on one leg)
See the black snake, see the black snake, curled up small, curled up small.
He can be so quiet, he can be so quiet...So can I...So can I!
(children curl up on floor)
The Zoo
This is the way the elephant goes.
(clasp hands together, extend arms, and move them back and forth)
With a curly trunk instead of a nose.
The buffalo, all shaggy and fat, has two sharp horns in place of a hat.
The hippo with his mouth so wide, let's you see what is inside.
(hands together and open and close them to simulate mouth movement)
The wiggly snake upon the ground, crawls along without a sound.
(weave hands back and forth)
But monkey see and monkey do, is the funniest animal in the zoo.
(place thumbs in ear and wiggle hands)


Monkey-Face Sandwich
Does a monkey face make you giggle?
This tasty sandwich will put a smile on your face before and after you eat it.
You will need:
1. Lay a slice of bread on a cutting board. Press the can into the center of 1 slice of bread. Be sure to save the bread crusts. Repeat with remaining bread.
2. With a knife, spread the sandwich filling on 2 of the bread circles. Top with the 2 remaining bread circles. To make ears, use the pieces of bread crusts. Make eyes, nose, and mouth with raisins. To make them stick to bread, put a little sandwich filling on the raisins. Makes 2 monkey faces.
Baked Elephant Ears
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Start with this snack that's shaped like an elephant ear.
You will need:
1. Have adult break piecrust into little pieces in the bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of hot water. Mix with fork till the dough sticks together.
2. Sprinkle the wood board with flour. Pat your hands with flour. Form the dough into a big ball on the board and divide into 4 parts. Form each part into a ball. To make elephant ears, use your whole hand to flatten each ball. Press hard so that the dough gets thinner. It should be about 1/4 inch thick.
3. Place each piece of dough onto an ungreased baking sheet. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Place in shaker. Sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar topping on your elephant ears. Be careful not to get the sugar on the baking sheet. Have adult bake at 350º for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool.


"Nature ABC" by GWA Group

Nature ABC introduces preschool children to the wonderful world of animals within the range of the alphabet.
"A Day At The Zoo" by Hilda Young

"Zoo Animals" by Donald F. Hoffmeinster

This book has beautiful color pictures and is a great source of information on zoo animals.

"Wonder Why Book Of Animals At The Zoo" by Jean Mellanby


Visit a Zoo!
Many zoos have special programs and activities for children that will enhance their visit. There are many hands-on programs where children get to see some zoo animals up close or touch them. Contact the zoo before your next visit to see what it has to offer.



Two little monkeys, jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
We took him to the doctor and the doctor said:
That's what you get for jumping on the bed!


Have your child write down or tell you sentences about monkeys. All words in the sentence should begin with M as in monkey.
Monkeys move.
Monkeys mop.
Monkeys mimic motorcycles.
Monkeys mash melons.
Monkeys munch marshmallows.
Millions more monkeys made monster masks.



(Sung to the tune of "Skip to My Lou")

Verse 1:
I went to the city zoo,
Saw a camel and a gnu,
Saw an anaconda, too!
Animals are so charming.

Zoo, zoo, trip to the zoo,
Zoo, zoo, trip to the zoo,
Zoo, zoo, trip to the zoo,
Animals are so charming.

Verse 2:
I looked at the tall giraffe;
Watched a hippo take a bath;
And the monkeys made me laugh.
Animal are so charming.

(Repeat chorus.)

Verse 3:
The gorilla had some swings;
Penguins flapped their funny wings;
And the seals swam through some rings.
Animals are so charming.

(Repeat chorus.)

Verse 4:
Polar bears gave me a fright!
Zebras' coats were black and white.
Elephants stood at great height.
Animals are so charming.

(Repeat chorus again)


(Sung to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell")

We're going to the zoo,
We'll see a kangeroo
And a cockatoo.
So how 'bout you?
We're going to the zoo.

Lions roar and play,
With tigers so they say.
Elephants spray
And zebras neigh
At the zoo all day.




Ten little penguins,
Standing on the ice.
All of them are smiling,
They seem so very nice.
They play out in the snow,
All the winter long,
They eat a lot of fish,
Which makes them big and strong.


The big gray elephant slowly walks.
She doesn't make a sound.
She swings her trunk from left to right
When she puts her feet on the ground.
Swing, swing, left and right,
She doesn't make a sound.



"Who is the animal baggy and gray,
(Circle both arms.)
That walks in the forest with a sway?
(Sway both arms.)
Who runs around on big, big toes,
(Point to toes.)
And feeds himself with his nose?
(Point to nose.)
The elephant!"
(Clap hands 1 time.)



Of all the animals in the zoo,
I am the tallest. That is true.
Who am I? I am the giraffe.
I am brown and white with a little red,
And I have two knobs on the top of my head.
Who am I? I am a giraffe.
My neck is long, I am very tall,
But I don't have very much voice at all.
Who am I? I am a giraffe.
I have one big ear on each side of my head.
High up in the air is where I am fed.
Who am I? I am a giraffe.
I walk right up to the tallest tree.
And I eat the leaves that are good for me.
Who am I? I am a giraffe.




Provide spotted and striped fabric for zoo animals, Easter basket grass, fur bits, yarn, rope, leather scraps, cotton balls, paper scraps, wiggly eyes, etc. Have your child make a zoo picture using these materials on a piece of poster paper or heavy paper.


Let your child stack or fasten together small boxes for use
in making animals. Attach with masking tape. Supply rope or yarn for tails, buttons for eyes, scrap leather or felt scraps for tongues.


Use discarded socks to create various zoo
animal puppets. Cut horns, ears, eyes, and spots from colorful construction paper. Staple, glue, or tape them to the socks. For an elephant's trunk, roll the foot of the sock to form the trunk. Use strips of tape to hold the trunk together. Create a brief skit for your child to use his puppet.



Bettinger, Craig. Follow Me Everybody
Bridges, Will. Zoo Babies
Carle, Eric. Do You Want to Be My Friend?
Conklin, Gladys. Little Apes
Flack, Marjorie. Ask Mr. Bear
Greene, Carla. I Want to Be a Zookeeper
Hader, Beda and Elmer Hader. Lost in the Zoo
Hoffmeister, Donald. Zoo Animals
Ipcar, Dahlov. Black and White
Krauss, Ruth. Bears
Munari, Bruno. Zoo
Rojankovsky, Feodor. Animals in the Zoo
Schlein, Miriam. Heavy is a Hippopotamus
Slobodkina, Esphry. Caps for Sale
Stewart, Elizabeth. The Lion Twins
Taylor, Mark. Henry Explores the Jungle

I hope you have enjoyed my page of zoo activities! Let me know what you think!
And if you have any suggestions or
contributions to the page, please mailto:littlepixeydaycare@usa.netThanks!

Foxy Fox Tag Game

Choose 1 child to be It. The object of the game is for the other children to not get tagged by It.

Everyone forms a large circle around the person who is IT (the Fox), they can hold hands if you like. The children in the circle then chant, "Foxy Fox, Foxy Fox, what are you doing?" and then wait for the Fox to say a response. The Fox responds by saying an action sentence such as, brushing my teeth, or washing my hands, or combing my hair, and so forth. However, if the Fox replies with chasing you, the children should run to try to avoid being tagged by the Fox. The first person tagged becomes the new fox.



Five Animals Song


Five animals living in the barn.
The horse walked out the door.
And then there were four.

Four animals living in the barn.
The cow went to lay under the tree.
And then there were three.

Three animals living in the barn.
The pig found some corn to chew.
And then there were two.

Two animals living in the barn.
The goat was on the run.
And then there was one.

One animal living in the barn.
The duck went for a swim and lay in the sun.
And then there were none.

(I have a big red barn. Before the fingerplay, I have each child find a animal that is in the fingerplay. We put them in the barn; and when I say the animals name, we pull it out of the barn.)

Five Little Monkeys Swingin' in the Tree Fingerplay

Submitted by Bobbi

Five little monkeys swingin' in the tree,
(hold up hand with 5 fingers extended, swing the hand from left to right)

Teasin' Mr. Alligator, "Can't catch me! Can't catch me!"
(Shake head "no" and point to self each time you say, "Can't catch me!")

Along comes Mr. Alligator
(palms together, thumbs up to sort of look like alligator's head. Make a motion as if swishing through water)

Quiet as can be.
(Said very quietly, with forefinger on lips)

And snatched a monkey out of that tree!
(arms far apart with one on top one on bottom to resemble alligator's jaws. On "snatched" bring together with large clap)

Repeat with 4, 3, 2, 1 monkeys, then add this line:

Away swims Mr. Alligator
(palms together, thumbs up to look like alligator's head -- make swimming motion)

Full as can be!
(Pat stomach)


Kangaroo Race

Players line up at a starting line and put a balloon between their knees. At the signal, the players must hop to the goal line and back. Optional: When the players reach the start line again, they have to sit on their balloons and pop them.


Five Little Monkeys

Submitted by Bobbi

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
(Hold up 5 fingers, jump them up and down)

One fell off
(make hand "crash" sideways)

And bumped his head
("bonk" yourself in the head).

Mama called the doctor
(one hand held up with thumb and pinky extended like a telephone receiver, the pointer on the other hand "dials")

And the doctor said, "That's what you get for jumping on the bed!"
(wag pointer finger)

Repeat for 4, 3, and 2 monkeys. Then:

One little monkey jumping on the bed
(1 finger bouncing up and down)

HE fell off
(same as before)

And bumped his head
(same as before)

Mama called the doctor
(same as before)

And the doctor said, "KEEP THOSE MONKEYS OFF THAT BED!!!" (wag finger).

Three Little Monkeys


Three little monkeys jumpin' on the bed
("jump" 3 fingers on palm of other hand)

One fell off and bumped his head
(3 fingers fall off hand and bop your own head with palm of hand)

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
(hand up to ear like telephone)

No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed
(shake index finger at "monkeys")

Continue until there are no more monkeys