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Elaine's HomePage

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.My name is Elaine and I have three children. Their ages are 23,21 and 18. I had a Spitz named Buster that was a Christmas gift from my kids.I moved in May and Buster disappeared.I also have a cat named libby( which is actually my daughters cat) I worked in a hospital as a nursing assistant and activity director.My job now is supervisor in a factory .I enjoy clogging and just about any other kind of dancing.I am divorced,and even though it was tough I can honestly say I am a stronger person today because of it.I do not trust easily but once you do gain my trust I'll be a friend for life!

I am an open and honest person and I enjoy spending time with my friends and family.I have some great friends that have really been there for me through the good times and the bad..I would like to mention just a few of my closest friends:Theresa (one of my bestfriends) she's like a sister to me.Stephen (my other best friend: he has laughed and cried with me through alot of things over the years, helped me laugh when I got dumped by some guy, he's always tried to look out for me even though at times I"d get mad at him, he even told me that guys were dogs and to not trust any of them),Michelle (Stephen's wife)Tim and Beth,Bobbe(my Clogging pals),and Jean,and I can't leave out Mike(you make me laugh when I"m down and know me too well sometimes),and of course Roger,Nancy,Jane,Betty,Linda,and Dorothy,Aaron and his wife Jean. My other clogging friends are Smiley, Suzanne, Jordan,Milath,Carol and Charlie.We used to get together to learn new routines, dance and just have fun and act silly together. I've been a part of this group for about 10 years now and even though we may miss a step now and then we have fun doing it! I don't get to see this group now as my work schedule interfers.

I have also met some great people over the net: Penny,Everett,Jeff,Ken,Linda and of course I can't leave out my pal Rob.Without these guys the last few years would have been hard to get through but with your support and love I got through it all..Thank each and everyone of you for caring about me! We have laughed and cried together, shared thoughts and gotten to know each other and become close even though we may never meet..

I have three kids as I mentioned, and they are my life.Angie and Ashley are in college at Western Ky. University and both plan to teach.They were rooming but now both have apartments of their own.Both my girls graduated with honors and were on the National Honor Society. They both have also received the presidential award of excellence.Bill has now graduated and is going to Lexington Community College. He plans to transfer to UK after his first year is over.I am very proud of all my children and want only the best for them. They are the reason I keep going. I also have 3 more children that I have grown to love as my own, my son's girlfriend (Cindy),Ashley's Boyfriend(Justin)and my boyfriend John's son (Andrew). I love you too guys!

AS for love, I don't know what the future holds for me.I am now with a guy that I never thought existed for me.He is one in a million and I am very lucky to have found him. His name is John and he is just wonderful.I don't know what is ahead for us but I will take it a day at a time.He showed up just when I had decided love was not in the cards for me.We laugh and have fun together.I just know I havent had much luck with relationships and maybe now its my turn. Love hurts sometimes.I have finally found my Mr. Right and I just hope he will be my bestfriend too. I moved in with him in May and it just gets better and better. This man is amazing and has shown me what Love is really all about. I never thought I would find what I have found with him. Just looking across a room at him makes my heart skip a beat. I love spending time with him,riding the 4 wheeler,going out dancing in his arms or just cuddling on the couch and the gentle way he teases me.We don't get to spend as much alone time as I"d like but we make the most of the times we do have. I have been through alot but I"ve had great friends to help me through the rough times. Well,I hope you enjoy my work here, it took me a long time to do this and I think I didn't do too bad. *L* Please come back and visit again and don't forget to sign my guestbook! I promise to add updated pictures on of these days. I can't wait to add some of my guy so all can see how lucky I am.

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Angels Watching over us.... Angels come into all of our lives in a variety of ways. They have always been with us, in every time and culture. Angels appear when they're least expected. And they are just as unpredictable in what they say or do. Their closer presence is deeply encouraging-just the helping hand for which so many of us have been praying. They are with us whether we believe in them or not. The Angels are here.....

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