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I Have Something To Say

Here, be awed by the genius that is myself. This is a notebook of sorts; profiling my thoughts, musings, and mumblings. Plus if you're lucky, I'll detail an enlightening experience or two. Updated monthly, sort of.

September 2000:
  • A Year Apart -- Reflections on a summer gone right.
    October 2000:
  • Synonymous -- Why infections and old romances are more alike than you think.
    November 2000:
  • Evil Testing Services -- Why is my entire future riding on one number?
    January 2001:
  • I Can Drive! -- With my apologies to Gloria Gaynor.
    April 2001:
  • Kitty Consciousness -- My cat helps me leave one part of my life behind and get ready to face the future.
    September 2001:
  • September 11, 2001 -- Another day of infamy.
    December 2001:
  • "Before Long, There Will Be Short" -- It's time for my hair to go.
    May 2002:
  • Not Entirely Wasted -- Thirty-four thousand dollars later, I'm a little smarter.

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