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Hey! Long time huh? Sorry, but between school, and band, and prom committee, and National Honors Society, I have no time. I got my learner's permit January 22nd, so I have been driving (my mom says I'm scary). I also got a car. It is a white 1990 Chevy Corsica with about 97,000 miles on it. It only cost $500. Cool huh? I also got a prom date! He is one of my FRIENDS. Even though my friend says I like him, and that because he is traveling 5 hours to go with me, he likes me too. Whatever. Prom is less than 2 weeks! I can't wait, but I am definately not ready yet. There is still lots I have to do. Story of my life, always busy and procrastinating. Humph! Let's see... Did you see the new episode of Invader Zim? He, he! If you guys and gals like Jhonen Vasquez (the creator of Invader Zim), you'll love his buddy Roman Dirge. My best friend says Jhonen's comic "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" is the best, but I think Dirge's series "Lenore" is much better. If I ever get time I am going to add a page on her. Well I gots stuff to do, so I'll see you peoples later! If you have any questions, my e-mail address is posted below. G.I.R. and I thank you for visiting. Please come back soon! ... P.S.... G.I.R. says to tell you all, "I loved-ed you piggy... I LOVED-ED you!"

Some Sizzlin' Links

My picture gallery page
My best friend's Invader Zim Page
Invader Zim Obsessive Anonymous
Immortilizing the Moment
Help lots of people......FREE!
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-Last Updated: April 02, 2002-