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Maria - I just wanted to say you have became a part of my life. Thanks for all your help and just giving me the time to listen and talk to me. Thanks for all you have done. It was nice getting to know you throughout these two years at Beaumont! I hope I'll be able to know you better and become close friends in the years to come.

Kaela -  You inspire me to work on my site every time I see how goods yours was.  Your html skills look really good!  Thanks for your influence and help. Keep up the good work on your site!

Roger- You're going to be someone whom I'll cherish forever in my heart for all you've done for me.

Tony, Rixin, John, Steve, Manny, Mike, Simon-  Thanks for inviting me to the hangouts, movies, parties, etc. and making me feel welcome.  It means so much to me.  You guys will me my long time good buddies, especially Rixin....(It's been about 10 years... long time!)  Thanks for all you've done!  You guys Rock! 

Jen, Ying, Amy-  Hey gals! What's up?  It's been a while since we've talked!  Ying and Amy just wanted to say thanks for all you've done these past years!  Jen, hope to know you better in the future.  Nice to have you around in the hangouts, so i won't be the only gal there!  It was nice to have all of you guys around!  You guys are great gal buddies! :)

Stephanie J. -  Hi.  Thanks for being my first buddy at Beaumont!   Hope you are enjoying your High School years!  Hey go out with a guy! :-p have some fun!

Danielle S.-  No sex until Marriage! :-p

Thomas N.- You are very talented in html, school, music...and so much more! Thanks for your great advice and knowledge you've given me!  Hope I'll get to meet you one day! :) 

Mike Li- Sup?  how's it goin'? You're a awesome buddy! Hope to get to know you more about you in the coming years.

Kent- Thank-you so much for all your help!  I have never met anyone as nice as you. Hope to get to know you better in the future. :)

Beaumont Class of 2004- Hope to get to know you guys better in the future!

Note:  These do not go in any specific order.  If I miss anyone, please don't be offended or get mad.  Just let me know and mail me at and I'll add you on. 

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