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|Friendship | Family | Life |Tough Stuff |


"I've finally stopped running away from myself.  Who else is there to be better?" -Goldie Hawn



Friendship- " A true friend is one who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else." -Len Wein

Friends are good to have, but I do not like those who are not trustworthy, honest, etc.  I do not like girls spreading rumors about me or those who just can't stop talking. A good friend to me is someone that I feel comfortable around with, can talk to about anything situation, honest, trustworthy, reliable, someone who can include people in a group, who would not betray me, give me their attention, and advice.  I will treasure that person in my heart because of all they have gone through for me.



Sure I love families because they do things for me. :)  I have a nice grandmother.  "If mom says no, grandmother will say yes." hehe. I think I lack the emotional feelings that I should be getting from my parents, that is why I have such low-self confidence in myself... or do I?  Overall... in my opinion I think my family is like any other normal typical family.




I defiantly love to learn.  School wise is okay, but I like to gain experience and go out into the world.  I just want to know how do everything (that interest me though) such as sailing, dancing, playing the piano, how html works, :-p roller blading, or learning to play sports or just riding a bike (which I mastered the skill already).  I don't think life is that bad (maybe because I look forward to learning stuff so much).  At times it can get difficult with situations occurring that makes me depressed, sad, angry or mad... but with the help of good friends, I have overcame my problems. :)


Tough Stuff- "There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain."- R.D. Laing

I have had some tough time in my life.  I got to say a big thanks to my journal, Creeps for just being able to let me express myself freely.  I personally think that pain occurs between people because they have become a part of their lives.  I would cry if the pain got me really bad.  After crying I would be all fine again.  I know I may be a little to old to cry, but it helps me to get through the tough stuff. :) 


All of the content, ideas, and thoughts here is not to be copied.
These are my ideas and thoughts, so back off if you don't agree with me.

Simply Me!

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